Sunday, November 20, 2005

Giving thanks ... with a twist

So many of us are giving a lot of thought to things in our lives that make us thankful.  I'm going to put a little twist on this.  Make a list of at least five people you know and list something that you can see each of them should be thankful for.  Then pick out five famous people and tell us something that should make them thankful.

1.  My sister can be thankful for a loving husband of 25 years that cares so deeply for her.

2.  My brother-in-law can be thankful that my sister always has a positive attitude in spite of her struggles with MS and Diabetes.

3.  My son is thankful that his mother has found her own place to live and will be moving soon.

4.  RM should be thankful that he has found someone like Debra.

5.  JW should be thankful for the time he had with Elizabeth even though it was far too brief.

For fun:

1.  Dr. Phil should be thankful for a friend like Oprah that gave him a national audience.

2.  The Rolling Stones should be thankful that people still want to come listen to them.

3.  Matthew McConaughey should be thankful to be named Sexiest Man of the Year by People Magazine since he says he has not worn deodorant in 20 years.

4.  Martha can be thankful she is home for the holidays.

5.  William Shatner can be thankful that he has landed a great role on a great show that gives him a surprising extension on his career.



Anonymous said...

Donna I can see the old magic is back!

What a great idea and what inspired answers - by turns touching and funny.

I think by divulging the secrets of his rather redolent armpits, Matthew is really saying that he's so great that even his day old sweat smells sweetly!

BTW in case your wondering how I got here so fast and efficiently, it's all down to - if you haven't signed up yet, get to it, especially if you now have friends elsewhere and you don't want to lose touch.

Lots of love,
Tilly xx

Anonymous said...

My husband can be thankful to have such a wonderful sexy wife like me!  LOL

Anonymous said...

Interesting twist, Donna.

Here's mine:

1. My husband can be thankful that he can play the guitar so well - a talent given to him by the Lord.

2. Amy, my mentee, can be thankful to the Lord that she is in a safe place this Thanksgiving and that through her wisdom and peseverance, she has taught me about life as a teenager in foster care.

3. The volunteers at Dress for Success can be thankful for the clients that they suited this year and the success stories those clients had because people cared for them.

4. The nursery workers at church can be thankful that we have such a wonderful nursery director and pastoral staff that care about children that the facilities are clean, protected and safe for kids to be there while parents worship.

5. I am thankful for the Lord (I know me so that's why I'm including myself, LOL).

I think I'll pass on the famous people because too many of them live lifes I don't endorse.

Great twist, though, Donna and I loved your answers :)


Anonymous said...

This is so cool we are going to do this at Thanksgiving table thank you:)


Anonymous said...

My Molly is very thankful her mom recognized refusing even one meal for a beagle is serious, and extra thankful that her vet is experienced with Addison's Disease and diagnosed and treated her so fast following her crash. My other beagle, Baby, is thankful that Molly is getting extra treats, because she is, too.

My daughter is thankful that her mom taught her to cook because she is cooking dinner for 15 tomorrow. Her first big dinner.


Anonymous said...

where would William Shatner be without STAR TREK?   selling used cars in Encino probably.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back!  I am going to attempt to do this Thanksgiving with a twist on my blog.  

Anonymous said...

Love this twist!