Sunday, October 9, 2005

Just when you think you have seen it all

AOL is currently focusing on luxury campgrounds in the Marketplace section.  As you can see from my All About Me piece, I am a lover of air-conditioned campsites.  I said that with tongue in cheek and here it is.  Actually, close to my backyard!  Gotta love it! 



Camping in style.                      Not exactly roughing it


Anonymous said...

Pretty neat! I love camping and we have a new travel trailer that makes it even more fun!  Robin

Anonymous said...

Camping. I took my niece camping when she was about 16 so we could go to an amusement park, and she was being unusually cooperative with helping me get up the 6-man tent I had. I finally asked her why she was being so helpful, and she said, "I am waiting to find the six men!"


Anonymous said...

ooo looks nice ; O)

Anonymous said...

Everytime I think I have someone like you comes along.  lol
Thank you for the definition of a meme.  I was right but it was good to know the actual definition.  You never know when it will come in handy.

Anonymous said...

that's my type of camping :)


Anonymous said...

Wow!  I love those tents!  Not the pricetag though. :(