Sunday, October 9, 2005

Since you asked and even if you didn't

I have had some inquiries as to how my date went Friday night.  If you recall, we left our heroine (that would be me) in a slight tizzy since she had just revealed her important personal information in a scam online.  Well, it did not stop me from the matters at hand.  I took care of business and still went on my date.

This was the first time for me to actually meet this gentleman face to face.  We had met through an online service (which I find to be far superior to the bar scene) and had been enjoying getting to know one another through email correspondence.  We knew much of what the other liked by discussing our Must Haves and Can't Stands in a relationship.  But this was the litmus test.  We had each seen the other's picture but those can often be deceiving so they do not carry much weight with me. 

In spite of how open you may think I am giving out information online, I will not give out my phone number or address or even last name until I have a very strong comfort level.  This has always worked well for me and I am evidently a pretty good judge of character because I have had good success in meeting some very nice guys through the internet and many whom I still consider friends.  [I do not need any warnings of how dangerous this is. That privilege is reserved for my family. I am old enough to make rational decisions and I do not take any risks.  I actually have a set of "rules" I follow and will be glad to share those details with anyone who cares to inquire.] It is a scary world out there but I am not cocooned and I am careful.

Ironically enough, out of all the people in the pool, without revealing too much to the other (in the event one of us was a stalker), we figured out we lived roughly in the same neighborhood. He suggested we get together at a nearby Starbucks for coffee.  Safe enough.  When he asked me out he offered two choices of dates and times and I picked Friday evening.  I drove myself, of course, and arrived early. I'm not a big coffee drinker and it turns out, neither is he, but this is a very comfortable place to meet and sit around visiting with no pressure to vacate a table for the next patrons.                                        

I waited outside at one of the small tables and as he approached crossing the parking lot, he called out a greeting.  My response?  "Hello.  Are you Bob?"  

"No, I'm Bill."  I was mortified that I had called him by the wrong name but I laughed and apologized.  I knew his name was Bill!  (Just so you know.  His name is not Bill or Bob.  I am protecting the innocent but you get the drift.)

He was a good sport and said, "Well, let's get something to drink before Bob gets here." (Sense of humor.  Check.)

I could not believe I made such a critical social blunder.  It is not like I do this so much I cannot keep things straight on all the guys in my life.  And, I am not one to get particularly nervous about a first date.  I really think I was still rattled about the internet scam.  Either way, I did it and he was gracious.

Side bar:  For those of you who may never ventured into a Starbucks because you do not drink coffee, let me recommend the Chia Tea. I discovered it about three years ago and it is wonderful!!  Hot or iced. Yummy!

We spent the next three hours talking about everything.  Very comfortable.  He then suggested we go get a bite to eat and that turned into another hour and a half of enjoyable conversation.  There was a fair balance of talking and plenty of laughs.  Not a bad evening. And, he was actually better looking than his picture had revealed.

Turns out he lives less than half a mile from my son's house where I currently reside.  Knowing each other's street seems safe enough.  We actually had a lot in common but he stills harbors a lot of resentment toward his ex.  I will overlook/forgive a certain amount of anomosity toward the ex in the getting-to-know-you first conversations.  If we go out again and the ex-Mrs. Starbucks is still a strong point of discussion, I will be much less tolerant. I prefer to date guys who have moved on with their lives. 

The only red flag that was raised for me:  When I mentioned the flurry of activity I had gone through prior to the date (shutting down credit cards, etc.) he offered his assistance.  Turns out he has the three credit reporting agencies loaded on his cell phone.  What's up with that??  For now I will chalk it up to a very organized and cautious person but my radar is up. 

Bottom line:  I have no idea if we will ever go out again in spite of his comments to indicate otherwise. No sparks flew but we did have a good time.  I will keep you posted. 


Anonymous said...

Good luck!  I am soooo glad to be out of the single scene and hope and pray to God I never have to venture out there again!  Twice was enough ;) De

Anonymous said...

I've been doing the internet dating thing on and off for about 7 years, and I'm always happy to come across someone else who's doing it.  I think it's great, and much better than the bar scene, which has never been my thing.  I've had a couple of relatively long term (18 months) relationships, and I've made a number of good friends. I take the same precautions that you mentioned, and those work pretty well for me too. Re this guy, I think your instincts are right on re the rant about the ex (excuseable only if it doesn't continue) and as for the three credit reporting things on his cell phone...sheesh...that's a little strange, and would be a flag for me, but I guess he might just be super-organized.  Anyway, good luck, and keep us posted!


Anonymous said...

I am so GLAD you had a nice time, but DAMN...the Big3 on his cell????




Anonymous said...

I always think it is wise to listen to that little voice (or red flag) as I'm getting to meet someone new or my son has a new friend. I think taking it slow and easy seems like a good trend here. I did wonder how your date went; but didn't want to be too nosy.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a decent time but the no sparks thing.............sparks are needed!  Maybe they will come next time if you go out again!  Lelly

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time but go with your gut instinct


Anonymous said...

That phone list is a bit odd - but I agree, give it a little more time. He might have been nervous too, so talked about his ex. I always get nervous when a man says bad things about his ex. I often say - hey buddy, you married her, so you loved her at one time. Why so much animosity now? Good luck!! It does seem safer to screen dates online while sober and safe than drunk in a bar, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had an enjoyable evening, you were needing a nice little distraction liek that. I always say in the world of dating, go with your gut instincts and all will be good.

Anonymous said...

aw sounds like you had a fun time...keep us posted ; )

Anonymous said...

That does sound REALLY weird, who has them programed in their phone not just 1 not 2 but 3? who knows?! lol- If there weren't any amazing sparks at first, but you guys had a good time, I think you should maybe go out again and see if there is a potential interest- It's not always love at first sight, and a first date is really hard to judge a guy on... Keep me posted I'm all interested now LOL : )
Have a great week
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a nice date.  Plenty good enough to warrant another look, without high pressure expectations.  Glad you had fun, and here's a Chai Tea hoisted to another good time on the next date!  :)  

Anonymous said...

you know, i would rather not be kept posted. i am not sure it is healthy for someone to keep me posted. and what is all this posting supposed to do for me anyway? posted? who ever heard of such a thing? ha an update, that would work for me. you give out some updates and i will be here to check them out. yeah, updates. you keep your postings to yourself little lady and just give ole dave here an update....congrats on the name mixup, totally cool....have a great day, smile.


Anonymous said...

My first thought about the thre credit companies on his cell phone was that it must be a work related thing.  However, I'm sure you found out what profession he is in during the times you've corresponded or during your date.  Since it still put up a red flag, I'd go with my gut feelings.  Good luck in sorting this out.

Anonymous said...

HEY, Is that Bob the repairman who has the facial tick? haaaaaaaaa.....Glad you left me your link. Sounds like you had a good time. I think the 3 credit agencies must have something to do with work...or a bad experience. I do agree about the annomosity toward the X......small red flag. You can keep me "posted" anytime.

Anonymous said...

I, too, have done some cautious online meeting. As a matter of fact, three years ago I met a man whom I'd talked to for weeks on the phone before we agreed to meet for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. We also weren't ready to part company after that meal, so we decided to go to a movie (driving there in our separate cars). No sparks flew that day, but a delightful date was the result.

We kept in touch even though we both got involved with other people. And guess what, for the past 19 months we've been talking more seriously and just a week ago today decided that without 'declaring' it, we've actually been in a relationship for over a that amount of time feelings have grown to the point that we're now in love. He's undoubtedly the most wonderful man I've ever met.   I hope you and I cant meet sometime and discuss our online experiences.

Talk to you later neighbor!


Anonymous said...

I was wondering how your date went! Thanks for sharing....As for   the credit card company on his speed dial,  that is something to be cautious of for sure....(of course my husband has our banker on his phone, so I guess that is kind of strange too...) Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders....Tammy