Friday, November 11, 2005

Does it matter that I am heterosexual?

What I need is a good wife!  If I had a wife to help me take care of the details in my life I am certain things would go smoother!  I have three blouses that need buttons replaced.  I have bills that need to be paid.  I have last month’s personal paperwork that needs to be filed.  I have dry cleaning that has to be picked up before it becomes a donation to the Salvation Army.  My plants need to be watered. My prescription has expired.  And, I’d like a nice home cooked meal for a change!


I’d like my wife to find out if my insurance will cover laser eye surgery.  And, while she has the insurance company on the line, maybe she could find out how much dental coverage I have left this year.  Of course, that is probably about four phone calls!  It would certainly be a huge help if she would find a good deal on airline tickets, get the oil changed on the car, stop at the post office for the pretty stamps and write out the Christmas cards.


But the most important thing my “wife” could do for me, is help me remember birthdays!  She would have already marked the appropriate days on the calendar, bought the stamps, looked up the addresses and laid everything out in front of me.  It would certainly keep me out ofthe dog house with dear friends! 


Sorry, Mr. M.  Mea culpa!  Mea maxima culpa.  


Anonymous said...

I'm available for hire!

Anonymous said...

We all need a wife!



Anonymous said...

((((Donna)))) Too cute!!! I love this entry!

My Birthday is 4/26 *wink*

One down a million gazillion to go!!!

Much Love...hmmmm....Dear, LOL!

Barbie @>--------

Anonymous said...

I think you need a maid :) or a butler - that's even better :)


Anonymous said...

yeah u stole my idea

i need multiple wives, and a husband or two also


the wives can do all my housework and kid work for me

and my husbands can do all the money and love making lololol

got it good

maybein another couplehundred years

theworld will realize

that we can create ourown lil villages to raise our children ....villages of entire familes LOLOL

is that what she meant maybe? we all know THEIR marriage is a village anyhow LOLOL



Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. why, you actually make it sound like "wives" are worth something!  Gosh.. why does a man never think of that?...

Anonymous said...

That is not a wife, that is a personal assistant. Hire a student once a week for a few hours - keep a running list.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but an entry about a personal assistant would not be as funny.  :-D

Anonymous said...

That's a good idea.  I want one too.
Especially the part about reminding me of birthdays. :)