Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I still miss him.


                                        John Denver

                December 12, 1943 - October 12, 1997

Music evokes such a strong emotion and many of us find there are singers who touch our hearts in a special way.  Look at the millions of devotees of Elvis ... of John Lennon ... and others who left their imprints on our hearts.  Such is my connection to John Denver.  He was in his prime when I was first experiencing the deep emotions a young girl feels as she falls in love.  Each of his songs from the mid-70s brings back a specific memory for me. 

"Poems, Prayers and Promises" reminds me of Benny and the banquet we attended at the Red Apple Inn.

"Lady" is dear to my heart remembering when Beau sang it to me as he played his guitar.  (Is it just me, or did it seem like every guy in the 70s owned a guitar?)

"Annie's Song" was "our" song when I fell in love with the man I would marry.

Never before or since has a singer had such an impact on me.  I did get to meet John, years later, after he and Annie had split and he was dating someone I knew.  I saw the human side of him then and, while I was disappointed, I willingly overlooked his personal frailties.  He still represented the grand ideals of someone who truly cares about the world around us and of taking care of nature and the earth.  I treasure the album cover he personally signed for me. 

John graduated from high school here in Dallas and on Saturday, October 9, 1997 he did a "homecoming" concert of sorts.  He introduced the audience to people in attendance who were part of his childhood.  I remember him presenting his favorite high school teacher to the crowd.  She was so pleased. 

Our seats were excellent and in that small venue, it felt very much like a personal exchange.  John sat simply in the middle of the stage with a half circle of guitars as his backdrop.  Throughout the evening he would change guitars and exchange a few words with the audience.  He encouraged us to join him singing the words of the songs that we all knew so well.  He probably could not have stopped us from singing!  He moved us.  There were a couple of times he jokingly asked us to let him do the verses and join him in the chorus. The second time he said that he laughed and said, "Oh, go ahead and sing.  You know the words as well as I know the words."

John performed in one more concert in Houston, Texas and then, on the next Tuesday, October 12, 1997, he left us. 

To me, John Denver never grew older than he was in the 1970s.  And, because of his untimely death, he will stay forever young.  I still miss him. 



Anonymous said...

I feel for your loss, but he was never one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I remember where I was when I heard about John Denver's passing. We were driving back from San Diego to Santa Fe, New Mexico after my inlaws 50th wedding anniversary.

I enjoyed his music.

Thanks for sharing your memories of him.


Anonymous said...

Wow.. you and me both.. I have very few cds.. but i do have his!!  Though there aren't many i would say i don't like of his songs, one called "grandma's feather bed" brought me back to when i was VERY young and my grandmother lived upstairs and babysat me.. she had one of those feather beds with only a wire spring  under it.. a stove to cook on that was wood burning too!..  and for a memory that funny among "times that were definately harder then they are today"... was my Nana (grandmother).. she would back up to the wood burning stove to warm her "buns" and lift her dress a bit... her  long undies  had "burn marks" on them from getting rather warm over a long winter LOL...  John brings memories like those to me..  I loved him from his beginnings.. he didn't have to work hard to "make it" in my book!  Thanks for the memory!

Anonymous said...

Oops one more thing.. ok how'd you do it? how do i get to have pics run on a loop in these journals??? I need to know!!!  Just go to my journal and you will see why! I use too many pictures!!! (but i love pictures!!.. have to have to lol)

Anonymous said...

Confession:  That slide show is from one of the John Denver websites.  I do not have any idea how to do it except in PowerPoint and I am not sure if that works in journals.  Maybe someone will teach us both!  LOL  

Thanks for stopping by and for sharing the memories.

Anonymous said...

I certainly know what you mean. Ocassionally I will see him in concert on PBS. He was also a great photographer and had a gallery showing in New York in the 80's. It was also interesting to learn that he suffered from depression.  He is still one of my favorites.   Anne

Anonymous said...

We used to go to Aspen every summer when our girls were young (my ex's family had bought a house there in 1948). John Denver lived in Starwood, then, and it wasn't unusual to see him walking around on the streets of Aspen.  One day, when my oldest daughter, Alex, was 3 (this would have been summer of '79) we'd driven to town in our 1953 jeep to run some errands.  When we got back to our parked jeep, Alex, who was very independent, insisted on trying to climb into the jeep herself.  I had my hands full with my younger daughter Katharine, who was less than a year old, and the inevitable happened; climbing back into the jeep, Alex misstepped and went tumbling out, only to be caught and saved from certain scrapes and bruises by John Denver, who was walking by.  He chuckled, and swung her into the air before placing her safely inside the jeep, and then he waved and was on his way down the sidewalk before I could even thank him.  He was a real gentleman, and I liked his songs, too.


Anonymous said...

Nothing to add.  Really nice entry.  I'm sure he would be honored by your tribute.  

Anonymous said...

I too grew up listening to John Denver and miss him.  Great tribute!  De

Anonymous said...

Elvis and I have the same birthday--although I was 3 years old when he passed away--I have pictures of him decorating my classroom and on our birthday I play his songs for the kids.
It's always a treat.

Anonymous said...

I also am a fan of John Denver and I think of him often. His music was so different,meaningful and beautiful. I ordered his "  Wildlife Concert" several years ago and still watch the video when I feel the need to be truly inspired. What a great singer and person he was!!!
Dsreneau( Sheila)