Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Sunday Seven Episode 4 from Patrick's Place

To join in the fun, go see Patrick for details.

Of the movies in your current DVD or VHS collection, name seven (in no particular order) that you have watched enough times to make your friends suspect that there might be something wrong with you but that you can't imagine not watching again.

1.  Urban Cowboy - I truly wanted to list seven John Travolta films but I controlled myself.

2.  Amadeus

3.  The King and I (The original version)

4.  The Christmas Story (about the little boy who wanted a bb gun)

5.  Babe ("That'll do, Pig.")

6.  The Wizard of Oz

7.  One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Being such a huge movie buff, this was a very tough assignment.  There are many movies that I have watched repeatedly but I think this list is a pretty fair representation of my eclectic interests. 

This was fun!


Anonymous said...

I take it you are a great John Travolta fan; I remember him from Welcome Back Kotter (am I old or what?)

great list; I think I've seen 1/2 of them on your list.


Anonymous said...

I love babe too!!! : )
<3, em

Anonymous said...

Oh many ya, A Christmas Story! I can't count how many times I watched last year! Oh my...I forgot "Its A Wonderful Life!" Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Amadeus is a good movie! I own that one!

Anonymous said...

great list....
