Tuesday, October 4, 2005

The "I"s Have It

While others may not like them, I enjoy participating in most memes. Here I have been tagged by jerroldssis over at It's All About Me I Think.

I'm going to do this and then tag some of you.  Here goes:

*I AM: old enough to sleep alone but young enough to not want to.

*I WANT: to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  (Okay, so my baby is 25.  What's your point??!!)

*I HAVE: remained friends with my ex-boyfriends.

*I WISH: my kids did not have divorced parents.

*I HATE: that I never finished my masters degree.

*I MISS: my waistline.

*I FEAR: growing old alone.

*I HEAR: there is a big sale at Hobby Lobby.

*I WONDER: why juries won't convict famous people.

*I LOVE: to listen to my daughter sing.

*I ALWAYS: find something to laugh about.

*I AM NOT: afraid to speak in front of a large crowd.

*I AM NOT ALWAYS: sure of the answer, but I am always sure of my opinion.

*I NEED: a live-in maid, masseur, and hair stylist.  I will do the cooking myself.

*I SHOULD: be more disciplined.

Alright, I'm going to start taggin'...and if I've I missed someone and you come upon this, feel free to do it, too!  Be sure to leave a link in my comments section so we can see who was the most honest, funny, open, immature, or sincere.



Anonymous said...

I'm trying to get back to pre-baby weight too, and no it absolutely does not matter how old the baby is. Mine's 7. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah...working on losing my baby fat too...mine is 9 almost 10 years old! Sigh...

Anonymous said...

This lack of convicting famous people has become a joke.

Anonymous said...

I admire you for not being afraid to speak in front of a large crowd. This terrifies me and I avoid it as much as possible.

Patting myself on the back, I'm down to my pre-baby weight and I didn't even have babies (they were adopted). But I did gain weight after I started staying home. I gained and lost and gained and lost several different times the same
35-50 pounds; been at goal since June 16, 2005 and plan to stay there this time.


Anonymous said...

Hey Donna, Hi!!

I was one of the first to be "It!" hehe. (((Gotcha-you!)))
(it wasn't a game of tag back then, just a silly survey. I like this way much better)

Here's the link:

Thanks for thinking of me. It was fun then but, way more fun/funner (LOL!) now! I can't wait to see the other's answers...


Much Love,

Barbie @>----------

Anonymous said...


You and I are so much alike it's scary!!

God Speed to us both! Love ya,

Me @>--------

Anonymous said...

The first one about being old enough to sleep alone but young enough not to want to was a classic one liner. You are very good at this sort of thing as...(referring to previous entry) U R Fuuny!

Anonymous said...

uh yeah, i can relate, so im not gonna bother to write it out myself...

uh except, i dont stay in touch w/old boyfriends, except for MAX cause he is my favvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvorite man on earth LOL


Anonymous said...

Here ya go.... mine is completed!  :)


Anonymous said...

Here's mine; thanks, Donna :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming by my blog today.

Anonymous said...

I read it on Betty's Journal!  So, here it is!

Anonymous said...

I did it....thanks.


Anonymous said...

I did it, I really enjoyed this one! : ) You have some really great answers!
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

I just decided to play along too!!!  lol...stop by and check out my answers too ; )
I need to get to hobby lobby...lol!!!  I need a new hobby, lol...maybe i'll croquet olivia a new blankie, haaha that should keep me occupied well over my means....hmmm oh well....well i'm off to start a pot of coffee have a good day!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

Hey, I finally did it--it was harder than it looked!  :)

Anonymous said...

Found this over at Betty's journal.  Here are my answers!  De