Sunday, October 16, 2005

Admitted Night Owl

After the sad note in that last entry, I feel compelled to end my day on a happier, if not scary, note.  The other night I was back home after a pleasant evening out and I was still wide awake and antsy.  So, what did I do?  Did I submerge myself in any of the six hours of the West Wing Marathon I had TIVO'd?  No.  Did I work on either one of my journals?  No.  Did I try to help Jayveeconcerto obtain the safe release of his kidnapped counter? Hahahaha-No!   At 11:30 PM I jump in the car and head to the 24 hour WalMart Super Center a few miles from my home.


What possesses a seemingly "normal" woman, of sufficient intelligence and a healthy dose of common sense, to go to Wal Mart in the middle of the night?  Beats the heck out of me but that is exactly what I did this weekend. Big mistake.  Even bigger learning experience.

In spite of what I have already confessed, I did take precautions.  I drove around the parking lot, which was still quite full, looking for a well-lit space, near the front door.  Only one door is open at this hour of the night I learned.  There was a large congregation of people hanging out near the automatic doors.  They did not look particularly threatening but not wanting to take any chances, I waited until the official Parking Lot Security golf cart drove down my row before I emerged from the car. I had to laugh to myself when I got closer to the entrance and realized that most of the folks "loitering" out front had WalMart badges hanging from their non-descript clothes.  Some were holding their blue vests in their hands, I suspect, as proof they were off the clock. 

I got a cart (big mistake!) and bravely charged forward.  What a nightmare!  It seemed that every aisle was an obstacle course.  Mountains of stock blocked my path at every turn.  I would see the aisle where I needed tuna fish, but I had to go all the way to the aisle with toilet paper to make a U-turn.  I wentahead and stocked up on the tp, and picked up sale crackers, pumpkin pie filling and almonds on my way back to the tuna fish.  Hmmm ... I think I see why I am being forced to take the long way around! 

And, the helpful staff you cannot find during the daylight hours?  Guess what?  They are all stocking shelves in the middle of the night!!

I need to repot a plant that has become rootbound and so I wandered over to the gardening section.  Naturally, at this time of year the selection of gardening supplies is significantly diminished but I found an adequate substitute. Next to the gardening section I was disconcerted to find Christmas trees lit up in the Halloween section.  I was not a Marketing major and I know that WalMart has been very successful (much to the chagrin of the mom and pop enterprises along the way), but it just does not seem right to find animated snowmen next to skeleton costumes.  Even worse is to find glow in the dark makeup and plastic eyelashes next to snowglobes of the Nativity scene. That is just wrong!!

Turns out there are just as many small children filling the aisles in the middle of the night as there are during the day.  The problem at night?  They dart out from between the tall boxes of stock and you do not see them coming until they bounce into your cart and run off in the other direction like a pinball slammed by a flipper. I had visions of the driver's ed film in the simulator where the ball comes out from between two cars and seconds later a child follows.  You slam on the brakes and are hesitant to move forward.  (Do they still teach driver's education that way?)

I'd had enough!  I thought it would be easier and faster to shop in the middle of the night but I was wrong.  And, to make matters worse, of the 36 checkout stations, only four were open and each had a line that wound around, passed the batteries, the candy, the magazines, the pulp fiction, a carousel of cards, the state souvenirs, racks of maps, cotton candy and small packets of tissues, baby wipes, cleanser, nail clippers and toothpaste. Not a complete waste of time.  I learned that Jennifer Aniston is moving on with her life after Brad and Nick and Jessica are wearing their rings. 

I wonder if they have ever had the thrill of shopping Wally World in the middle of the night?  



Anonymous said...

You know, if my WalMart were open late, I would be there.  I don't go to sleep before 2 most nights, and during the Christmas shopping season when stores stay open late, some until midnight, I'm there!


Anonymous said...

I never even thought of the midnight shopping experience.  I think I will go to Target to finish the Christmas shopping, ya never know, I could find a dust bunny on sale!   Anne

Anonymous said...

Funny!  Mistake made?  You went too early!  I am a night-shifter and often go to WalMart in the middle of the night, sometimes as late as 2:00 and 3:00.  Have even wondered over at 4:00am when I was getting off work at 3am.  The WalMart right by our house is as you described.  But, as luck would have it, a brand new H-U-G-E WalMart opened up about 1 1/2 miles and it is wonderful.  Yeah there are boxes, but they are arranged so you can get to everything you need.  And, the staff is very friendly and helpful.  Only complaint?  Sometimes there is only one lane open.  But I love going in the middle of the night.  That is when I function best, and when there are less crowds.  De ;)

Anonymous said...

I used to work afternoons and got off at 11:30 pm and would do my shopping then.  I always ran into the same situation with the stocking being done at that time but I had to do it then!  So glad I don't have to do that anymore! Lelly

Anonymous said...

Some people here at our Wal-Mart do shop the late hours; I'll have to ask them their experiences. Our Wal-Mart scares me because the distance from getting out of the store to right where the cars are driving is very short and I'm surprised more people haven't been hit by cars, especially darting children. We went to a Wal-Mart in Avalon, near Phoenix, last summer looking for a suitcase to bring some extra carries on to the plane. It was hard to find an employee down there that spoke English, and alas, I don't speak Spanish.

Hope you recovered from your experience :)


Anonymous said...

LOL  Glad it was you and not me.

Funny thing though, our Wally World stockers block the aisles in the middle of the DAY.  And the ones who aren't stocking are having Indy 500 fantasies, pushing their overloaded carts through the other aisles at warp speed.

Evidentially the midnighters are sleeping here.

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

I went to a WalMart ONCE, and never intend to return. Too scary! Too many kids running around with no manners at all, and everyone else was yelling their life stories at high decibels into cell phones, distracted enough by their own conversations about themselves to be running their carts into everything. Awful. A maniacal experience.


Anonymous said...

We used to work 'B' shift and had to do grocery shopping at 1 am. It's amazing how the stockboys manage to position skidsful (skidfuls?) of canned goods in front of every single needed item. Truly an adventure in shopping.
Bon & Mal

Anonymous said...

My mom is a crazy lunatic who loves to shop at Wal Mart in the middle of the night.  I agree with you it's not worth it.


Anonymous said...

I'm a night person as well, so I can relate.  I've held fast to never stepping in a WalMart (mainly because there were none near me) but that may change as one opened less than a mile away.  I'm not sure if they're all nighters, though.  I used to do a lot of grocery shopping in the wee hours.  During my stint out of work, I saw it didn't take long for the night owl to take over once again!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on going to a 24 hour Wal-Mart in the middle of the night. I have thought about doing it a few times when I couldn't sleep.

Anonymous said...

HAHA...I used to work the jewlery counter at i was constantly doing shopping after 11 pm...i know exactly what you mean by the late night crowd different from the earlier crowd....i've been at the store round the clock before and actually the best time to go is early 5ish...but i am more a night person like you and would never make it that early unless i didnt sleep! haha
have a good night donna...and if you go to walmart...I hope you beat my pinball score! lmao! j/k
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Going to the supermarket in the middle of the night always reminds me of those scenes in the zombie movie "Dawn of the Dead (I think) and you're right, they're either stocking or they are clean out of it!

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

I love that entry because I could relate so perfectly to it.  Actually, I went just the other night on a late-night run to the Supercenter.  To my eternal shame, it was to get a roll of refridgerated cookie dough to munch on!  *hangs his head*