Monday, October 24, 2005

How do you think HE feels?

I know many of you feel that the VIVI awards have had enough press but I feel compelled to add my own two cents before this years' winners are announced. I have only been around J-land a few weeks but I was thrilled to see all of the great nominations that were announced last week. 

Since I recognized so many of the nominees, I knew that the journals that were unfamiliar to me must be good as well and I have not been disappointed.  There is some tough competition out there, Folks!  If you think it is trite to say, "It is an honor just to be nominated" then you have not talked with the person who did not get a nomination!

All of the nominees I have read have been very gracious with a little good natured ribbing thrown in as well.  But, I cannot help but realize there are others with a journal who did not land on the short list and probably should have.  It is just a matter of numbers and when all is said and done, we look around and say, I thought for sure so-and-so would get nominated! 

I call this the Giamatti factor.

If you are a movie buff, Oscar follower or a subscriber of People magazine then you have heard of Paul Giamatti.  He starred in the movie "Sideways" and was surprisingly overlooked for a Best Actor nomination.  Everybody else and their dog associated with this movie seemed to have been nominated.  If you google the phrase "overlooked for an Oscar" Paul is a top contender.  When describing the travesty of this oversight, many expressed themselves with phrases like staggeringly, criminally, bizarrely, unfairly, unbelievably, unjustly, incredulously, and undeservedly ... overlooked.

So, do not feel too badly about not being nominated.  Everybody thought that somebody had your back and they were as surprised as you to not see your name!  But look at the bright side - you already have a much better chance at a nomination for a 2006 VIVI Award. 

Paul, on the other hand, felt it in the wallet. 


And, he must wait for just the right script for his personality, be cast for the role, have the movie get critical acclaim, have his own performance praised and then hope to get nominated.  How long do you think that will take??

You also need to remember how much we love you here in J-land.  You know who you are!


Anonymous said...

Bravo---applause, applause, applause!!!

 Couldn't have said it better myself...but you KNOW I'm gonna try!


Anonymous said...

it is such a popularity contest....yes i agree many of them deserve to be nominated but some journals i wasnt all that impressed with...oh well well see what happens, right??
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

i thought he deserved an award for AMERICAN SPLENDOR.

i was a great admirer of his father, too ... Bart ... academic and baseball commissioner.

Anonymous said...

Very well stated.


Anonymous said...

Nice entry.

Anonymous said...

Well said and written, Donna! Hey, if you have a chance today; check out this entry; its a cute quiz on being a butterfly or bee; if you take it email me or put it in your journal and I'll see if it matches what I think you are :)


Anonymous said...

Nice entry :)

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwww thanks, no nominations here

didnt u get one? cause i think i voted for u LOL


Anonymous said...

"the Giamatti factor"... I love it. [:D]

I've much enjoyed your visits and oh-so gracious compliments, Donna. Thank you very much, my dear. I'm happy that you like my journal.

I'm glad that we've become acquainted, and I'll be back to see you again.

~Hugs, Brian @---->---

Anonymous said...

Sorry I've not been by sooner, but its been crazy around here. Hopefully, my life will get back to normal and I can get to all my favorite journals on a regular basis. I have been finding new journals to read since this VIVI nominations thing too. Now, if my alerts would just start working. LOL

Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Very well said Donna and I agree with you. As this years most nominated journal, I am mindful of the fact that there are other equally deserving journals out there that haven't been nominated. It's the classic English nature to be quite self-deprecating so I was torn when I wrote my last entry. I wanted to say thank you to everybody that took the time to vote for me and yet I felt bad for all the others out there who weren't nominated. These things are quite tricky. Although I have a loyal following (considering I've only been going 4 months) it's quite possible I'll end up with nothing, but I won't be too disappointed, as I have only to look at the number of comments I get. That to me is the real reward, knowing that people enjoy what I write. An Award would be the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

Tilly xx

Anonymous said...

Perfectly stated.  This is an example of why I love your journal!

Anonymous said...

I first noticed Paul Giamatti in "Private Parts" were we called him 'pig vomit' in everything else we saw him in.  But he has since out grown it.  I too am one to say he was sadly over looked.  He is just one of those actors that you should always take notice of.  He always gets my attention.

Anonymous said...

Donna, you said it beautifully - thanks!     Jon