Saturday, October 8, 2005

The tension is mounting

What a day it has been!  I spent the morning making up for my lapse in judgement last night and closed, changed or alerted anyone potentially impacted by the scam I fell for yesterday.  It was a lesson well learned but I do not think I am going to suffer long term fallout.  (Hope I do not look back on that last sentence in weeks to come and kick myself!)

I took my daughter/Tender Heart and son in law/HummerGuy to lunch to celebrate her birthday.  HummerGuy is taking her out to dinner and then a bunch of her friends and some of us older party people will get together later for fun and karaoke.  Whoopee! I love to hear Tender Heart and her friends sing.  They are good!!  Depending on the crowd, I may make a fool of myself at least once.  I'm usually good for one attempt.  It takes me so long to work up the courage to sing and then the list is so long I never get around to a second try.  That is probably just as well!!

This afternoon I spent a good little amount of time submitting my nominations for the VIVI awards.  I plan to get a front row seat along the red carpet to take pictures of everyone dressed up for the big night.  I might even try to get a couple of autographs as the beautiful people go into the ceremony.  I have found the full page ads in The Variety to be either shamelessly tacky or highly informative.  Everyone has definite opinions of their choices for nomination.  You can feel the tension mounting!  Of course, there are the "let- me- take- myself- out- of- the- running- before- I- don't- even -get- nominated" naysayers.  They would be singing a different tune if they had been better received at the Moonstomp Festival earlier this year.  The independents will no doubt make a strong showing. I can hardly wait until the short list is announced. 

Click here for the official site and nomination/submission form

Good luck to everyone!!!



Anonymous said...

I hope you managed to get all your security in place :0

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a fabulous entry! Love, love, love the baby picture! :)

Always, Carly :)

Anonymous said...

Ya know...You really brighten my day!
I too played internet security(I live with an Internet Security Analyst)...Hopefully all is good. I dont really keep privy info on the puter anyway...and let em try to empty the bank, It is usually empty before the checks even hit it!! Just be ginving themselves bad credit!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I read your before entry and I have to tell you, I got one of those Hallmark things too! But as I was going through it, something didn't feel right, so I closed it all up <thankfully> I hope nothing terrible comes from this.
I did my nominations for the VIVI's yesterday too. It was TOUGH. I think I could have thought of at least 20 more catagories for all the wonderful journals I read. Hey whats the Variety? I feel like I'm missing out on something there <nothing new I know> anway, I'm excited to see the results myself. It should be a nice fancy affair, lets take pictures and scream like adoring fans~

Anonymous said...

Rebecca:  There were so many journals I wanted to nominate and it was frustrating to not be able to find all the appropriate places to plug them in.  Oh, well.  I did my best.  The reference to The Variety is the newspaper where reviews, gossip and the latest promotions for new releases can be found.  I do not know if it is just in Hollywood or extends to NYC.  I'm gonna go Google it.  LOL


Anonymous said...

Okay.  I found out that The Variety newspaper is coast to coast intertainment news.  Check out the up-to-the-minute fluff news at


Anonymous said...

You are a brave woman to try karaoke! Tell us if you did and what song you sang. Also want an update when you can about the Hallmark scam and how far the thieves got with your identity.


Anonymous said...

yay i'm excited too...!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of that baby!!!  Sorry you had so much trouble with the scam thing!  Lelly