Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Looking for the silver lining

I am displaying this with pride.  There are a lot of you in J-land who can't!  Nanny, nanny, boo-boo.


Even though I was not nominated for a VIVI Award this year, I do want to thank Terra, again, for her kind recognition of my journal in this week's Guest Editor Pick. (I keep telling myself the reason I did not get a nomination was because my journal was only two months old when the nominations started.  If I find out another journal was "younger" than mine and still got a nod, I am going to be really bummed out.  Just don't let me find out!!)


Here are the top 8 things I like about being a Guest Editor's pick.  (Hey, it's late and I don't have David Letterman's staff.)

8.  There is no preparation necessary when you are picked.  You can just sit there and be yourself.

7.  You do not have any pressure to write a clever entry worthy of national scrutiny. 

6.  You do not have to hunt for a bunch of URLs of other people's journals.

5.  You don't know it is coming so you do not have time to get giddy and post an embarrassing entry.

4.  Lots of people come visit your journal that would not have seen it otherwise.

3.  You learn about a lot of other journals that are new to you.

2.  You will always be in the AOL Editor Picks archives.

And, the #1 reason I like being featured as a Guest Editor's Pick is ....

You don't have to post a picture of yourself that keeps flashing on the screen all day, every day for a week.



Anonymous said...

haha i know exactly what you mean ; )
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

well i love ur journal and did before the editor of the week pic came back, who which is a j-land friend of mine, skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipped right over me LOL
(less attention is better for my intents contents and purposes lol)

but anyway, ur a funny lady and i'm happy to read ur journal!



Anonymous said...

I think your pic would have been a nice addition to the AOL Jorunals welcome page for a week.  Congatulations on being picked!  You've got a great journal.

Anonymous said...

Ya know Donna....you may have jinx yourself...hmmm do I see a guest editorship coming your way???
...And yes I feel much better now...

Anonymous said...

I liked this, Donna! So there is always next year for the ViVi - who knows - guest editor's pick one week - ViVi award winner another; it is possible :)

I like your journal and how you write and I know others do too. So who know?


Anonymous said...

wow, congrats on the guest editor!!  

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and your wonderful journal.  Hope you are guest editor soon, so you can flash your picture for a full week.




Anonymous said...

I really hope you are guest editor soon so we can see your pic everyday for a week.


Anonymous said...

Oh my...  This is priceless material here!  Love the graphic AND the list.  You got me laughing!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, nice job!

Anonymous said...

Two months old ?  You have a good excuse.  I've been here for a year and a half! Bottom line is, I have met some great people, which has been reward enough ( although I wouldn't turn my nose up at one, if the opportunity presented itself ! )  I don't know how I found myself here , but  I really enjoyed my visit.  I loved the pic of you and the other journaling gals getting together.  I have been trying to think of a way to get some kind of journaling gathering organized.  Not an easy task, seeing as how we are so spread out, but some people had expressed interest in it in the past.  Now, wouldn't that be fun ??   Tina http://journals.aol.com/onemoretina/Ridealongwithme

Anonymous said...

I hope you know how much I love your journal!

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

my daughter sometimes has to add a few lines just so I can write in my journal.lol enjoyed your journal. http://jounals.aol.com//goincrazy/

Anonymous said...

Your journal was fun to read!

Thank you for listing my journal in your Other Journals!

Your top 10 was funny and made me laugh.

Keep writing and I will be back!

Mary Louise



Anonymous said...

I love your #1 reason if only because I allowed Joe choose the pic for me....ugh!