Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunday Seven - Episode #11

Picture from Hometown

Ever thought of changing careers?  This week's "Sunday Seven" will show you the Top 25 jobs for 2005, as defined by Fast Company

What makes a top job?  That would mean different things to different people, but Fast Company used several different methods to compile a list of the top 25 jobs, including job growth, salary potential, education level, and room for innovation.

Get ready to start dreaming about alternate career choices.  Here we go:

Of the Top 25 Jobs for 2005, list, in order, the seven jobs you'd least like to have, with #1 being the job you think you'd absolutely hate the most.  All seven should be jobs you wouldn't want.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. 

  • Epidemiologist
  • Athlete
  • Securities sales agent
  • Biochemist and biophysicist
  • Geoscientist
  • Lawyer
  • Medical scientist
  • My career was actually one of the top 25.  Hmmm ...  


    Anonymous said...

    hey; I had three that were on your list - epidemiologist; lawyer and medical scientist!!


    Anonymous said...

    So which one are you?  Man, I would LOVE to have been an epidemiologist or a lawyer or a medical scientist.  



    Anonymous said...

    My career is #1. I am retired!

    Anonymous said...

    temporary digs.. but don't delete me yet! haven't decided for sure.. hope you are ok you haven't added to this in some time.

    Anonymous said...

    have you moved?  if so please post your new address!!

    Anonymous said...

    wondering the same thing as the prior post, have you moved or are you just busy?  Hope things are well for you.