Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You Tarzan, Me Jane!

I do not mean to run it in the ground but I am fascinated by WildCam.  In the first five minutes I watched this evening, I saw several Elands (largest antelope) including one very hungry baby having breakfast.  A couple of Impalas ran through as well as a lone Warthog.  There were also Common Duikers and I think I recognized the Bush Buck.  There were several different flocks of birds but the only ones I could identify from the Animal Gallery pictures were the Hadeda Ibis.  As the camera panned I saw what I thought to be either a small alligator on land or a large Water Monitor Lizard creeping up on something. 

This was all at 7 AM Botswana time which is midnight for me in the Central Time Zone.  It is pushing 8 AM in Botswana and several Ostriches have just come to Pete's Pond.  How cool is this?? There are camera operators on duty and they will zoom in on specifics (like the nursing Eland) when possible.  This site will be opened until December 8. 

I am sooo ready to go on safari and I won't even care if there is no air-conditioning!


Anonymous said... got me hooked on this.  I was watching it for over an hour last night!(or should I say this morning since it was 2 A.M.!!)  I find it really relaxing actually...I just wish the kids were awake to see it.  It's past their bedtime.  Maybe on the weekend as a treat for them!  


Anonymous said...

I think that this wildcam is really cool also.  I will have to watch it during it's busy time.  Lelly

Anonymous said...

It is awesome. How cool would it be to have that right out your window...I would love to sit and drink my coffee each day watching the wild.

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture you put on Donna.

WildCam certainly is a great project and I know a hit with kids :)


Anonymous said...

I'm so, so glad you showed me that cam link. Now you know you're not the only one watching!


Anonymous said...

sorry...i'm behind on my alerts...wanted to let you know i still am reading though, haha...!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Thanks for the link!  I'm off to go check it out!