Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My certificate better come framed!

Oh, my aching back ... and shoulders ... and head ... and eyes.  I have spent the last three days sitting in a training class, learning a new software program we are going to implement at work.  I normally love to go to training of any kind, expanding my skill set, learning how to make my professional life easier or more fun.  But this class has been different.  It is for members of management and we are a very unruly bunch. 

The top three executives from corporate flew in on Sunday night and joined the handful of us "locals" first thing Monday morning.  I knew the class would be challenging when each executive proceeded to set up their laptops right next to their training computers.  Normally, a trainer will warn everyone to turn off their cell phones, be on time after breaks and limit questions during the presentation. None of those rules have applied this week!  Between the downloaded ringtones, the buzzing of vibrating phones sitting on the desks and the numerous sidebar discussions that continue throughout each day, it is a wonder any of us are learning anything. 

Luckily, I find the software to be very intuitive, easy to learn and loaded with all the bells and whistles we could ever hope to need.  If you have ever had to convert to new software, there are the inevitable grumbles that numerous functions are missing or half-baked.  Not the case here!  They have thought of everything and even the slightest request we have mentioned was immediately called in to the programmers for attention.  It helps that the trainer is also the owner of the company, the original developer and has been working with this software for over 20 years.  He loves to improve his system! 

The trainer/software developer has been more than patient with the constant interruptions and has taken and made a few phone calls himself.  There are no set breaks and we all seem to come and go as we please.  If too many leave, a smoke break is called and it takes 30 minutes to get everyone rounded back up!  The wildest thing was this afternoon, everybody was struggling to stay focused after a big lunch and the president started showing his neighbor Google Earth

The trainer was on the phone with his home office trying to get something downloaded or up loaded or something, and pretty soon several of these grown men were huddled around the president's laptop making various sound effects as they took turns zooming in on views of their homes or favorite golf courses, or potential sites for future business.  The IS Manager and I started laughing and he said, "Don't they look like a bunch of kids on Christmas morning?"  It was too funny and a few minutes later they seemed to come to their senses and announced, "We need to get back to work!"   You think? 

I have not been on my best classroom behavior either!  The minute things seem to go off track, I log into my Journal email and start reading alerts.  That would explain the aching eyes!  It was a dead give away that I was not looking at the new software when my shoulders were hunched over and my nose was pressed to the monitor, in an effort to read the tiny print on the New Entry Alerts!  I finally gave up and Google Earthed the Grand Canyon! 

Kidding aside, this has actually been a great experience, building stronger business relationships with people I previously did not know very well.  I am the only female in the class and have held my own with "the guys."  Now, if I can just survive two more days!!!  


Anonymous said...

hang in there donna!!!!  Isn't google earth pretty cool....we have it on our computer....tony showed me where he was going in Iraq....sad but cool at the same time....oh well take it easy and have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Awl I hope your aches go away!! Go ahead girl, holding it down with the guys! Show them what women are made of!
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

It's a good instructor who can make training not be painful :)

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine cell phones going off in a learning type of atmosphere. That would be frustrating.....hang in there...its all downhill from now on.


Anonymous said...

usually training programs are a bore, but you sounded like you had a blast! and kudos for you for holding your own with the guys.  -=)

Anonymous said...

Oh the Corporate World and all it's associated paraphernalia! A little boys dream - gadgets, and buttons, and James Bond suitcases filled with computer equipment - these guys must be in seventh heaven!!

What a treat for you to be able to observe (all the while mastering the new software of course!) - no wonder lots of men can't wait to get back to "fun" after a new baby arrives!! LOL

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun.....not lol hope you make it


Anonymous said...

I am in the adminiistration of our agency and I am a trainer...OH MY WORD...I am lucky if I can get through a training without a non linear discussion and lots of laughter!! LOL...wishing you luck..its almost friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
