Thursday, October 27, 2005

What's next?

Why is it, that as soon as I read someone else's journal entry, it triggers a topic I could have/should have written?  Then I do not want to write about it because it would seem as though I could not be original.  Actually, it would prove I could not be original!  The way I see it, I have often been more creative when adding my two cents in a comment than one might see here.  Let me say right now, I'd like there to be a category for "Best Use of Comments" next year as part of the VIVI nods.  (And, don't anybody tell me about that award someone has already suggested for comments in another journal.  It is a gross play on words and I am trying to block it from my memory!)

I do not want to get out of the habit of adding entries on a regular basis.  There are enough half completed projects around me and I feel a certain obligation to keep the Dust Bunny alive.  It is something that I love and I can write here much easier than I can do my counted cross stitch these days. I always knew that when I actually had the time to do needlework, my eyes would not cooperate.  I just did not expect it to be so soon.

There are several topics I consider to be off limits for my gentle journal.  I avoid political hot potatoes.  I suspect people can get a pretty good idea of my political leanings just by the things I do not say.  But, do not get me wrong.  I have very strong opinions about George Bush, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, who should be accountable for the mess in New Orleans, gun control, the Texas border and the next nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy.  (If you have been reading my other entries you know I predicted Ms. Miers would not be on the Supreme Court.  How could she be appointed when I was obviously being investigated for the nomination myself?!)

I try to be very careful about what I write concerning my two grown children.  My daughter is enough like her mother that she is warming up to the idea that I get a lot of satisfaction from writing and this is a fun place to stretch my creative wings.  My son, on the other hand, acts as though I have imaginary friends I talk to and if I start to relate a humorous tale, he asks, "Is this real life or from a blog?" Pffft!

No one associated with my job knows about my journal, but I want to tread lightly when it comes to sharing too many things about work.  Never know when that might come back to haunt me!

I do not have a digital camera which is an obvious creative roadblock when it comes to blogging.  I have not done the research, but how may journals nominated for a VIVI do not have any pictures?  I love pictures! They add a lot to an entry. 

So, what does that leave for me to choose as a topic for my next entry?  I am open for your suggestions.  Help me out!  I do not have a three teat neighbor like Tilly.  I do not have little children or grandchildren closeby to provide comic fodder.  My love life is non-existent and I fell off my diet with a resounding flump!  So what's left??

While you think about it, I 'm going to bed!



Anonymous said...

Awwww Shugah-Pie!

Me too!!!!  

I'll put on the old Thinking Cap, just for me back here tomorrow...same Bat-Time.


Anonymous said...

"Resounding flump!" -- That's too cute, Donna. [:D]

Heeeeey, you could write about all of the dust bunnies that you've protected, and how grateful they are. I love a good 'super-hero' story. [:P]

~Hugs, Brian @---->---

Anonymous said...

Well, I, for one, would be honored if anything I wrote triggered a blog entry by you or anyone else! As long as it didn't happen every day (which would be sort of creepy, LOL!) I think it's OK to ocassionally write, "--- wrote about ------- and this got me to thinking...."  It's inevitable that sometimes people write about the same topic, and so long as the spin is different, I don't care, but I know what you mean about wanting to be original.  

"My son, on the other hand, acts as though I have imaginary friends I talk to and if I start to relate a humorous tale, he asks, "Is this real life or from a blog?" Pffft!"  LOL!  I LOVED that, so I guess what I'm trying to say here is, I'll keep coming back whatever your topics are, because I like reading what you write, and really, that's the most important thing, I think.


p.s. - and you've got to get yourself a digital camera at the first opportunity.  I'm IN LOVE with mine (uh, I don't date much these days, can you tell?).  Hehehe!

Anonymous said...

How about childhood memories...funny things that happen in your day...goofy things that come to about the hot UPS man?

But I think it is obivous you do have plenty to write about cause I keep on commin back for more!!  :)


Anonymous said...

interesting stories about the town you live in? like someone else commented, childhood memories? Your graphic of the bear was cute.

review of books you are reading?

I think, too, if there was a top you were going to write about and you saw it in another journal before, go ahead and write about it. Its going to be written from your perspective and also perhaps your readers don't follow that other journal.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya!  I feel the same way sometimes.  I'll start an entry but then realize its "going nowhere" and will delete, which causes me to ponder:  "Just why am I writing here anyway?  Am I writing for me, or for J-land?"  An interesting question...  I think the best way to go about this is to "just write."  Don't worry about a topic, unless you really have one (does that make sense?  Sometimes I think I just don't make sense!).  Don't give your entry a title, just go to the body and type one sentence about what's on your mind at that moment - and see where it takes you!  When you're thru, if you remember (I often forget), give your entry a title.  I think you do a great job with your journal - I love it!  And I especially loved this entry.  :)  Have fun!

Anonymous said...

well ,i am guilty of stealing others' topics and their quizzes too, but there's always something another can contribute to a topic LOL

sometimes i copy my entire COMMENT from anothers journal, and make a post stemming from that LOL, sometimes my comments are better than my entries SO

do whateva u feel like doin

we cant all be original every single damned day LOL



Anonymous said...

I suggest fluffing up your love life :)

Anonymous said...

I've found the same problem.. i think the trick is... write your journal page BEFORE you go and read your favorite entries others have made..  actually, answering quizs and things isn't all bad.. you do give it YOUR personal view.. I think when you have something you really want to write about, be it a comment on something or outright bitchin' about something.. you'll write it.. so don't worry about it so much.. you can always make another journal "just for" the quizes and responses?? and keep this one your own thoughts?  just a thought..heh.

Anonymous said...

i have the same problem sometimes!!!  I love your entries though....oh and i know what you mean about sounding unorig . . . oh my hubby asks if mine is "real life" or a "blog" too lmao....i think its just males they dont understand.  oh well best of luck....i'm not worried you always do fine!!!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

i know exactly what you mean - i read other journals and something clicks.

topics, topics...used to subscribe to writer's digest, and they had a list of topics every month to write on...

how about your worst date?  a memorable holiday (since the season is upcoming), a relative who was quirky, or a moment that inspired you.  you'll do're prolific!

Anonymous said...

I see no reason why we can't just borrow other entry ideas.  You see it with meme's all the time and everyone gives credit to the blogger they got it from.  But it has happened to me as well but the idea was off enough that I pulled if off without anyone knowing about it.  Until now that is. ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree! I made the mistake of revealing my journal page at work, and now I have to tread on thin ice.  I may start another anonymous page.  Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

I love your journal just the way it is, it doesn't need all the added stuff to it!!  Lelly

Anonymous said...

I did it so now you have to stop by and check it out. (smile)

Anonymous said...

I'm playing catch up here as the latter part of the work week was horrendous.  You saw what I did last night -- ramble on!  <grin>  Actually, you do use graphics so they can take the place of photos.  Your journal is interesting.  You could talk about all your imaginary friends to appease your loving son more.  ;-)

Anonymous said...

You're doing just fine!  I may not comment every time on every entry, but I'm here taking in all the good stuff you have to offer.