Saturday, November 26, 2005

Keywords and Transitions for a Dust Bunny Gal

I have remained relatively low key about my unhappiness with AOL and the garish ads they have slapped on our journals.  I do not want to stomp and scream and respond in a way that will cause how I express myself to be dismissed as over reacting, drama or impulsive.  I have given this much thought and have been taking the necessary steps to prepare for my transition to another journal home. (It is a tedious process but one I feel is necessary.) 

Before I share the simple steps I am taking to make the move smoother, I want to tell you about a conversation I had with AOL yesterday.  While visiting with my parents over Thanksgiving, I told them of the recent events and how AOL was behaving with little apparent concern for their paying customers. One thing led to another and, after helping my dad obtain another Internet provider, we then placed the call to AOL to notify them of my father's decision to drop their service.  He let me do the honors and I eagerly waited for the question as to why AOL was losing a customer. 

I was gracious but firm when I explained to the customer service representative that since my parent's free trial period was coming to a close they had decided not to stay with AOL.  When the rep pressed me further I told him about my length of time with AOL and since I was leaving my parents no longer saw the benefit of continuing the service. 

The CSR had obviously had to explain about the ads and pop-ups many times and he proceeded to tell me how I could get rid of the ads through a plethora of options AOL offered.  "Yes, I have done that (and it leaves a big gap on the screens), but will it prevent anyone coming to my journal from seeing what I may or may not have eliminated?"  No.  They would not be able to block the ads but if they were part of the AOL community they could follow steps one thru fourteen and delete/block the ads themselves.  'Nuff said.  I asked the CSR to please pass my expressed unhappiness on to "the powers that be" even though I had little hope of a satisfactory resolution.  He then told me about an AOL option I have not seen posted onany other site.  (If you have already passed the word on this, I apologize for taking your time.) 

Go to Keyword and type in "Member Feedback."  This particular form is directed straight to the corporate office in Virginia.  Interestingly enough, you will not find Member Feedback on the "M"s when you are "exploring keywords."  You can find "Tell AOL" but that is handled by staff and not Corporate.

Please share this information to anyone you feel might be interested.

Here are the steps I am finding helpful when transitioning away from AOL.  I do not want to lose touch with so many of you that have become an important part of my life. I can already see that we are continuing our feeling of community with our blogspot journals and I expect to see it grow. 

1.  I registered for Bloglines.  This is the easiest way to copy and paste all the URLs of the journals I wish to read when they post.  Bloglines will then notify me when one of my friends adds a new entry.  [A plus to this option is you can see the name of the journal that has posted rather than a generic alert notification.]

2.  I started a new journal among the many free blogging sites.  I am very understanding of advertising when the journal service is free.  (That is why it never bothered me for the AIM journals to have the ads.  It was a trade-off in my eyes.)  I have chosen

3.  I am notifying interested parties of my new journal location.

4.  I have started copying and pasting my AOL entries into their new home.  With Blogger I have the latitude to back date the entries to the date when I originally posted.  This will also give my new readers a chance to easily read my earlier works as they are re-posted.

5.  Luckily I was already using for saving graphics and pictures to use in emails and my journal.  I am still trying to get use to the graphic side of my blogspot but then I had a learning curve at AOL, too, when I was new.

6.  I am trying to be gracious about leaving and not in your face about my decision.

7.  I will continue to post in both locations (as it is appropriate) until the transition is complete. 

I hope you will stick with me and continue to find my little piece of cyberspace worthwhile.

Thank you.



Anonymous said...

I am here with ya!!! ANd I will so enjoy the trip down memory lane and revisit the old entries as new again!

On my way to check out the digs!


Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,

I totally respect your decision to move on and after today I shall post comments over at blogspot. So glad you signed up with bloglines (which I for one wish I had known about sooner!!) as there is no excuse for any of us to lose touch (one click and all that!)

Because so many people have moved all at once, there is already a sense of community over there, so you should fit right in.

Lots of love and I'll see you over there!

Tilly xx

Anonymous said...

We will continue posting at both journals (and duplicating the posts) so that no one offended by the ads have to see them until the date when we switch to a new ISP (we are still exploring options) but in each post, we intend to offer a protest. When AOL loses most of its subscribers and realizes that there are few left to see the ads, they may finally understand the harm that they brought upon themselves.
Bon & Mal

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info from AOL, Donna. Good luck at your new home :) I've been to a few journals at Blogger and find them easy to use to leave comments and such.
Have an official open house when you settle in, okay?


Anonymous said...

You'll love it.  So many new things to learn.  As angry and hurt as I was over the shock of it all, I really see this as a blessing.  And we're getting settled in and learning all the new phone numbers and stuff.

You will be bringing potato salad to the block party, eh?

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

I'm with you girlfriend, but then you knew that already.  lol.  Good luck on the transition.  And bloglines is AWESOME!!  It is wonderful and i love being able to read everyone's post all at one time.  Welcome!


Anonymous said...

I for one am sorry to see you "move".

With just a few clicks the pop-ups are blocked.
That's why I've never seen ad 1. BUT I had the pop-ups blocked before AOL decided to play dirty.

I don't care to see anymore ads than I have to or can't avoid with simple settings.

The entire internet is all about advertising.
Why should AOL be any different?
JMO I know.

Oh well...
Every party has a pooper...

Niki ;0)

Anonymous said...

Will you let us know of your new email address?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the helpful information, Donna.  I'll be going to "Member Feedback" immediately!  As for Blogger, I'm sure you will be very happy there.  Lots of good feature and things to learn...and it's free!  I'm tempted, but still waiting for AOL to do right by its paying customers.
I'll be at your housewarming when the date is set.

Anonymous said...

I completely understand your decision and wish you luck.  I was having a helluva time getting my animation to work at blogspot and the more I thought the more I decided to stay,,, for now.   Keep in touch with me, please!

Anonymous said...

I went over and read a couple of your entries at your new home . . .  I think it's blogger, anyway it's the one that wouldn't allow me to leave a comment because I don't have a user name with them.  I had the comment written and couldn't leave it.  

I really liked your entry about reading everything, BECAUSE I'M NOT GOING TO BE A STAND-UP COMEDIAN.  Very fun.  I really related to a love of reading and enjoying writing . . . .  at least enjoying it enough to have a couple of journals.  I think many of us that love reading and writing WOULD make wonderful comedians, but we'd only want to tell STORY jokes, no one-liners.  ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have managed to move to blogspot myself.. and I'll bookmark your new address (after all it's click to see the aol journal or click to see blogspot.. no real difference in how hard it is to get to it lol)

someone mentioned they couldn't get animations to work at blogspot.. here's what you need to do... there are 2 blanks for bringing pictures to your new home.. the one allows you to pull pictures from any folder you keep them in "without" uploading first to a "file manager" (like that!) but for animations you must use the "URL' and put an address in... once again.. it's not that hard.. you can fill in the address of the file manager from aol where your animated pictures are anyway (meaning they are already uploaded to the web) and it will bring the animated picture to your blog.. and  yes, it will be working!

I plan to keep both my journals "mirrored".. I'll keep the aol journal (now i have to move from UK journal to back "home" as it were (sigh).  Once that is done i will have 2 identical journals going and here's why.. for ONE reason, some folks don't want to go to blogspot to read for whatever reason.. mostly "no alert" so by keeping my aol one going they can still read it.  And SECONDLY it's a ready made back up!  Since all that happened with the banners I've read some HORROR stories about how aol lost journals of some that were over a year in the making!!! And they never recovered them!.. ACK!.. so.. it's not that much work to write in one journal and mirror it to the other.. oh, and one more thing about keeping the aol one opened.. all those animations that you upload to file manager.. they are there for you to get for blogspot!!

Anonymous said...

(sorry went over 2,000 characters!!)... part 2 lol

So be informed about my journal.. if you have my "originga " journal on alert.. you may want to take that off for a few days while i move my UK back home.. otherwise you will get an alert each time I post the copies there..

Good luck in your move DBP!.. read my entry for today it may have something in it to help with your move!

Anonymous said...

Can't say I blame you one bit. I'm still at all 3 myself. I'll bring my famous spinach dip to your housewarming party! ~ Lori

Anonymous said...

Just be sure to let us know when you are stopping your posts on the AOL site.  I'll follow you over to the new one.  

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a well thought out transition plan. See you at your new place!
