Thursday, October 6, 2005

Weekend Assignment #80 Sharing A Joke

Mr. Scalzi over at By the Way has thrown out a challenge and I am picking up the gauntlet.

Weekend Assignment #80: Share a favorite joke. Keep it clean, of course. Otherwise, go nuts.

Extra credit: Seriously: Do people think you're funny?

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy takes out his phone and calls the emergency services.

He gasps: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says: "Calm down, I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gunshot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says: "OK, now what?"


Yep. I find that funny.  Go figure.

Extra credit:  People do say they find me funny, funee, fuuny, finny, and occasionally amusing.  Oddly enough, I cannot retain jokes in my memory to save my neck.  And, if by chance I do recall a punchline I just do not have the timing to re-tell it well.  Now, recount a story and cause you to rush cross-legged to the bathroom - that I can do!


Anonymous said...

ROFL!  That is HYSTERICAL.  Yes, I find you very funny (and that's a compliment!)...I love a good laugh, thanks for this one. (And thanks for your kind words in my journal).


Anonymous said...

Re: Extra Credit, I'm the same way.  People say I'm hilarious, but I can't tell a joke, no comedic timing.

And the Hunter joke is funny! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I guess it is funny in a cruel sort of way.  It reminds me of one I used to hear a lot about the dumb state trooper who knocked a head in the ditch because he could not spell "shoulder."

I usually just crack myself up! HAH!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha.... cute.. Julie :)

Anonymous said...

and the perfect time for a hunting joke!

Anonymous said...

I have to write down good jokes because they stay with me about 7 seconds.


Anonymous said...

I've heard this joke before (living in a hunting state, of course, I hear a lot of hunting jokes) but its always funny every time I hear it. I'm with you; I can't recall jokes and I can't get the timing down if I do remember them to tell them. My husband, on the other hand, is a great joke teller.


Anonymous said...

If you like funny clean jokes, check out this site <a href="">Funny Clean Jokes, Funny Pictures, Funny Videos</a>- Women's Funny Pages.