Tuesday, November 1, 2005

It is still painful, after all this time.

It has been years, but I remember it like it was yesterday.  Their plaintive little cries. Their oh-so-soft little bodies huddled together, pressed against the corner.  They skittered around the floor in a dance led by the wind.  Each gentle breeze brought rhythmic movement to their journey.  They knew their fate but, by their futile actions, I could tell they thought there was strength in numbers.

How could I be so cruel to try and force my will on them? It was not their fault I felt compelled to show my dominance.  It had been part of my training; my manifesto as it were.  Nothing could stop me.

But I was wrong.  In that moment, ready to sweep away any signs of their exhistence, I was overcome by feelings of compassion. Tears welled in my eyes as I realized their future was at my mercy.  No more could I foist my archaic ideals on them.  But, my sentiments were deeply rooted, based on time honored traditions of well-meaning ancestors.  How could I turn my back on what they held so dear?

No!  I had to take a stand on what truly mattered to me!  I realized, in that very moment, the annihilation of those helpless to help themselves was no longer going to consume me. 

I stood up, shoulders back in proud defiance.  This was a defining moment.  I realized my destiny.



I had truly become the Dust Bunny Protector!


Thanks to Brian, The Love Train, for requesting "the rest of the story." 



Anonymous said...

You are so great and benevolent, oh Dust Bunny Protector. Now... NOW, dust bunnies worldwide will know where they can accumulate and be championed.

... I bow to your unparalleled magnanimity.

~Feet kisses, Brian @---->---


Anonymous said...

Dust bunnies of the world, rejoice! There is a federally protected sanctuary to which you can retreat and be assured of succor! Observe the protector of helpless wildlife, bestriding your sanctum as a colossus, wielding the fearsome mop and warding off all threats to your continued existence!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being their protector!! I am part of your society; of course, you are the president :)


Anonymous said...

If I ever come across one of the little buggers I know right where to send them...COD of course.  

Anonymous said...

I'm more of a "let the little ones be kind of girl." :)

Anonymous said...

I protect their kissing cousins, the dust beagles. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it, right?


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what happened....loved the entry
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Aww you're so nice. Paula

Anonymous said...

Awww and to think I just swiped a bunch of those little critters away today.

Anonymous said...

I feel like a MONSTER...I just vacuumed a bunch of them up!



Anonymous said...

its called a swiffer, and i'm coming over there !!!!!



dont kill me


Anonymous said...

the dust bunnies around here are so numerous they can never be "all" gone..  they constantly consist of cat hair!  can't imagine why with only 9 cats!

Anonymous said...

hey, i keep 'em for pets.    although putting leashes on them and taking them out for walks can be vexing.

BTW:  a wonderfully constructed entry!

Anonymous said...

Every Superhero has a "story" (think men Bat, Super and Spider). This is yours and it's equally compelling and emotional. Thanks for sharing Donna!

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

This is great!!!! Very creative!! I love it!! And now I can sleep :wink: I know the 'rest' of the story.......or is it?
(Sorry I have been doing a mad dash overload of script reading...)

Honestly this is wonderful!!!!!
My dust bunnies appreciate your efforts!


Anonymous said...

Your sense of humor is hysterical.  Just wanted to drop by and thank you for your kind words to my son in his journal, Insanities of a Misunderstood Mind (Bdashrock187).  It has been a rough two years for him since Jess walked out.  I appreciate your kind words, as he has had a rough road to travel the last two years, a rough road he certainly did not deserve.


Anonymous said...

See all that Dust Bunny Protecting paid off!!! CONGRATULATIONS DONNA!!!
Couldnt think of someone more deserving of being an editor's pick!! ENJOY ENJOY!!


Anonymous said...

This is really funny. I have dust bunnys all over too or it's a human coming or going. I'm a nut job myself at times. They better watch out for us. Great Journal keep up the good work.

                                            Your Fellow Journalist,


Anonymous said...

congrats Donna for being an editor's pick :)


Anonymous said...

You are my hero!

Anonymous said...

Dust Bunnies should become an endangered species with all those silly neat freaks murdering them!
Congratulations on being featured!  :-)

Anonymous said...

congrats on editors pick!

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I know why you are Dust Bunny....At first I was thinking thatyou were talking about the falling leaves.....

MOODYMYKE again.........