Sunday, October 2, 2005

The Sunday Seven Episode 5 at Patrick's Place

Join in the fun here for instructions.

Take a look at your immediate surroundings.  Not counting your computer, printer, other hardware, software or cables, name seven non-computer things that are on your computer table.

1.  Bottle of water - WalMart's Sam's Choice White Grape - yummy!

2.  Dictionary

3.  Stack of mail and various printouts

4.  Misc. photo CDs

5.  Pair of silver/onyx earrings

6.  3 packages of Arby's Horsey Sauce (Who left these here??)

7.  Box of thank you notes (for sending via snail mail)



Anonymous said...

I have been looking every where for my horsey sauce.  How did it get on your desk?  Looks like we have elves again, I will spray for them tonight and we shouldn't have any other such happenings happening.  Does that make cents?  lol

Anonymous said...

Arby's!!!!  LOL!


Anonymous said...

It's always so fascinating to take a peek in someone elses life! Arby's Horsey Sauce? lol
Tilly x

Anonymous said...

a world globe
my mother's hospital baby picture (unframed)
a picture of my dad & I when I was 9 (unframed)
a bobk of poems
The Prophet
a black & white framed photo of Charley's mother's family as children

odd huh?

Anonymous said...

My! That's tidy ... well, compared with mine (as you've seen!)


Anonymous said...

Yum, Arby's horsey sauce - nothing better than that on their roast beef sandwiches. I'll take them if no one claims them :)


Anonymous said...

sounds like your desk is better kept than mine...stuff always seems to build up here...well, along with every other surface in this house...still trying to get the hang of cleaning up with baby here, lol!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

It took me almost a week but I did it.  There is nothing interesting on my desk.