Friday, October 21, 2005

I knew this would happen!!

It was gently suggested to me, after I wrote my entry on Potions and Lotions, that I might be High Maintenance and should consider cutting back on some of my daily acutrements.  Well, Folks, I tried and I am not pleased with the results.  So, it is back to the Land of the Lotions to try and regain some of what I have lost.  Wish me luck!



Anonymous said...

A girl's gotta have her "make ya feel pretty gunk!"

Anonymous said...

love the graphic..........I would never call you high what you got to do :)


Anonymous said...

It's a lot of work to be a lady.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!!


Anonymous said...

Go on, treat yourself - slap it on all over!!

Tilly xx

Anonymous said...

Do what you want and don't worry


Anonymous said...

Nah go ahead and put that lotion where ever you want. Thanks for the comment in my journal. Yes guess we are in different parts. I live in south texas. But Texas is Texas and we gotta love it. Paula

Anonymous said...

HAHA lay it on thick donna!  j/k i'm sure you are beautiful w/o all your potions! but hey they are fun arent they!!! lol
<3, emily
p.s.  oh hey I posted a new olivia pic, lol

Anonymous said...

the lotion thing is a hard habit to kick - and i say, if you don't have to kick it, don't do it!  

by the way, what's your favorite?

Anonymous said...

Well, I seem to be the only guy commenting here, so I'll just say 'good luck'.
Mal (Bonnie's somewhere putting on lotion.)

Anonymous said...

Keep up with teh lotions, I always say the essentials I can do without but the luxuries keep me going!


Anonymous said...

Ack! Where did you get that picture of me?!!!  Just goes to prove all that lotion doesn't always work! heh.

Anonymous said...


I tell you what, once I decided that the only reason I was buying all that lotion was because I liked the way it smelled, I became at peace with my lotion-addiction.
