Tuesday, November 1, 2005

I'd step off my soapbox but I can't move.

Something happened to me yesterday I can't get off my mind.  My company is opening a brand new office and there are so many details to be considered.  My boss was at the new facility yesterday working with the surveillance contractors on the placement of the cameras and waiting for several deliveries.  When he had to leave for another appointment I went over to relieve him and to accept the remaining deliveries we were expecting. 

I was sitting in my car eating my lunch, since there is no place but the bathroom to sit down inside, when the Westway truck pulled up.  The driver of the big rig said he needed to pull around to the dock so I went into the building and opened one of the warehouse doors for him.  The warehouse is huge and totally bare. It is actually space for future office growth so currently it resembles a concrete basketball court. 

There were two pallets of boxes to be off loaded and the driver needed a forklift. We do not have a dolly at this point, much less a forklift, so I was not able to offer much help .... or so I thought.  The driver said he did not have a dolly either and all he was supposed to do was bring the pallets to the facility and we were supposed to be prepared to accept them.  Okay ... what's your point? 

The next thing I knew he was tearing off the plastic wrapped around the boxes and moving them to the end of the truck.  He let me know that he would get them that far but it was up to me to get them unloaded.  I was stunned but he was adamant.  So fat, beer-gut, driver guy stood on the back of the truck and watched Rubensesque, Business Manager haul 28 boxes of equipment into the office.  Actually, I only got 22 of them done before my back gave-out and he grudgingly unloaded the final six. 

What galls me is the attitude of some people that they will do the bare minimum in a job and be satisfied with themselves.  What ever happened to going the extra mile? Of doing the "right" thing?  Of following the Golden Rule? And, maybe this is my own "attitude" showing but I cannot help but think, had I been a cute, young thing instead of a middle-aged chubette, he would have been much more accommodating.  What do you think?  

[Note:  When I relayed to my boss what had transpired, he was very sympathetic and sent emails to all parties involved letting them know our limited capabilities at this time and to make appropriate arrangements when sending us future deliveries.   Oh, yes.  Purchasing a heavy-duty dolly is on his To Do list for today as well.]    


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you here.

I hate it when people play the "It's NOT my job" card.

Too bad we never learned that game.

Hope today is better for you-

Anonymous said...

This is just downright awful. Any apologies yet from the offending company/party?
Customer service and going the extra mile is a thing of the past, I fear.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Andi...what an ass!!!  You should have told the loser that your friend Robin knows magic and then you should have waved your hands in front of him whispering words like...and then it will shrivel up and FALL OFF!!!  Hmmmph!

Sorry you had to do this...does that dolly come in pink?

Anonymous said...

Having had the experience of working in a shipping department, I can attest that the driver's attitude was all too common. Such are the times in which we live.

Anonymous said...

My dolly is one of my secret weapons. I would be lost without it.

I am sure if your job description called for a dolly, you would have been issued one. Is it under "and other related duties?" You should not have had to do that!!


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear you hurt your back, i hope its not too bad!!!  tell that boss of yours to get it together! lol
take care
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

you poor thing - that really was above and beyond the call of duty.  but you're right - there are so many people out there who won't lift a finger because - and i quote - "it's not my job".   i HATE that.

feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

OH I so agree with this!!  It drives me nuts at work all the time to watch people only doing the bare minimum!  (its' not in my job description!)  Thanks for letting it out!  Lelly

Anonymous said...

It's maddening, isn't it?  Everything gets turned around so that no matter what, things somehow become the responsibility of the person who's not doing the job.  Take care of your back!


Anonymous said...

so sorry you had to experience that! what an ASS! i wouldnt have done it darllllllin
i woulda called my BOSS to get his back into it!!!


Anonymous said...

He's a truck driver so he drives a truck ... so he drove a truck ... he clearly didn't have the wit to do anything else like unload it! What a prat. I hope he is spoken to severely ... very, very annoying!


Anonymous said...

Chivalry isn't quite dead, but I hear it's on life support. I'll be sure to never allow myself to engage in such boorish behavior in a situation like that. What a shame.
