Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Catch-All Entry

My alerts are just not working most of the time so I apologize to any new readers that I have not acknowledged previously.  I am always so glad when someone takes the time to stop by and leave a message for the first time.  I drop them a little note and go visit their journal as well.  Tough to do when you do not realize someone came by and commented on an early entry.  One of these days, AOL!! 

I have seen the gentleman again that I went out with last week.  The ex is a source of deep bitterness. I do not intend to go out with him again.  Nuff said.

CAUTION:  The next two paragraphs are serious and may be disturbing for some. I mentioned last week that my daughter had an employee injured in a car accident. The whole week was touch and go for this young mother.  She was 24 years old and her 4 year old son was in the car with her at the time of the accident.  The son received very minor injuries but the mother passed away yesterday having never regained consciousness.  This is naturally a devasting blow for the school where this young woman was a teacher.  Monday at school will be extremely difficult for all concerned. If you are so inclined, remember them in your prayers. 

I'm not a big believer in the mystical but I am a believer in divine intervention and there is an interesting sidenote to this story.  The police tried to talk with the child this past week to gather any details on how the accident happened.  (We never have learned what caused the accident or who was at fault, etc.)  The policeman asked the son if Mommy was talking to him or turned around or was reaching for something in the backseat, etc.  He told the officer no, and Mommy flew on her wings.  The officer said, "You mean you saw your mommy go through the window?"  The child responded, "No. Mommy flew out of the car on her wings."  Shauna was ejected through the back window of the car and landed some 50 feet away.  (Still cannot figure out how that was possible given the direction of the two vehicles involved.)  We only hope this is always the memory he has of his mother in this accident since it is evidently a pleasant one. 


Anonymous said...

May this ch\ild be surrounded by the light of angles throughout his lifetime.  Anne

Anonymous said...

We hope that young man will retain an image of his mother that is meaningful to him, and that he is placed with loving relatives. His mother must have been urgently needed elsewhere.
The AOL Alerts situation is becoming irritating.
Bon & Mal

Anonymous said...

I have read of numerous stories in which people, and especially children, don't see the family member, friend, etc dying or dead, but instead see them instead as an angel, or in perfect form, and even helping them.  Sometimes an angel is seen.  It is God's way of helping us cope and to reassure.  I am sure this little boy is certain his Mommy is on Angel's Wings into Heaven.  De

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that this young woman passed away.  I am sure it is going to be very hard on the children in her class.  I will keep everyone in my prayers!  That is amazing about the little boy seeing his mother with wings!  God works in wonderful ways.  Lelly

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the young man's mother; I hope she was a believer because she is in the arms of Jesus now. I pray for the school, the class, the little boy and her family. What devastating news.

I hope someone takes the time to write down or perhaps draw a picture of what the boy said so that he will have that as a lasting memory too of his mom.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry for the loss of that young teacher. A very sad tale indeed.

Also sorry that the nice guy can't get past his ex.

As for alerts, well....xoxo

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your daughters friend and her son...that is so sad...i will pray for their family...

also sorry to hear that your date couldnt stop talking about his ex...good to hear that you are moving need to find one who will talk nonstop about you! ; )

take care donna!
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

I got chills reading the little boy's account of the accident.  I am so sorry about his mother.  On a happier note, good for you for not wasting time with a guy who's bitter about his ex.  You deserve better.


Anonymous said...

Sorry the guy is too bitter about the past to be in the present.  You are wise to move on.  How tragic is the story of the young mother and her little boy.  What he told the police is terribly sad, but beautiful also.