Sunday, November 6, 2005

Eat your heart out, Ladies!

I was over at Betty's place/My Day, My Interests and then at Teresa's/My Word and saw that the non-winners of the VIVI awards were invited to spend time with Flat Scalzi.  Since your humble servant, Dust Bunny Protector, was not a nominee for a VIVI award, then I could not officially consider myself to be a non-winner.  Not one to be left out of the fun, I decided to go in search of a suitable companion to join me. 

Imagine my delight to have The Love Train himself, my dear friend Brian, agree to join me for a few days seeing the sights here in Dallas.  So, ladies (I'm talking to you Ms. Vivian), hands off my 2-D man for the next few days.  He will be very busy!


I guess you can see why I chose to cry on his shoulders about my predicament! 


Anonymous said...

That's what I'm talking about, oh Bunny of mine. No flat pencil-necks feigning care for you.

... Kick a little sand in some faces, Donna baby. [:D]

~Smooches, Brian @---->---

Anonymous said...

two words:  oh my!

Anonymous said...

I decided to take another look around, honey... Yes, that other flat-fellow sure is lucky that he high-tailed it.

~Smooch, Brian @---->---

Anonymous said...

lol so now theres a flat love train too???? when's he coming to philly? LOL

dont think ur gonna HOG him up, u get 2 DAYS thats it!!!! lolol



Anonymous said...

:(    I have never seen Dallas..... feeling left out...sniff...snifff

Anonymous said...

He also has a wonderful that keeps me coming back for more, time and time again.  You can have his body, for I, have his soul :)


Anonymous said...

my my my my my!! Have fun fun fun fun fun!!!


Anonymous said...


Since we've become friends, I'm going to tame my jealousy (I hope I spelled that right, I'm too lazy to even get a cyber dictionary)...and I'm going to realize that Brian is so hot that I cant' have him all to myself....and you're such a sweetheart that at least I know he's in good hands when he's not with me!  :)


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, There you are Brian! Bunny sure has your likeness down to a T, Muscles and all! Good Job Bunny.  Those are strong caring shoulders we all cry on at one time or another...

Anonymous said...

chortle...... :):):) judi

Anonymous said...

To aloverssunset:  Believe me, I am too artistically challenged to have captured the essence of TheLoveTrain.  He arrived in that condition and I was delighted!  We are off for a week of memory-making adventures.  Wish us well!  

The tickled pink Dust Bunny Protector

Anonymous said...

Oh Donna, you lucky thing!

All the ladies are whipping themselves up into a frenzy of excitement for you. Be sure to share on your return - and if you can't be good, be careful! LOL

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

Whhoooaaawhoooyowwwzzzaaaa!   Julie :)

Anonymous said...

wheezing...peeing my pants laughing...

you lucky girl you...

Anonymous said...

ooo hottie! haha

Anonymous said...


Now I really DO have to go potty.

Anonymous said...

Yes he is much different than John LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh mercy.......

Anonymous said...

That's definitely kicking "Where's Waldo' up to a whole new level.   ~Sie

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that isn't Steroid Scalzi? Teresa

Anonymous said...

Oh my Donna, where did he come from.......I am jealous again....Have a ball ....