Monday, October 3, 2005

I just realized I am NOT Demi Moore

This happens every now and then.  I have another screen name, with a profile, and sometimes when I am on that screen name, I will get IM'd by some guy trying to strike up a conversation.  If you have been married for a while, or single and never "chatted" online, you will not be able to relate.  But, it is part of the dating scene for me in the 21st century.  For several months now, I have had little to no interest in dating.  I broke up with someone early this year and I am currently very content without the drama in my life.  I have gone out a few times in recent months but it never turns out the way I want so it just does not seem worth the effort.  I'm certain my mood will change but for now.....

I digress.  So, I'm sitting here, reading the latest on AOL news and thinking about purchasing Brad and Jen's house if they will drop the price from $28 mil, and I get an IM. I'm savvy enough to know that anyone can put anything on a profile and they frequently do.  I'm always curious when I am IMd and I immediately check for the profile.  No profile - no response.  Period.  But this guy has indicated that he lives in the same metropolitan city as me, is divorced, and his occupation is "doctor."  Whatever. He's also listed several things he enjoys that we have in common so I accept the IM and reply.

Exchange pleasantries and after making a joke or two and getting a response that he likes me  "U R funee"  I ask him how old he is.  He says 32.  BUZZZZ.  Wrong answer, but thank you for playing and enjoy these lovely parting gifts. 

Why?  Because I am 50 (see "middle aged" reference in All About Me) and I enjoy spending time with someone who can relate to things within at least a decade of me.  He was born about the time I graduated from high school!!  He never knew The Beatles like I knew the Beatles.  He thinks of Goldie Hawn as Kate Hudson's mom, not the ditzy blonde from Laugh-In.

So, I politely tell him that I'm 50 to which he immediately responds "Great!  I like mature women."  Oh, boy!  How many times haveI had that one tossed at me?  He has no idea.  I can be verrry immature.  I play stupid practical jokes.  I tell corny stories.  I get the giggles at inappropriate times.  I react poorly in heavy traffic.  (I knew what he meant. And, while this age difference may work for some, it has not worked for me.)

But, in spite of my undercurrent of negativity, he plows forward.  I use humor to diffuse the situation making a comment to the effect that I have a cut off age of 42.  I use that number because that was the age of the youngest man I have dated in recent years that I enjoyed.  (Edit: I have dated much younger men but in my case the differences were too great for it to be enjoyable longterm.)  And, that was because he was an old soul with the heart of a poet and a deep, mellow voice and muscles like a young Mr. Clean.  Hmmmmm .... But that's another journal entry.  I digress.  

Undaunted, the "doctor" assures me that "It is all a state of mind."  Maybe, but my mind is made up.  "Sorry, Charlie" is my not so clever response. His name is not Charlie.  All of this repartee is happening much quicker than it takes to re-tell it here. Something dawns on me and I ask, "Do you even know what commercial the phrase 'Sorry, Charlie' comes from?" 

Long pause. 

Me:  "Are you googling for the answer?" 

Him:  "Noooooo.  You really are fuuny!"  That's twice now he has misspelled funny but he still does not answer my question.  He throws out another compliment.

This is why I do not date guys young enough to date my daughter (if she were still single).  They cannot relate to my experiences in life.  My wealth of cultural trivia covering over four decades.  Time with me is an E-Ticket ride and they have probably never even heard of E-Tickets!

I thanked him for his kind words but let him know I was really not interested in chatting further.  "BTW.  It was a Starkist Tuna commercial.   Sorry, Charlie.  Only the freshest tuna get to be star kissed." 

Him:  "U R finny."


Anonymous said...


*getting my breath disturbed my precious Gerbies slumbering at my feet with THAT one!!!!


"This is why I do not date guys young enough to date my daughter (if she were still single).  They cannot relate to my experiences in life.  My wealth of cultural trivia covering over four decades.  Time with me is an E-Ticket ride and they have probably never even heard of E-Tickets."

Now I KNOW we were DESTINED to be friends!!!!  My two oldest friends, Fred&Mary have told me since we first met that "If I [you] were a ride at Disnay World, you'd be a Double-E Ticket!"

<howling with laughter now!!!!!!!!!!!>


ps: I DID have a boy-toy a few years back...and you could bounce a quarter off his EIGHT-pack!  <sigh>

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that is too funny, your right it is hard dating someone who can't relate to you- I can't believe he didn't take the hint lol... Men...
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

You must be a hottie then! woohooo! ;) This is the exact reason I dont have a profile anymore!!! Sooooooo annoying! Or just allow only those on your buddy list to see you online :)

Anonymous said...

Age isn't everything ... spelling is! I think you were too smart for this one. Slow on the uptake wasn't he? Bless ...

/:¬) Kath

Anonymous said...

If it helps at all, I knew both.  I knew the Sorry Charlie was from a Tuna commericial and that E-tickets were the tickets that got you onto the best rides at Disneyland.

And I'm 28.

I'm just saying I knew, that's all.

But, yeah, age is really important.  Anyone who says it doesn't is just really, really desperate.

What a dork wad.  Everyone knows it's spelled funy.

Anonymous said...

I am 38 and I would have said "Sorry Charlie" is from the tuna commercial.  Is that right?

Anonymous said...

well ..... sometimes its fun to date a younger man, just cause they dont know ur cultural references, does not make them dumb, boring, or too young for you. when i'm 50 i will DEFINITELY go out with a 32 yr old !!!! lol

lol, i'm 36 and cant handle the 22 yr olds so....lolol maybe i can relate LOL

hey, a date is just a date, its not a commitment

and 36 yr olds can hold their own better than 46 yr old men hehehe

just a thought

have fun w/the dating scene...i can relate to not getting into it too soon after a bad end to a bad relationship....but try to have fun


Anonymous said...

Hm. I have dated much younger men. My boy toy is 12 years younger. I swear he is more mature than I am. Age is just not an issue with him.

That guy you chatted with didn't sound too mature. I never heard of a doctor using "u r," but who knows? And the "finny" thing after fish - that was clever. But he did entertain you for a while, right? You could have just ignored his IMs, which is what I do. I think that hearing "I like mature women" means "I need to get laid."


Anonymous said...

This is fuunny :o) Well, you never know, old Demi might know something we don't know. But I agree and I'm 33, I prefer the men I date to be the same age or older! I barely made it through my 20's I can't imagine being with someone who had just started that journey. We'd be mentally years apart and age wise.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Tuna; but I bet my 16 y/o would be clueless on who he was. I remember years ago being IM'd by someone when I was online trying to pick me up. I said I was married and he still persisted. Finally told him I was not interested and ended the conversation. Now I just block everyone so no one knows when I'm online.

I agree with you, though, I'm past dating right now being happily married - but I think I would want to date someone in the same decade as me - otherwise, too much of a gap that I'm not willing to work to overcome.


Anonymous said...

I know why you really dismissed him...he didn't ask for your PIC or a/s/l!

Every once in a while, I luck out and find a genuinely entertaining entry to read over a couple of times. I consider today a lucky day!

Classic. Be sure to save this one. And I'm going to make a tuna salad with Starkist in your honor, ok?


Anonymous said...

LOL, Jimmy.  Actually, he did ask for my pic and thanks to my profile he knew the s/l and I volunteered the a.  I edited some of the banter to keep the comedic flow of the entry going.  It's all about the laughs!  LOL Glad you enjoyed this post! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You really are finny I mean funny, lol.


Anonymous said...

Very punny.  Feel free to digress at any time.

Anonymous said...

heh heh heh...

Anonymous said...

oh my, what a charmer...

you handled that with great diplomacy.  hats off to you!

Anonymous said...

I just happened to follow a random chain of links through other blogs to yours.  This is the first entry I read.  You ARE funnie! LOL  I really enjoyed the entry and I'll be back to check out your blog again.  

Anonymous said...

wow a doctor that cannot spell funny huh??? lol! where do you live so i can make sure i never have him as my doc, lol!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

2 funnee....I 2 understand!!
THis was a hoot Donna!!!

Anonymous said...

He was right about one thing though - U R fuuny!! lol
Tilly x

Anonymous said...

Got your link from Robin and really glad I hopped over here.
I just can't imagine WHY you wouldn't want to date this intelligent dr! LOL I'm enjoying your journal and will definately be setting my alerts!

God Bless

Anonymous said...

I knew the answer to the "Sorry Charlie" question, and I'm only 32... But then again, I am full of useless knowledge... LOL... This is my first time here, but I like it, I will be back!

I can't believe I just said "I'm ONLY 32"!! LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Time with me is an E-Ticket ride and they have probably never even heard of E-Tickets!

I am 38 and knew all the answers....I could date you.  BUT I am a girl, married and happy at that.

I almost peed my pants.  LMAO>   Time with me is an E-Ticket ride and they have probably never even heard of E-Tickets!

I used E-tickets.....begged for E tickets for Space Mountain.....BEGGED.

Anonymous said...

Just popped in before I start the morning mania, (getting kids up, ready for school)....I was laughing so hard, (nice way to start the morning!)  First time to your journal, and I will be back! I am so full of useless knowledge it will make your head spin! (whose head spun in the original horror flick that I can't remember the name of the movie!) Well sometime I can remember....I am like you, can't tell a joke, never can remember punch lines, but tell a tale from my wild past....hoo boy....come visit me sometime! Tammy

Anonymous said...

guys that can't spell funny should be kicked to the curb immediately.  -=)

i totally understand your age cutoff.  when i was younger, I had an older age cutoff.  now that i'm older i'm having a younger age cutoff.  sigh.  -=)

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO!  I was once in your shoes and dated the younger "boys" too.  Biggest age difference was 10yrs.  Best age difference is with my husband, he is older by 4yrs.  De

Anonymous said...

Very funny! It is hard to find guys in the mature age bracket. And people wonder why I don't date!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes...relationships with a big age differance CAN work out. I am 51 and my husband is 26 and we couldn't be happier!!