Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Me? Idiosyncrasies? Nah!


 -      id·i·o·syn·cra·sy – a personal peculiarity, mannerism; structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group


Write down five of your own personal idiosyncrasies and then, if you wish, tag five people.  Include your list in the comments here or, if you have a journal, come back and add a link in the comments section, so we can check out your personal quirks. It’s only fair!!

1. I do not talk when I first wake up.  I am so not a morning person and for at least thirty minutes my Greta Garbo attitude, "I vant to be alone!" is in full swing.  I don't smoke or drink coffee so I just have to wait for something to kick-start my day.  Any suggestions?


2.  I have a thing about soup broth with anything floating in it. I can eat a thick beef stew but I just cannot stomach a vegetable soup.  If it is a thin liquid with floaty things, I'm outta there.


3.  Don't ask me to work up a sweat!  I do not care if it is an activity I love or not, I do not ever want to feel drops of moisture forming on my body, much less rolling off of me.


4.  I cannot sleep unless a fan is blowing directly on me.  Ceiling fans are not enough - they are too far away.


5.  I may not always remember a name but I NEVER seem to forget a face.  Best example of this:  I saw a distinguished man at church and realized he was the son of friends of my parents, in another city, when I was in Junior High and he was in college.  And, it had been 25 years since I had last seen him or his family.  I just had to approach him and verify that he was the guy I remembered.  Yes, it was and he was married and a father of three teenagers by then.  Freaky!


Okay.  That is enough about me.  Now about you.  Tough decision so I decided to tag the following ten folks to kick this off:












Anonymous said...

I was told that if meat is floating in soup, it's cat. So maybe you have the right idea.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine; thanks, this was fun, Donna.


Anonymous said...

Okay, here are my answers...I think they are boring. See for yourself. Robin

Anonymous said...

Yippeeee...  This could be fun!  I'll see what I can whip up and get back to you with my link.

Anonymous said...

1.  Like you I am not a morning person and please don't speak to me for at least 30 minutes.

2. I hate when people are using the bathroom while I am on the other end of the phone and they are asking for a job.  Call me crazy.

3.  I can't sleep without socks on.  I can sleep without everything esle but I must have socks.

4.  I hate it when people ask for a pen when they come to fill out a job application.  They knew what they were going to do when they left the house, bring a pen, duh.

5.  When I see a kid picking their nose and eating it makes my stomach turn.  Please Please for the love of God don't do that ewwwwwwwww.


Anonymous said...

These Are Mine
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

LOL I share many of your idiosyncrasies. Especially the morning one!

Anonymous said...

1. I enjoy the feeling I get when I clean my ear, I understand the impulse a dog has to shake its leg when an itch gets scratched.... ahhhhhhhhh!  Its almost better than sex. (hey, I said ALMOST!)
2. I will make a person stand out on the porch rather than invite them into a messy house, and yet I love visiting my friends and family's houses when they are messy because I don't feel so bad.
3. I'll talk about farts, bathroom habits and other disgusting things with just about anyone, but won't seriously discuss money, religion or politics in public.
4. I will never lie, but I'll beat around the bush until it keels over and dies to avoid having to tell an unpleasant truth.
5. I love to buy shoes but hate to wear them.  I run around barefoot all year round and only put on shoes when I have to leave the yard... yes, even in the snow.

Anonymous said...

Here are mine!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I finally have these alerts figured out, and I got yours at a great time. Funny stuff. I'll remember: no floaties in your soup!

I like the Journal, and I'll be back!
