Friday, November 4, 2005

What an exciting day this has been!

My life has been going along rather placidly.  No big highs and no real lows.  But things have changed in the last few days and today was a winner! 

It turns out that Vivian aka The First Lady of J-land, lives close to me.  As big as AOL's Blog world has become, it is very exciting to actually live near "royalty."  I have found two other friends here in the metroplex through reading their journals and I decided to try and get us together.  So, tomorrow emmapeeldallas/Talking to Myself, jtuwliens from Mirror Mirror on the Wall, viviansullinwank/NwanyiomasJournal and yours truly, Dust Bunny Protector will be gathering for a VIVI Award pre-announcement brunch.  We are all eagerly looking forward to meeting with folks we have come to know so well through our journals.  Vivian has promised pictures and a special entry about our little extravaganza!!

Another highlight today was an afternoon at the dentist.  You think I am joking, don't you?  No - I am very serious. I'm a straightlaced, law abiding, good ol' Southern gal who just loves the feeling I get from nitrous oxide.  It is the closest thing I have ever come to "getting high" and mama has a monkey on her back!!  Want to hear the really crazy part??  While I am sitting in the dentist chair for almost three hours today enjoying my little buzz, I actually found myself trying to figure out how to verbalize what was happening to me, for my journal. [Now before you get concerned, much of the time in the chair was waiting for x-rays, impressions to harden, napping, etc. Dr. W. was only willing to let me enjoy the gas for limited periods while he was giving me shots, drilling, etc. Not a 3 hour buzz, I assure you!!]  I have decided that I cannot adequately describe the nitrous oxide experience without using my hands in a finger-wiggling/ hand waving exercise.  Suffice it to say, it feels good and I wish it could be bottled.  Oh, duh!  It is bottled.  I just can't purchase a six-pack!

And, then, when I got home tonight I noticed I had an unusual number of new Comment Alerts in my mailbox. I had not posted anything new so that seemed odd.  (Maybe all the lost ones were finally arriving?!)  Imagine my pleasant surprise to learn I was an Guest Editor's Pick this week.  How exciting is that??  Thanks to Terra at 8 is Enough for this honor.  Since I am having lunch with three VIVI Award nominees, the timing couldn't be better!  


Anonymous said...

again, congrats!

May you have a wonderful brunch tomorrow :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your journal being selected. We hope you enjoy your get-together tomorrow.
Bon & Mal

Anonymous said...

I knew you would have a great entry.  My face can't stop smiling, that is what I love about your journal.  You rock girlfriend!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being an Editors Pick! Great Journal


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being a guest editor's pick.  I am trying to contain my envy of your brunch date with our fellow journalers.  I want to come too!  Unfortunately, I have don't have an airline ticket lined up and I have to be back here in time for the VIVI's tonight, LOL!  I hope to see you there.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your nomination. Very deserving. Paula

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Editor's Picks Donna - now lots more people will see what a great  journal you have!

Funny story about your almost drug addiction in the dental chair, lol. Have a great Brunch with the VIVI bunch (how strange that you should all be so close!)

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the WELL DESERVED honor of being an editor's pick!  And I LOVED meeting you today, and thank you for getting us together.  As for the nitrous oxide...yep, I'm with you on that.  It never fails to amaze me that it's legal to drive after getting "treated" with that stuff...hehehe.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being an Editor's Pick!


Anonymous said...

LOL i too share the love of nitreous LOLOL, and yes u can buy it, just go to ur local dead head concert, you'll find it in the parking lot somewhere LOL

but the funny thing is, whenever i hear something funny, ironic, touching, or idiotic, i ALWAYS say to my sister (who i'm ALWAYS with)

"OMG, this is a story for LIZA'S!!!!!!"  as in liza's life my journal

yeah its who i fondly think of when i hear something funny

more than a lil self centered am i, but in my defense, i do see it as a somewhat separate entity from myself LOL


Anonymous said...

yea that gas sounds cool, but i never ggot it ive always got shots and they suckk