Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Bringing you up to speed

I have actually posted twice on Blogger lately.

Click here to check it out. 

My older entries are being moved and they have been backdated to their original August post dates.

Sunday, December 4, 2005

First Annual Dallas Bloggers Holiday Extravaganza


For the second month in a row the Dallas Bloggers (formerly known as J-landers) got together for fun, food and festivities.  This time we gathered at the home of Vivian, Nwanyioma's Journal. Even though our little AOL community has been dealt a blow, we did not let it deter us from coming together and having a wonderful time.  I'd say six hours for brunch is more than sufficient, wouldn't you?! 

The last time we were gathered Julie, twin sister of Judith at Mirror, Mirror on the wall, was out of town and unable to join us.  This time, Julie was present but Judi, emmapeeldallas, was under the weather and did not make it. We missed you, Judi!  It was great to meet you, Julie!!

The food we enjoyed was as eclectic as the participants.  Everything was delicious!  To avoid indigestion, we kept our grumblings of the AOL ad dibacle to a minimum but all agreed, it was poorly handled and has damaged what was a peaceful, happy little community.  We each have handled the situation in our own way and were pleased to know we shall remain friends regardless of where we blog!  I suspect we will learn of more bloggers in the Dallas area in our new and various journal homes and our numbers may grow.  Vivian was the only one who took pictures this time and, even though she has shared, I'll let her post those on her journal.  She has a lovely home which reflects her warmand friendlypersonality.

I can tell V has been very busy since we were all together yesterday.  Check out her latest journal entry.  I am a bit behind but have every intention of catching up soon. Here is my new home

Monday, November 28, 2005

I am in love!!

It has been a long time since I felt this way!  It is difficult to put into words the emotions I have been experiencing in the last 24 hours.  My legs are weak ... I can't concentrate ... my eyes flutter open and then close again  ... coherent thoughts will not form ... a brief smile floats across my face and then I drift into a peaceful reverie.  Ahhh .. yes Christmas has come early to my house.

I am not one normally given to such abandon.  Typically, I would remain more discreet and reserved but you are my Internet family and I know I can share this with you.  I trust you will respect my feelings, share my happiness and wish me well.








I bought the Homedics, Shiatsu Massaging Cushion from WalMart.  I may never get up from this chair.

Isn't he adorable???

Speaking of leftovers

How appropriate, after Thanksgiving, to be thinking of re-heating leftovers. (Is that redundant?) So much is happening right now and the best I can do on most days is keep my head above the fray. I am going to focus on adding my old (AOL) posts to my new Blogspot journal starting back in August so I hope you will enjoy the re-heated entries. Check ( for new August posts.


I enjoyed a nice weekend with my parents and my aunt and uncle in East Texas.  My kids had other family members they needed to be with but everyone is coming together at Christmas so we will celebrate together then.


I am preparing to move out of my son's house into my own home in just a few short days so decorating for Christmas is a bit hit and miss this year. Christmas is always my most favorite time of year and I have enough decorations to fill a house and three full-size trees.  I do not like to over do it so I carefully pick and choose what I set out each year and rotate items to keep from becoming too cluttered.  It has been three years since I set up my Christmas Village but it isn't going to see the light of day in 2005 either. And, since I will not be entertaining this year, that means the Christmas dishes, platters, bowls, chip N dip snowmen, etc. will stay packed away. Of course, the outside lights can stay packed as well.


So, what does that leave? Well, for one thing, there is my Santa collection including almost 200 miniature Santas. I promise to post a picture of the little guys as soon as I set them out. I am so silly about my Santas.  To be part of my collection they must be full-bodied.  Just a Santa head will not do.  They cannot be over four inches tall.  And, I am partial to the Santas that are unique. I have one little guy who is riding a dolphin, given to me by a friend at work in North Carolina.  Another one is Santa taking a bubble bath in a lion claw tub. I must assume he is full-bodied but cannot prove it.  LOL Then there is the Santa that is 1/4" tall, the one that is from Russia, and the marzipan Santa. Each one holds a special memory and it just makes me feel good to get them out each year.


Quite by accident I realized one year that I had a large assortment of angel ornaments. I gathered them all together and have enough to decorate a full-size tree. And, my mother just added two to that collection over the weekend!


I have one large Rubbermaid tub filled with what I have labeled Christmas Critters. In addition to several full-sized Christmas bears, I have a collection of small critters that I perch on each rung of a little ladder leaning on the tree. There is Rodney and Rhonda Reindeer, a polar bear, a fluffy, fat lamb, a donkey, and a teddy bear, just to name a few.  They look like they are invading the tree and then a few sit on the branches.  Rodney has a half chewed ear from the year of the puppy but he doesn't mind!


Among my other Christmas goodies are throws, decorative pillows, chair covers, books, pillowcases, games, puzzles, wreaths, CDs, sleighs, baskets, flower arrangements, hat boxes, candles, wall hangings, pictures, Smores, table runners, snow globes, music boxes, frames, a lamp, stationary, tote bags and the kids' childhood crafts. 


Oh, yes.  There is also a tree and a few hundred lights and ornaments. It will be interesting to see what gets done this year!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Keywords and Transitions for a Dust Bunny Gal

I have remained relatively low key about my unhappiness with AOL and the garish ads they have slapped on our journals.  I do not want to stomp and scream and respond in a way that will cause how I express myself to be dismissed as over reacting, drama or impulsive.  I have given this much thought and have been taking the necessary steps to prepare for my transition to another journal home. (It is a tedious process but one I feel is necessary.) 

Before I share the simple steps I am taking to make the move smoother, I want to tell you about a conversation I had with AOL yesterday.  While visiting with my parents over Thanksgiving, I told them of the recent events and how AOL was behaving with little apparent concern for their paying customers. One thing led to another and, after helping my dad obtain another Internet provider, we then placed the call to AOL to notify them of my father's decision to drop their service.  He let me do the honors and I eagerly waited for the question as to why AOL was losing a customer. 

I was gracious but firm when I explained to the customer service representative that since my parent's free trial period was coming to a close they had decided not to stay with AOL.  When the rep pressed me further I told him about my length of time with AOL and since I was leaving my parents no longer saw the benefit of continuing the service. 

The CSR had obviously had to explain about the ads and pop-ups many times and he proceeded to tell me how I could get rid of the ads through a plethora of options AOL offered.  "Yes, I have done that (and it leaves a big gap on the screens), but will it prevent anyone coming to my journal from seeing what I may or may not have eliminated?"  No.  They would not be able to block the ads but if they were part of the AOL community they could follow steps one thru fourteen and delete/block the ads themselves.  'Nuff said.  I asked the CSR to please pass my expressed unhappiness on to "the powers that be" even though I had little hope of a satisfactory resolution.  He then told me about an AOL option I have not seen posted onany other site.  (If you have already passed the word on this, I apologize for taking your time.) 

Go to Keyword and type in "Member Feedback."  This particular form is directed straight to the corporate office in Virginia.  Interestingly enough, you will not find Member Feedback on the "M"s when you are "exploring keywords."  You can find "Tell AOL" but that is handled by staff and not Corporate.

Please share this information to anyone you feel might be interested.

Here are the steps I am finding helpful when transitioning away from AOL.  I do not want to lose touch with so many of you that have become an important part of my life. I can already see that we are continuing our feeling of community with our blogspot journals and I expect to see it grow. 

1.  I registered for Bloglines.  This is the easiest way to copy and paste all the URLs of the journals I wish to read when they post.  Bloglines will then notify me when one of my friends adds a new entry.  [A plus to this option is you can see the name of the journal that has posted rather than a generic alert notification.]

2.  I started a new journal among the many free blogging sites.  I am very understanding of advertising when the journal service is free.  (That is why it never bothered me for the AIM journals to have the ads.  It was a trade-off in my eyes.)  I have chosen

3.  I am notifying interested parties of my new journal location.

4.  I have started copying and pasting my AOL entries into their new home.  With Blogger I have the latitude to back date the entries to the date when I originally posted.  This will also give my new readers a chance to easily read my earlier works as they are re-posted.

5.  Luckily I was already using for saving graphics and pictures to use in emails and my journal.  I am still trying to get use to the graphic side of my blogspot but then I had a learning curve at AOL, too, when I was new.

6.  I am trying to be gracious about leaving and not in your face about my decision.

7.  I will continue to post in both locations (as it is appropriate) until the transition is complete. 

I hope you will stick with me and continue to find my little piece of cyberspace worthwhile.

Thank you.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Turkey Song

This is a song that my mother taught me decades ago (hand motions and all) and I, in turn, taught my children.  I wonder who else may know this song.  Let me know!

Be warned!  It is a tear jerker!!

I heard Mr. Turkey say,

Gobble, gobble, gobble

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day,

Gobble, gobble, gobble

People say it is great fun

But I think that I shall run

And hide until the day is done

Gobble, gobble, gobble.

Mr. Turkey tucked his head,

Gobble, gobble, gobble

In his feathers deep and red,

Gobble, gobble, gobble

But they caught him by the wall!

Stuffed and ate him wings and all!

And, never ... more ... will ... turkey ... call

Gobble, gobble, gobble!


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Giving thanks ... with a twist

So many of us are giving a lot of thought to things in our lives that make us thankful.  I'm going to put a little twist on this.  Make a list of at least five people you know and list something that you can see each of them should be thankful for.  Then pick out five famous people and tell us something that should make them thankful.

1.  My sister can be thankful for a loving husband of 25 years that cares so deeply for her.

2.  My brother-in-law can be thankful that my sister always has a positive attitude in spite of her struggles with MS and Diabetes.

3.  My son is thankful that his mother has found her own place to live and will be moving soon.

4.  RM should be thankful that he has found someone like Debra.

5.  JW should be thankful for the time he had with Elizabeth even though it was far too brief.

For fun:

1.  Dr. Phil should be thankful for a friend like Oprah that gave him a national audience.

2.  The Rolling Stones should be thankful that people still want to come listen to them.

3.  Matthew McConaughey should be thankful to be named Sexiest Man of the Year by People Magazine since he says he has not worn deodorant in 20 years.

4.  Martha can be thankful she is home for the holidays.

5.  William Shatner can be thankful that he has landed a great role on a great show that gives him a surprising extension on his career.


The Sunday Seven - Episode 12

Name the top seven stores where you are most likely to do the majority of your Christmas shopping this year. If you can't name seven, name as many up to seven as you can. You can also include online retailers, too.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment.

1.  Dillards

2.  Barnes and Noble

3.  WalMart

4.  Bath & Body Works

5.  The Cracker Barrel

6.  The Big and Tall Men's Shop

7.  Hallmark

The Saturday Six - Episode 84

Patrick is continuing this from his new journal home

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here. Enjoy!

1. What was the last movie you watched at a theater completely alone? Would you have enjoyed it more or less if you had gone with someone to see it?

I cannot remember the last time I saw a movie alone. 

2. What was the last non-sexual thing you did around the house completely naked?

Cleaned my bathroom

3. How well do you know your neighbors?Would you like to know them better or not know them?

The neighbors on one side are very nice and I have enjoyed getting to know them.  On the other side, I do not know them as well but from what I see and hear, that is just fine by me. It is never a good sign when you live in a house and can still hear what is happening next door.   

4. Take this quiz: How much of a conspiracy nut are you?

You are 25% Conspiracy Nut
Locator Image!
You are a little bit of a conspiracy nut. You know about the big conspiracies - but it doesn't take up too much of your time. You have accepted that people lie, and get away with everything - so you don't dwell on the loch ness monster too often.

Take this quiz at

5. Of the following "conspiracies" mentioned in that quiz, which single one would you most like the "truth" about and why?

Countries developing deadly diseases to attack others.  Why? To have a better understanding of the potential global threats.

6. If you had to create a slogan that defined your life, what would it be?

Bloom where you are planted and always face toward the Son.  (oooo ... I just made this up and I like it!!)



Let's try this again!

This has been a crazy week with AOL but I am still here ... for now.  I have tried to post previously but had no luck.  I have now followed a different set of instructions to clear up the problem.  We will see if it works.

I have been so grateful for the many emails, comments on previous posts and IMs checking on me and letting me know I have been missed.  I must admit I have been pouting after the latest debacle with AOL and the rift it has put in our Journal community.  I was frankly surprised at how much it affected my mood.  In the short time since I created my journal, I had not realized how close I felt to so many of you and how we interact with one another's lives. 

I am looking for some laughs and hope to get my groove back soon.


I think these entries are worth a read.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunday Seven - Episode #11

Picture from Hometown

Ever thought of changing careers?  This week's "Sunday Seven" will show you the Top 25 jobs for 2005, as defined by Fast Company

What makes a top job?  That would mean different things to different people, but Fast Company used several different methods to compile a list of the top 25 jobs, including job growth, salary potential, education level, and room for innovation.

Get ready to start dreaming about alternate career choices.  Here we go:

Of the Top 25 Jobs for 2005, list, in order, the seven jobs you'd least like to have, with #1 being the job you think you'd absolutely hate the most.  All seven should be jobs you wouldn't want.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. 

  • Epidemiologist
  • Athlete
  • Securities sales agent
  • Biochemist and biophysicist
  • Geoscientist
  • Lawyer
  • Medical scientist
  • My career was actually one of the top 25.  Hmmm ...  

    The Saturday Six - Episode #83

    Thanks, as always, to Patrick.

    Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.  Enjoy!

    1. You are invited to spend a night, alone, in a large house that is believed to be haunted.  A close friend of yours whom you trust tells you of his or her own experience, and you have sufficient reason to believe that there may be a genuine haunting going on there.  Without promise of any kind of reward for staying the night, would you agree to do so?

    Since I do not believe it ghosts, I would be glad to spend the night there. But, without a reward, I would prefer to sleep in my own comfy bed.

    2. What do you most enjoy about your job?

    That I have it!  It is still new and nothing stands out to this point.  Haven't even hired all the staff yet!

    3. Who was the last person you had a conversation with?  What was the main topic of the conversation?

    My daughter last night.  She and her husband were trying to convince me to come join a group of their friends for a night of karaoke.  I passed this time and had plenty of fun at home. 

    4. Take this
    quiz:   What kind of "smart" are you?

    Not sure about this one.  It only tracked a total of 40% in the different categories but it said I had a well-rounded brain so it wasn't all bad!

    5. What was the last food thatyou totally ruined -- to the point that it was inedible -- when trying to cook?

    I no longer cook that much and I can't recall the last time something was inedible.  There isn't much I won't manage to scarf down!

    6. STRANGELY-OBSCURE QUESTION #1:  If you had to do over again, would you change anything?

    Yes.  Three biggies come to mind.  In hindsight I recognized what I could have/should have done differently.  My life has been irreparably changed because of my choices. I just try not to dwell on it.

    Saturday, November 12, 2005


    It is just not right!  If I bought this item, it would look like I was carrying a small clutch.  Or perhaps a make-up bag!  This model must be every bit of a size 0.05.  I'm so depressed.  Somebody pass me the M&Ms.

    And, speaking of things that are just not right .....



    I Are So Proud

                            The University of Blogging

                                   Presents to
               Dust Bunny Protector

                                   An Honorary
                                   Bachelor of

                                   Majoring in
                     Non Sequiturs

    Dr. ®

    Blogging Degree

    Survey Like None-Other!

    The goal is to have this in every single AOL Journal. What do you have in common with others? Do you like the same things? Post this and put the title of your entry "Survey Like None-Other!"  This is a great way to introduce yourself to new readers!  

    1. What sign are you?   Aries...but I don't believe in signs.

    2. What is your favorite color?  Cobalt blue and any shade of purple.

    3. How many waffles could you eat in one sitting?   Maybe two at the most and I never use syrup!

    4. Can you touch your tongue to your nose?  No, why are you asking?

    5. If you had to choose between cats and dogs, which would it be?  Dogs.

    6. What is something you have learned recently?  That the reason he lost his business was because of drug problems.

    7. What is your favorite quote? Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.
    -Eleanor Roosevelt

    8. What is your favorite entry in your own journal?  Probably my Most Embarrassing Moments I, II and III.

    9. What color is your bedroom? Navy, burgundy and cream/Americana.

    10. Where is your favorite place to visit?  No one place in particular.  I love a lot of places.  

    11. What is one thing you want to accomplish this year?  With only six weeks remaining... hmmm ... get moved.

    12. Why do you write in a journal?  I find it to be a creative outlet.  I have always enjoyed writing and I hope to bring a smile to people's faces..

    13. What is your favorite joke? My favorite joke is always the last one I heard because it will be the only one I can remember.  My mind just will not retain jokes!! The latest:  Two brooms stood next to one another in the closet.  One was a beautiful bride broom, dressed in her lovely white dress.  The other was a handsom groom broom, in his tuxedo.  He says to her, "I'd like to have a little whisk broom!"  Her shocked reply, "But we haven't even swept together yet!!"  

    14. Do you like the city or the country?  I love the nature in the country and the convenience and excitement of the city.  Guess I am happy most anywhere but in traffic!

    15. What style is your house decorated?   Country and eclectic

    16. Who is your favorite artist?  Albert Bierstadt and Remington

    17. Can you pat your tummy and rub your head at the same time?  Yes.

    18. Are you a night owl?  Yes.

    19. What is something you love in your house? (If you have a picture you get extra credit!) My Mary Engelbreit pictures..

    20. Do you believe in God?   Absolutely!

    21. What hobby could you never give up?   Counted Cross stitch.

    22. What color makes you think of Hope?  Blue.

    23. What color makes you think of Love? Red

    24. What is your favorite flower?  pansies.

    25. If you had one wish for the world, what would it be?  That they knew Jesus.

    26. Whats the best surprise you have ever received?  One year my sister and her family came across country and surprised me at Christmas.  Everyone but me knew what was going on.  My husband caught it all on video.  Classic moment! 

    27. What can you cook like no-one else?  My Easy Lasagne and my own version of Chex Party Mix.

    28. What do you think about most?  Losing weight

    29. Who is your favorite poet? I love so many. Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Seuss, Rod McKuen, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson,   

    30. And last but not least, if you could wrap yourself up in one word...what would that word be?  smiling 




    Now here is the deal, you copy this and do it in your own journal. 

     It isn't as easy as you think it is.  Trust me.

    Friday, November 11, 2005

    Does it matter that I am heterosexual?

    What I need is a good wife!  If I had a wife to help me take care of the details in my life I am certain things would go smoother!  I have three blouses that need buttons replaced.  I have bills that need to be paid.  I have last month’s personal paperwork that needs to be filed.  I have dry cleaning that has to be picked up before it becomes a donation to the Salvation Army.  My plants need to be watered. My prescription has expired.  And, I’d like a nice home cooked meal for a change!


    I’d like my wife to find out if my insurance will cover laser eye surgery.  And, while she has the insurance company on the line, maybe she could find out how much dental coverage I have left this year.  Of course, that is probably about four phone calls!  It would certainly be a huge help if she would find a good deal on airline tickets, get the oil changed on the car, stop at the post office for the pretty stamps and write out the Christmas cards.


    But the most important thing my “wife” could do for me, is help me remember birthdays!  She would have already marked the appropriate days on the calendar, bought the stamps, looked up the addresses and laid everything out in front of me.  It would certainly keep me out ofthe dog house with dear friends! 


    Sorry, Mr. M.  Mea culpa!  Mea maxima culpa.  

    Thursday, November 10, 2005

    A headstart on the weekend

    I was reading my journal alerts backward and saw that Kelly/pixiedustnme was working on John's Weekly Assignment.  It caught my eye and, since I do love to read, I had to take stock of my subscriptions.  

    John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #85: What magazines do you subscribe to and why? This assumes you currently subscribe to a magazine or two, of course, but I'm reasonably confident most of us do. If you don't have any current subscriptions, however, you can list some of your most recent subscriptions or magazines you want to subscribe to.

    Extra Credit: What was your first magazine subscription?

    I really believe that what magazines we choose to pay to come into our home on a regular basis says a lot about us. Hmmmm ... what will you learn about me that you did not already know??

    1.  People.  One of my all time favorites!  Not a lot of overblown fabrications and it always has some great pictures.  Yes, it might be shallow, but since I am a multi-tasker at heart, I love it for the bathroom.

    2.  Reader's Digest.  Again.  A great bathroom book.  And, one of these days they will publish one of my humorous entries.  I want $300 and I do not want to pass Go!

    3.  National Geographic.  Some of the best natural photography on the planet, bar none.  Did you know that in America we run the risk of crushing the earth's mantel?  Why you ask?  Because of the weight of the National Geographic magazines we all save.  The weight is too much to bear!  You've been warned!

    4.  Christian Woman.  I've had my subscription to this magazine for years!  Before that it was Teenage Christian.  Very uplifting.

    5.  Time.  Just good stuff and it helps me stay on top of current events.

    6.  Entertainment Weekly.  Just more fluff.

    7.  North Carolina Journal.  Lots of great stuff about my former home state.  When this year's subscription runs out, I'm done.

    8. Tons of catalogs.  That in itself is another entry!

    Extra credit:  My first subscription was to Weekly Reader, Summer Edition.  I sure wish I had saved those.  I still remember the issue about the monorail. It would be so fascinating to see what use to be cutting edge stuff.

    My own bonus credit:  Like, John Scalzi, I subscribed to Wired back in '97 when it was still cool. Others, have tried to emulate their edgy style but pale in comparison. 

    Tuesday, November 8, 2005

    Looking for the silver lining

    I am displaying this with pride.  There are a lot of you in J-land who can't!  Nanny, nanny, boo-boo.


    Even though I was not nominated for a VIVI Award this year, I do want to thank Terra, again, for her kind recognition of my journal in this week's Guest Editor Pick. (I keep telling myself the reason I did not get a nomination was because my journal was only two months old when the nominations started.  If I find out another journal was "younger" than mine and still got a nod, I am going to be really bummed out.  Just don't let me find out!!)


    Here are the top 8 things I like about being a Guest Editor's pick.  (Hey, it's late and I don't have David Letterman's staff.)

    8.  There is no preparation necessary when you are picked.  You can just sit there and be yourself.

    7.  You do not have any pressure to write a clever entry worthy of national scrutiny. 

    6.  You do not have to hunt for a bunch of URLs of other people's journals.

    5.  You don't know it is coming so you do not have time to get giddy and post an embarrassing entry.

    4.  Lots of people come visit your journal that would not have seen it otherwise.

    3.  You learn about a lot of other journals that are new to you.

    2.  You will always be in the AOL Editor Picks archives.

    And, the #1 reason I like being featured as a Guest Editor's Pick is ....

    You don't have to post a picture of yourself that keeps flashing on the screen all day, every day for a week.


    Sunday, November 6, 2005

    Meeting other J-landers!

    While I have added alot of entries in the last couple of days, I cannot let the weekend come to a close without mentioning my delightful lunch Saturday with my wonderful J-land friends.  As I have mentioned previously, my son has been somewhat hesitant to accept his mother's journaling.  He acts as though the people I talk about, connected to my blog, are my imaginary friends.  Well, I have photographic proof now that they are very real and are true friends. [You may recall that I recently learned there were other J-landers near me in Dallas and we decided to get together for the first time.]


    Yes, that is VivianSulliNwank (Nwanyiomas Journal), Jtuwliens (Mirror, Mirror on the wall), emmapeeldallas (Talking to Myself) and DBP2000 (Dust Bunny Protector), enjoying a four and a half hour lunch on Saturday!  The only person missing was Judith's sister, Julie, the other half of the Twin-dom who could not join us since she was out of town. 

    It was so nice to meet with other members of the AOL journaling community and feel an instant connection.  We each have our own unique style and yet we found we each had much in common in how we approach our journaling.  We share a lot of ourselves online and yet we keep much of ourselves in reserve.  

    I know that many of you have expressed excitement about our outing and I'm going to share a few of the things you might have learned, had you been with us.  It is anyone's guess who revealed what.  What happens in Dallas, stays in Dallas - kind of.

    We range in age from 40 to 56 *** We are married and divorced *** Kids - none to four *** Our children range in age from 13 to 28 *** Two of us are directionally challenged, even with a map *** One of us is a grandmother *** Three of us have done the internet dating thing *** We all dislike the drama we see at times online *** Democrat and Republican *** One has been with the same company for decades *** One just started a new job *** One has a boyfriend *** One stayed at a bed and breakfast with her ex recently (okay - it wasn't the way I made it sound :-/ ) *** One talks to her ex-boyfriend almost every day *** One talks to her sister several times a day *** Two of us have studied psychology *** One of us has a masters degree *** One is working on her masters *** One is a twin *** One has twins *** One enjoys karaoke *** Three were nominated for VIVI Awards *** One is jealous but remains upbeat .... grrrrrr *** One lives in a neighborhood where the streets are all named after desserts *** All four live in a house *** All four recognized, by the end of lunch, they each had three new friends *** We all realized we are smart, sassy, talented women who love J-land, enjoy our journals and can draw the healthy line between the internet and real life.

    And, we all plan to get together again soon!    


    Eat your heart out, Ladies!

    I was over at Betty's place/My Day, My Interests and then at Teresa's/My Word and saw that the non-winners of the VIVI awards were invited to spend time with Flat Scalzi.  Since your humble servant, Dust Bunny Protector, was not a nominee for a VIVI award, then I could not officially consider myself to be a non-winner.  Not one to be left out of the fun, I decided to go in search of a suitable companion to join me. 

    Imagine my delight to have The Love Train himself, my dear friend Brian, agree to join me for a few days seeing the sights here in Dallas.  So, ladies (I'm talking to you Ms. Vivian), hands off my 2-D man for the next few days.  He will be very busy!


    I guess you can see why I chose to cry on his shoulders about my predicament! 

    Sunday Seven - Episode 10

    Thanks to Patrick for another episode. 

    Name seven foods that you wouldn't consider your Thanksgiving dinner complete without.

    1.  turkey

    2.  mashed potatoes and gravy

    3.  Yankee dressing (for my mom)

    4.  Southern dressing (for my dad)

    5.  brussel sprouts

    6.  homemade rolls

    7.  real butter

    A sight for sore eyes!

    What a blast!  It was standing room only in the multiple rooms that crowded around to hear Patrick, Gregg and Vivian announce the VIVI Award winners last night.  I had so much fun "working" the rooms and meeting the nominees, the winners, the whiners and the wannabes. 

    Everyone looked lovely in their various styles of dress.  Some with the latest couture and dripping with jewels on loan.  Others in comfortable sweats and pjs.  I, of course, was decked out in the lovely outfit you picked for me.  The hot pink, spaghetti strapped number.  I accessorized with Hello Kitty slippers, a Princess Fiona clutch, and a tiara on loan from Horton's House of Honors. Not sure if one of the many photographers in attendance captured me for posterity but check the next issue of People for all the fun. 

    It was a photo-op extravaganza.  I did not even mind (too much) when the paparazzi knocked me over trying to capture Brian, The Love Train's every move.  He was amazing!  Krissy (Sometimes I Think), her husband John and Michael, the cat, were all in their award winning fineryKaren's (Musings from Mavarin) shopping paid off and she partied the night away after her win. Carly, the ever gracious OndineMonet/Ellipsis, was stunning in her red, slit all the way up to there, number. 

    For the complete list of winners, go here


    Fun was had by all and I look forward to next year's awards.  Maybe I will even get a nomination in 2006 but I cannot imagine I will enjoy it any more than I did this time!

    The Saturday Six -Episode 82

    Patrick was able to get us the Saturday Six in addition to all his duties for the VIVI Awards this evening.  Way to go, Patrick!

    Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.  Enjoy!

    1. What is the last big "gift" you bought for yourself...either for your birthday, Christmas, or any other holiday?

    Last year I bought myself two 16" x 20" signed and numbered Mary Engelbreit lithographs with money I got for my birthday. 

    2. Of the official Vivi Award Categories, if you had to nix one of them, which would you choose?

    I do not have one I would eliminate.

    3. Which category would you add that isn't on the list this year?

    Best use of Comments.

    4. Take this quiz:  Which soap opera does your life most resemble?

    Your life most resembles:
    The Young and the Restless

    Your life mostly resembles those of the characters on the Young and the Restless. You are not very melodramatic, and your life is pretty normal. What makes you cool is that you can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

    Take this quiz at

    5. Have you ever heard a song and thought, "Whoever wrote that must know me?"  If so, what song was it, and do you still feel that way?

    Nope.  That has never happened to me.  But I do think Randy Travis' song, "Diggin' Up Bones" has definite possibilities.

    6. If your birthday had to fall on a holiday each year, which holiday would you choose and why?  (For this question, assume that holidays like "Thanksgiving," which fall on a different date each year, would fall on the same date to accommodate the question.)

    I'd say St. Patrick's Day so it was not serious competition to any gift giving.  I would not want to become a financial burden for anyone. LOL

    Saturday, November 5, 2005

    The Wishing Game

    Thanks, Betty for the link to this fun and insightful entry.  This meme is from Confessions of an Angel Waitress.

    I wish...

    1. I wish I had a million _dollars_.  Then I would... have fun trying to decide where it needed to be spent, shared and donated.

    2.   I wish I had one   true love   because........ it would make the journey more fun.

    3.  I wish I could be like   my friend, Susan  .  This person is special because she is genuinely sweet and seems to have her act together.

    4.When I was small I wished to be    a teacher    so I could have lots of papers to push around.  (Funny how our little child minds work!  LOL)

    5.  I wish there was a law that said   dieting was illegal   This would be a great law because I am a law abiding citizen. 

    6. I wish I could forget about the time I spoke to my kids in anger because it hurt them and me.    

    7. I wish trees could   grow around telephone and power lines  because then they would all be full and beautiful, arching over streets.

    8.  I wish I could see the world   because I enjoy traveling.

    9.  I wish I could learn   how to paint portraits   because I think that is a wonderful talent.

    10.  I wish there really was   a Santa Claus     If there really was then people would watch out, not cry, not pout.   (Think about it!)

    Friday, November 4, 2005

    What an exciting day this has been!

    My life has been going along rather placidly.  No big highs and no real lows.  But things have changed in the last few days and today was a winner! 

    It turns out that Vivian aka The First Lady of J-land, lives close to me.  As big as AOL's Blog world has become, it is very exciting to actually live near "royalty."  I have found two other friends here in the metroplex through reading their journals and I decided to try and get us together.  So, tomorrow emmapeeldallas/Talking to Myself, jtuwliens from Mirror Mirror on the Wall, viviansullinwank/NwanyiomasJournal and yours truly, Dust Bunny Protector will be gathering for a VIVI Award pre-announcement brunch.  We are all eagerly looking forward to meeting with folks we have come to know so well through our journals.  Vivian has promised pictures and a special entry about our little extravaganza!!

    Another highlight today was an afternoon at the dentist.  You think I am joking, don't you?  No - I am very serious. I'm a straightlaced, law abiding, good ol' Southern gal who just loves the feeling I get from nitrous oxide.  It is the closest thing I have ever come to "getting high" and mama has a monkey on her back!!  Want to hear the really crazy part??  While I am sitting in the dentist chair for almost three hours today enjoying my little buzz, I actually found myself trying to figure out how to verbalize what was happening to me, for my journal. [Now before you get concerned, much of the time in the chair was waiting for x-rays, impressions to harden, napping, etc. Dr. W. was only willing to let me enjoy the gas for limited periods while he was giving me shots, drilling, etc. Not a 3 hour buzz, I assure you!!]  I have decided that I cannot adequately describe the nitrous oxide experience without using my hands in a finger-wiggling/ hand waving exercise.  Suffice it to say, it feels good and I wish it could be bottled.  Oh, duh!  It is bottled.  I just can't purchase a six-pack!

    And, then, when I got home tonight I noticed I had an unusual number of new Comment Alerts in my mailbox. I had not posted anything new so that seemed odd.  (Maybe all the lost ones were finally arriving?!)  Imagine my pleasant surprise to learn I was an Guest Editor's Pick this week.  How exciting is that??  Thanks to Terra at 8 is Enough for this honor.  Since I am having lunch with three VIVI Award nominees, the timing couldn't be better!  

    Tuesday, November 1, 2005

    It is still painful, after all this time.

    It has been years, but I remember it like it was yesterday.  Their plaintive little cries. Their oh-so-soft little bodies huddled together, pressed against the corner.  They skittered around the floor in a dance led by the wind.  Each gentle breeze brought rhythmic movement to their journey.  They knew their fate but, by their futile actions, I could tell they thought there was strength in numbers.

    How could I be so cruel to try and force my will on them? It was not their fault I felt compelled to show my dominance.  It had been part of my training; my manifesto as it were.  Nothing could stop me.

    But I was wrong.  In that moment, ready to sweep away any signs of their exhistence, I was overcome by feelings of compassion. Tears welled in my eyes as I realized their future was at my mercy.  No more could I foist my archaic ideals on them.  But, my sentiments were deeply rooted, based on time honored traditions of well-meaning ancestors.  How could I turn my back on what they held so dear?

    No!  I had to take a stand on what truly mattered to me!  I realized, in that very moment, the annihilation of those helpless to help themselves was no longer going to consume me. 

    I stood up, shoulders back in proud defiance.  This was a defining moment.  I realized my destiny.



    I had truly become the Dust Bunny Protector!


    Thanks to Brian, The Love Train, for requesting "the rest of the story." 


    I'd step off my soapbox but I can't move.

    Something happened to me yesterday I can't get off my mind.  My company is opening a brand new office and there are so many details to be considered.  My boss was at the new facility yesterday working with the surveillance contractors on the placement of the cameras and waiting for several deliveries.  When he had to leave for another appointment I went over to relieve him and to accept the remaining deliveries we were expecting. 

    I was sitting in my car eating my lunch, since there is no place but the bathroom to sit down inside, when the Westway truck pulled up.  The driver of the big rig said he needed to pull around to the dock so I went into the building and opened one of the warehouse doors for him.  The warehouse is huge and totally bare. It is actually space for future office growth so currently it resembles a concrete basketball court. 

    There were two pallets of boxes to be off loaded and the driver needed a forklift. We do not have a dolly at this point, much less a forklift, so I was not able to offer much help .... or so I thought.  The driver said he did not have a dolly either and all he was supposed to do was bring the pallets to the facility and we were supposed to be prepared to accept them.  Okay ... what's your point? 

    The next thing I knew he was tearing off the plastic wrapped around the boxes and moving them to the end of the truck.  He let me know that he would get them that far but it was up to me to get them unloaded.  I was stunned but he was adamant.  So fat, beer-gut, driver guy stood on the back of the truck and watched Rubensesque, Business Manager haul 28 boxes of equipment into the office.  Actually, I only got 22 of them done before my back gave-out and he grudgingly unloaded the final six. 

    What galls me is the attitude of some people that they will do the bare minimum in a job and be satisfied with themselves.  What ever happened to going the extra mile? Of doing the "right" thing?  Of following the Golden Rule? And, maybe this is my own "attitude" showing but I cannot help but think, had I been a cute, young thing instead of a middle-aged chubette, he would have been much more accommodating.  What do you think?  

    [Note:  When I relayed to my boss what had transpired, he was very sympathetic and sent emails to all parties involved letting them know our limited capabilities at this time and to make appropriate arrangements when sending us future deliveries.   Oh, yes.  Purchasing a heavy-duty dolly is on his To Do list for today as well.]    

    Sunday, October 30, 2005

    Trick or Treat through J-land - with a twist

    Thanks to Teresa at OhMyWord for this cute idea.  I have been playing all weekend but finally decided to do my own entry. 


    Hey, everyone is looking for journal exposure or maybe would just like some fun. Let's do both!

    Starting Friday night through Monday night, visit as many J-land journals as you can, and leave a comment and a link to your journal as a treat. The more "houses" you visit the more trick or treaters you'll get.

    Please call your entry "TRICK OR TREAT THU J-LAND".  If you come to a journal that does not have this entry title, consider it a door you knocked on and no one answered! Decorate your journal for Halloween, perhaps a picture of your front door or whatever grabs your holiday spirit. Leave links to your journals where ever you can. Stop at the same journal only once!

    Start 7pm Friday and end 9pm Monday ... whatever your time zone. Report back here next week to let us know how many trick or treaters you had.

    The twist ... how far did you travel to my door?  Please check out this map for Dust Bunny Protector Friends.  Add your name and picture if you will.  Thanks!!

    The Sunday Seven

    You are given control of a cable network to run a seven-movie Halloween marathon.  Which movies would you choose?

    Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. 

    I have never been much of a horror movie fan but I think I scared up a few choices!

    1.  The Exorcist

    2.  Rosemary's Baby

    3.  Wait Until Dark

    4.  Se7en

    5.  Silence of the Lambs

    6.  Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

    7.  Poltergeist

    Dishonorable Mention:  The Blair Witch Project

    What are you doing with the extra hour?

    Hey there!  You got an extra hour tonight and what did you do with it?

    Sleep?  If you are Patrick, you probably counted votes.  And, just judging by my almost neglected alerts, Carly at Ellipsis is fretting over her wardrobe.  Jimmy, aka StupidSheetGuy, is weighing the pros and cons of being single.  Mary, at Alpha Woman's Blog is still traumatized about Wilma joining them on vacation in Cancun. Mrs. L is enjoying her birthday loot and celebrating her 62nd on Sunday.  Emily at Emmy's Purple Pages is planning her next trip based on the locations of her Jland pals tracking on her new map. After a day of campaigning, Krissy, Sometimes I Think, is working on her VIVI acceptance and concession speeches, just to be prepared. Brandy, Something New, is catching us up on the latest since her return from the shelter following Katrina. Dorn, is out in the woods with the pooper scooper, cleaning up after Dickidoo.  Now I know where he got his name!  Paisley Skys is trying to do a little Christmas shopping but not having much success - yet.  Poor Jon, our faux cowboy at One-Way Passage, is still picking impression gunk out of his dental work.

    And, for me, I am putting the finishing touches on my very own Frappr Map.  Please stop by and add your name/location!

    Saturday, October 29, 2005

    The Saturday Six - Done on a Saturday!! Episode 81

    This is from Patrick's Place and the original can be found here.

    Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.    Enjoy!

    1. What is a bigger pet peeve for you:  someone trying to talk on a cell phone during a movie, a baby crying in a restaurant, a dog barking on your street, or music played loud enough to rattle windows.

    Talking on a cell phone during a movie makes me want to inflict bodily damage on someone!  Now, if the loud music/rattling windows was a neighbor in an apartment next to me, that would quickly move to the top of the list.

    2. What is your favorite cologne or perfume that you wear most often?  Which one is the one you like the scent of, but don't wear often or at all?

    I love my Amarige by Givenchy and wear it every day.  I also love but no longer wear Gio by Armani.

    3. In your opinion, what is the best way to tell someone you value how much they mean to you?

    Telling someone how much they mean to you is invaluable but, perhaps because I enjoy writing so much, I find that taking the time to actually put words to paper expresses my feelings even better.  This goes for loved ones, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. 

    4. Earlier this week, I posted a personality quiz:   If you haven't taken it, please do; if you already have, how accurate were the results compared with your true personality.

    I scored a 43 and would like to feel it is accurate.

    41 TO 50 POINTS: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

    5. When was the last time you feel you got as much sleep as you really needed in a single night?

    That would be last night.  I know I have enough sleep when I wake up on my own without the assistance of an alarm clock.

    6. If a stranger walked up to you and handed you a briefcase with enough money to pay off every debt you had down to the penny, do you think you could start from then on living debt-free? 

    It would certainly be my goal. And, by the way, that would be a big briefcase!

    Friday, October 28, 2005

    I am sooooo excited!!

    So much is going on and I can barely keep track of my To Do list!  The VIVI Awards are Sunday and I am just not ready!  I've made arrangements to pick up TillySweetChops when she flies in from the UK.  After dropping her off at the Hotel Blogest, where several hundred AOL out of towners are also staying, it will be a mad dash to the florist to pick up the 732 pounds of rose petals to spread along the red carpet.  I have had to arrange for a refrigeration truck to store them and the ice sculptures which will adorn the Grand Hall the night of the festivities. 

    I spent several hours today helping assemble the bleachers lining the red carpet for the paparazzi.  (My strong recommendation is to avoid rows G thru M in section 101.  I needed caffeine at the time I was wielding the power drill.  Need I say more?)

    Sunday Betty and I will host a brunch for all the nominees where they will be presented with their complimentary gift bags.  Local vendors have outdone themselves this year in donating quality merchandise that will be envied by the rest of us mere mortals. is doubling the amount of free storage to 50MB and increasing the amount of free bandwidth to 2500MB/month for all its members. Travelocity is giving you $150 off your five day vacation purchase. There is also the BOSE Wave Music System free shipping.  And a free gift registry from Neiman Marcus, Macy's, or JCPenney.  I know that I am certainly impressed with the generosity of J-land supporters!  And the piece de resistance is each of the winners will be mentioned in at least four journals following the announcements!! 

    The main decision remaining is what will I wear?  I am sparing no expense to view the proceedings.  Maybe you can help me make a final decision.  Please leave a comment and let me know which one (A, B, C, D, or E) will best suit the Dust Bunny Protector.  I sunburn easily, so please keep that in mind since I will be sitting outside in the spectator's stands.  But then, a girl wants to feel oh so pretty, so I may throw caution to the wind and just add sunblock with a SPF of 300.







    I guess you can see why I am struggling so with my decision.  Any of these final couture offerings would help me catch the eye of the nominees as they take their walk of fame.  I even have a little something special planned for Jimmy/Stupid Sheet Guy and Brian/The Love Train.  Muah!

    After the awards, Robin will be hosting a major bash at Cici's Pizza.  See you there!!