Thursday, October 20, 2005

Winners and Whiners

As I have been keeping up with the nomination process for the VIVI Awards, I have been considering all the time that is spent, in general, putting together awards and recognitions.  Some are very self-serving but far more are worthwhile.  We, as a species, find satisfaction in recognizing and honoring top performers.  We want someone to come out at the top of the heap.  A level playing field of mediocrity does not give us any pleasure.

I won't even begin to try and identify all the possible awards which are bestowed each year.  The big ones come to mind easily enough.  The Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, the Tony Awards, Golden Globes, the People's Choice, Nobel Prize, and Clios.  As much as we enjoy building someone up, we take no small joy in tearing them down as well.  We seem to derive pleasure from the negative.  For that we have the Razzies, Mr. Blackwell's Worst Dressed List and the MTV Awards.

When you think about the process for each honor or dishonor, it is a voluminous task.  We take it for granted when the time rolls around each year that the award show just "happens".  There have to be people whose full time job is just focused on these events.  Think of all the entries, the selection process, qualifications that must be met, the ballots, the tallies, the presentations.  And, if it is an international honor, there is a language factor.  

One of my favorites that does not get a lot of recognition outside its industry is advertising.  I love creative marketing and I appreciate a well done commercial or print ad.  I enjoy the website about the international advertising awards.  View the top five winners and be certain to go to the Directory for many more that are outstanding, even if not chosen for the top honors. 

Oh, yes.  You have got to view the Pampers commercial. I think it foreshadows some reactions when the VIVI nominations are posted.



Anonymous said...

That Pampers commercial is hysterical.  And you're right:  we'll probably hear a lot of that after the Vivi announcement.  Alas.

I love creative commercials!

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

Pampers commercial - don't all guys act like that?

Anonymous said...

I thought the Pampers commercial was good; I also liked the Viagra one.

Half the fun of watching the Superbowl every year are the commercials....



Anonymous said...

the awards are in good fun, but, i've noticed in some journals some shameless self promotion.  i equate it with me looking at a guy that is good looking, but this guy just keeps flaunting his looks and it's downhill from there...and he's no longer attractive.

Anonymous said...

The Pampers commercial is good fun!
This makes the third round of Journal awards I've been through. There will be some unhappy people and I'm hopeful that the unhappy will not last long.