Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Sunday Seven - Episode 12

Name the top seven stores where you are most likely to do the majority of your Christmas shopping this year. If you can't name seven, name as many up to seven as you can. You can also include online retailers, too.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment.

1.  Dillards

2.  Barnes and Noble

3.  WalMart

4.  Bath & Body Works

5.  The Cracker Barrel

6.  The Big and Tall Men's Shop

7.  Hallmark


Anonymous said...

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Target all the way!
Bon & Mal

Anonymous said...

You can buy any of my presents from any of those places and I will love it!  :)

Anonymous said...

We have a Dillards here!! in little old tiny town Montana - we share something in common! And a Barnes & Noble too - in fact of all the stores you listed, we do have these here too (I'm finding reading these there are some stores I haven't heard of or some stores I miss because we don't have them here).

I'm kind of back to journalling; setting priorities. I did make my Living on the Potter's Wheel public again if you are interested.


Anonymous said...

Is Dillard's turning into Macy's? Nothing from the Men's Big and Tall shop for me, please.