Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Potions, Lotions and Accountrements

My ex husband use to laugh and tease me about my accountrements.  I looked it up to understand its full meaning.  Webster's Dictionary says: 1. Clothes, 2. Equipment.  I guess that makes sense.  He was always amused by the array of items I thought I needed to get ready each day.  He only had brothers and a very no-nonsense mother who had long since stopped pampering herself.  His first wife became someone who was militantly opposed to anything feminine (hence the divorce) and so my daily routine was a source of endless fascination to him. 

I do not consider myself as necessarily high maintenance but when I look at the wide assortment of "essentials" in my boudoir, I have to wonder.

In the shower, it is not enough to have just plain soap.  There are also the bottles and tubes of shower gel (with and without moisture beads), body wash, shampoo, cream rinse, deep conditioner, and aloe enhanced shaving creme.  There is an entire fortress of products for maintaining my low maintenance hair style:  special hairbrush, spray detangler, styling foam, texture "product", hairdryer, straight iron, curling iron (don't ask!) and mega freeze hairspray. And, don't forget nature's helper to cover any gray that dares show its ugly roots! 

In the Land of Lotions you will find body cream (heavy duty), hand lotion, body lotion (light duty), facial moisturizer (light duty), anti-wrinkle moisturizer (heavy duty), foot moisturizer and aromatherapy lotion.  And, some of these come in more than one fragrance.  (You know the store!!)  Of course, you also have to watch those SPF levels!  I just realized that I did not become a resident in the Land of Lotions until the last few years. Pffft.

Makeup comes in two categories - putting it on and taking it off.  After the moisturizer comes the foundation, light powder, blush, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick. If it is an intense session, add tweezers, light eyebrow pencil, under eye concealer, eyeshadow, lipliner and lip gloss.  When the day is over, I rely on the make-up remover and scrub, not to be confused with the special eye makeup remover.  Add tissues, cotton balls, facial wipes, etc.

Rounding out the lineup:  toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, mouthwash, deoderant and perfume.

WOW!  I am really impressed whenever I can pack in only one suitcase!  What I want to know, dear reader, is what is on your list that I have overlooked?  I know this is not the consummate list but it is a good start.  AND, if you use most or all of the things on this list, do you consider yourself to be high maintenance??


Anonymous said...

The puffy buffy things to wash with, those netting things, whatever they are called. Files for nails and feet. Nail polish and remover. Kit to repair acrylic nails at home. Sun block. Travel sized everything.

Anonymous said...

whew......you wore me out!  I made a decision once I reached 50 not to wear maku-up everyday and never to wear pantyhose again. I am lucky, I have great hair and don't need very many products. I always wondered how lotion knew what area to migrate to? God forbid your night cream get near your eye cream and your body cream get on your face. Anne

Anonymous said...

I travel surprisingly simply; LOL. Don't wear makeup, use one type of lotion, floss and toothpaste, but everything fits neatly on one side of the bathroom sink with room to spare and in a small bag when we travel. My daily routine to get ready is 10-15 minutes max.


Anonymous said...

man, this made me want to go shopping.  eyelash curler on my list, but i see i need to add a few things from yours.  :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha...Oh sounds like my husband...i love messing with how I look so i have TONs of makeup...hairproducts for short hair .... new hair products for my long hair...gotta love  the prenatal vitamins...loofa sponge...nail clippers/files, bronzer, i am such a cosmetic junkie haha!  maybe i should check myself into high maintenance rehab, haha
ttyl donna
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

i do not consider myself high maintenance, but when i see ur list, it does make me wonder if i am LOL...it sounds similar to my list, although i have concealer, for that time of the month blemishes, and eyelash curler, hair iron! for straightening, mousse and special oil to add shine and decrease flyaways LOLOL

unfortunately, these things dont get done every day LOL, usually i am too lazy to get to it all on an average workday lol

my toes are the first thing to get neglected

it al goes down hill from there LOL



Anonymous said...

Special foot scrub and that hair smoothing serum that I just can't live without.

It would have been easier to be a man!! Oh yeah and less expensive.


Anonymous said...

I don't even have close to half the stuff you require. I don't mean this in a good way either.  I could use a little more pampering.  Maybe we should just meet half way.  You give a few things up and I'll pick a few things up.  That way we can save ourselves some time but still be girlie girls.
I do however have way too much in the way of nail products.  Files galore, all different textures and even different shapes.  All kinds of polish.  I have a bunch of stuff for fake nails as well but I don't wear them as much and they have been growing well on their own.  Then again over the years I have learned a few tricks.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing the things we put ourselves though!  I have to have anti frizz hair serum or my hair will look like a mess!  I have many many products under the sink in the bathroom that I "had to have" that just didn't work the way the description on the bottle said it would!  So they sit there and sit there............what to do with it all?  Maybe I should have a sale......beatuy product that did not work for me sale!  Hummm?  Lelly

Anonymous said...


I wear a light base with SPF and salycilic-stuff, so it doesn't break me out, and wax-free mascara.  A little blush-y stuff ojn days when my death-like pallor is worse than usual.

The comments here cracked me right slap up!  Missy Prissy Anne has SERIOUS lotion/creme issues!  (Ask her to tell you the one about the Capsasin) and Bett travels way too light for me...I am jealous!


Anonymous said...

This was purely hilarious! Loved the part about the fortress of products for your low-maintenance hair style, cracked me up. And just how big is the suitcase you mentioned, hmm?

Great entry, thanks!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes and then there are q-tips and a little clip on hair piece for when I have a bad hair day. Just found your journal and like it. I will be back. Paula http://journals.aol.com/plieck30/Iwantedtobeacowgirl

Anonymous said...

You sound as well stocked as me. The only thing is my stuff clogs up the bathroom counters and gathers dust. Oh for the days before I became a mother of six! lol

Tilly x