Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hitting a milestone

Image hosted by Photobucket.com 

I'm so excited!  I just logged into my journal and see that I am only two hits away from 1,000 on my counter.  That is very exciting since I just started blogging here in J-land last month. 

While I feel very inadequate in so many ways creating my little journal, I recognize already how far I have come, learning all the details to perk up my entries. When I started this journal, I had never heard of:  J-land, FTP space, tags, anis, blinkies or avatars.  I did not understand the benefits of when to use Text vs HTML. I did not know how to add a link to my journal.  I thought PSP only stood for Playstation something.  I had not heard of PhotoBucket or Flickr and so many other wonderful sites that can help you improve your online experience.  WOW!  What a ride!

Thanks to so many of you for your invaluable assistance answering my questions.  I've got lots more!!  Special thanks to Patrick of Patrick's Place and John Scalzi. They have been patient teachers of this newbie. 

And, to those of you who are quickly becoming my Journal friends, thank you for all your beautiful, humorous and thoughtful entries.  You inspire me!  I'd like to encourage you to look at my Other Journals list.  I have recently added several more links to some journals that I have found to be very worthy of a visit. Several are from countries outside the USA and they will add to the texture of your life.

I welcome your visits.  I hope my entries are worth your time.  I love your comments. It is like having your yearbook signed.  I plan to continue to learn and improve.  And, one day I will stop holding my breath when I hit the Save button, wondering if what I intended matches, what will ultimately appear on the screen.



Anonymous said...

WTG on reaching a milestone! Love the butterfly graphic! Isn't it neat to be able to do all these wonderful things on the computer and then share it with friends you have made online?

I enjoy reading your journal and look forward to many more months of signing your yearbook, LOL.


Anonymous said...

It is like a yrbook signing isnt it!? :) I LOVE IT! I'm so glad I started reading your journal as well! :) Its great!

I'd also like to state that Tag Lounge has been awesome isnt it!? :)

Anonymous said...

Dang girl, thats great!  I remember being so excited when I hit 500... and that was months after I started!  Way to go!

Anonymous said...

It's fun to see that counter go up. You are doing a great job with your journal and I love stopping by and seeing what you have been up too! Keep it coming! Robin


Anonymous said...

Congrats! and geeze I've never heard of half the stuff you listed LOL... I guess I better stop my ignorance and start browsing around! lol
<3 amanda

Anonymous said...


Congrats on ur milestone and ur journal is a hit!  The other journals you have listed look really interesting, i'm definitely gonna check them out.



Anonymous said...

Ok it is at 1036 with my visit way to go:)


Anonymous said...

Hi Donna I found your journals link in Amandas journal and thought i'd stop by and check you out!  I enjoyed your journal hope you will come by and say hi!
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your milestone! Now, onward and foreward to 10,000 and we'll have a party in your honor!! Take care

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you've only been going a month and yet you've mastered all those wonderful graphics. I've not been doing it long myself (and had a 4 week break!) and I still have trouble getting the basics right! Well done you!!!
Tilly x