Friday, October 28, 2005

I am sooooo excited!!

So much is going on and I can barely keep track of my To Do list!  The VIVI Awards are Sunday and I am just not ready!  I've made arrangements to pick up TillySweetChops when she flies in from the UK.  After dropping her off at the Hotel Blogest, where several hundred AOL out of towners are also staying, it will be a mad dash to the florist to pick up the 732 pounds of rose petals to spread along the red carpet.  I have had to arrange for a refrigeration truck to store them and the ice sculptures which will adorn the Grand Hall the night of the festivities. 

I spent several hours today helping assemble the bleachers lining the red carpet for the paparazzi.  (My strong recommendation is to avoid rows G thru M in section 101.  I needed caffeine at the time I was wielding the power drill.  Need I say more?)

Sunday Betty and I will host a brunch for all the nominees where they will be presented with their complimentary gift bags.  Local vendors have outdone themselves this year in donating quality merchandise that will be envied by the rest of us mere mortals. is doubling the amount of free storage to 50MB and increasing the amount of free bandwidth to 2500MB/month for all its members. Travelocity is giving you $150 off your five day vacation purchase. There is also the BOSE Wave Music System free shipping.  And a free gift registry from Neiman Marcus, Macy's, or JCPenney.  I know that I am certainly impressed with the generosity of J-land supporters!  And the piece de resistance is each of the winners will be mentioned in at least four journals following the announcements!! 

The main decision remaining is what will I wear?  I am sparing no expense to view the proceedings.  Maybe you can help me make a final decision.  Please leave a comment and let me know which one (A, B, C, D, or E) will best suit the Dust Bunny Protector.  I sunburn easily, so please keep that in mind since I will be sitting outside in the spectator's stands.  But then, a girl wants to feel oh so pretty, so I may throw caution to the wind and just add sunblock with a SPF of 300.







I guess you can see why I am struggling so with my decision.  Any of these final couture offerings would help me catch the eye of the nominees as they take their walk of fame.  I even have a little something special planned for Jimmy/Stupid Sheet Guy and Brian/The Love Train.  Muah!

After the awards, Robin will be hosting a major bash at Cici's Pizza.  See you there!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ohh darlin, I would have to say pick dress E, it has just the right "flair" for such an affair! If you decide not to use dress A, could I borrow it for the night? I just can't afford such fine couture :o)

Anonymous said...

I am all about pink so I would go with the last dress. Gosh...come to think of it I was going to wear pink too...hope we don't match.  Can you please check on my suite at the hotel as well...I can't sleep there if I don't have the room with the hot tub for me and my boys!!  ;)  They know who they are.  LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out of my journal! Of course I'll be delighted to host the brunch with you. Champagne anyone?

I like "B" for you and I'll be wearing "C" unless we decide to be twins and then we will go for "E".


Anonymous said...

What time is brunch??? I would go for E you will look mabvoulos (sp) lol what flowers will you be wearing??


Anonymous said...

I love "E" myself.   :)

Thanks for all the hard work!


Anonymous said...

trick or treat

Anonymous said...

E is my choice.
Trick or treat-

Anonymous said...

E!!! its the funnest ; )
<3 em

Anonymous said...

Go with B

Happy Halloween

Anonymous said...

Oh I like is similar to what I am thinking of wearing...hee hee

Anonymous said...

LOL what a great party this is going to be!  I think the hot pink one is the best for you!!  Lelly

Anonymous said...

Definately the HOT PINK one!!! I'll have to decide what I'm going to wear! lol....

Anonymous said...

You better not mess this up Donna. And remember, I want Pink Champagne and a powerful Swedish Massuer. Where's my cigar?

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

I like B, it looks like it is very comfortable and you will more than likely be doing a lot of up and down things.  E is very nice as well but just doesn't look as comfortable.  

Anonymous said...

Yes... YES, my love! I'm feeling 'E' for Ecstasy. [:P]

I can 'hardly' wait, Donna.

~Mo' muah, Brian @---->---

Anonymous said...

Oh....wear E.  E.  Wear E.

I'll be the one on the side with the flash camera.  You'll see me.

Anonymous said...

I like C and E.  D is kind of late mod-era Barbie!  

And, um, where can I pick up those lovely gifts? Do I get a gift basket for each nomination?  If so, Tilly will need a cart for hers...!

- Karen

Anonymous said...

Karen:  I am pretty sure the gift baskets are one for each honored attendee but I am pretty sure there are some extra Travelocity discounts available.  LOL


Anonymous said...

I vote for  E all the way!  This was such a great entry!

Thanks for Trick or treating over at my place!


Anonymous said...

Wow-ee! Ok I'll be voting "E"

and thanking you for such a creative entry!   Oh, and I can't wait to see what ya have planned for Brian and me...


Anonymous said...

YOHO!!!! i mean, YOOHOO,  lay OFF my men!!! lolol


uh none of those dresses will do, but this is hysterical!!! love this entry!!!!


Anonymous said...

Check-check it out, hunny-bunny...

Think 'pink', baby. [:D]

~Hugs, Brian @---->---

Anonymous said...

I say ignore these people.

I vote A.  All the way.

~~ jennifer, who's so far behind the train's done left without her

Anonymous said...

732 pounds of rose petals?  Holy Red Roses, that's a lot of rose petals!  The nominees won't be walking the red carpet, they'll be swimming it!
Consider this my RSVP to attend this fancy-schmancy do-dah you and Betty are hosting.  Gift bag?  Are you bribing me?  You want my ghetto-gold, don't you?  Now, about the oh-la-la couture dresses.  Pink all the way...go with E.  Of course you can always throw caution to the wind and go buck naked with SPF of 300.
Did you really write 732 pounds of rose petals?