Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Saturday Six - Episode #83

Thanks, as always, to Patrick.

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.  Enjoy!

1. You are invited to spend a night, alone, in a large house that is believed to be haunted.  A close friend of yours whom you trust tells you of his or her own experience, and you have sufficient reason to believe that there may be a genuine haunting going on there.  Without promise of any kind of reward for staying the night, would you agree to do so?

Since I do not believe it ghosts, I would be glad to spend the night there. But, without a reward, I would prefer to sleep in my own comfy bed.

2. What do you most enjoy about your job?

That I have it!  It is still new and nothing stands out to this point.  Haven't even hired all the staff yet!

3. Who was the last person you had a conversation with?  What was the main topic of the conversation?

My daughter last night.  She and her husband were trying to convince me to come join a group of their friends for a night of karaoke.  I passed this time and had plenty of fun at home. 

4. Take this
quiz:   What kind of "smart" are you?

Not sure about this one.  It only tracked a total of 40% in the different categories but it said I had a well-rounded brain so it wasn't all bad!

5. What was the last food thatyou totally ruined -- to the point that it was inedible -- when trying to cook?

I no longer cook that much and I can't recall the last time something was inedible.  There isn't much I won't manage to scarf down!

6. STRANGELY-OBSCURE QUESTION #1:  If you had to do over again, would you change anything?

Yes.  Three biggies come to mind.  In hindsight I recognized what I could have/should have done differently.  My life has been irreparably changed because of my choices. I just try not to dwell on it.


Anonymous said...

I like your answer to #6; for me, I wouldn't change a thing.


Anonymous said...

Hi there Donna,

This was an interesting set of questions (I wonder how Patrick keeps it up) and your answers were great too. I don't know what to believe about ghosts, there's so much trickery around these days (although I did have that freaky bed episode in my Halloween entry!) and as far as you not cooking - I'm green with envy!!

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

That last answer sounds like it may be accompanied by a little deep scarring.  I agree with you though, not dwelling on things has worked well for me so far.  :)