Saturday, November 5, 2005

The Wishing Game

Thanks, Betty for the link to this fun and insightful entry.  This meme is from Confessions of an Angel Waitress.

I wish...

1. I wish I had a million _dollars_.  Then I would... have fun trying to decide where it needed to be spent, shared and donated.

2.   I wish I had one   true love   because........ it would make the journey more fun.

3.  I wish I could be like   my friend, Susan  .  This person is special because she is genuinely sweet and seems to have her act together.

4.When I was small I wished to be    a teacher    so I could have lots of papers to push around.  (Funny how our little child minds work!  LOL)

5.  I wish there was a law that said   dieting was illegal   This would be a great law because I am a law abiding citizen. 

6. I wish I could forget about the time I spoke to my kids in anger because it hurt them and me.    

7. I wish trees could   grow around telephone and power lines  because then they would all be full and beautiful, arching over streets.

8.  I wish I could see the world   because I enjoy traveling.

9.  I wish I could learn   how to paint portraits   because I think that is a wonderful talent.

10.  I wish there really was   a Santa Claus     If there really was then people would watch out, not cry, not pout.   (Think about it!)


Anonymous said...

I wish there was a Santa Claus as well.  Then again we would all then be judged on what we got for christmas.  That could cause all sorts of problems.  I have to think on this further.

Anonymous said...

thanks Donna for playing! Your answers were very insightful!

I liked #5.....

and I'm guilty of #6 too.

(you have to teach me somehow how to link a person's journal without the whole address just their name - know what I mean?)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being an editor's pick. -Dawn-

Anonymous said...

I think I am going to have to go play this one! Lelly

Anonymous said...


loved this entry and the graphic at the top of the page.  

Anonymous said...

cool game...i like the wishes!
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Well it does sound like you have had an exciting week!  I've just been reading back through entries......came here off of Terra's page.  Sweet wish list you have here.  I've always thought it would be wonderful to be loaded with dough and do annonymous things for people in need.  And I suppose things I've said to my children at times in anger would have to be one of my all time biggest regrets.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Hehe, fantabulous wishes. I so need to do this. :D
