Thursday, October 13, 2005

Announcing: Something new

Do you remember when you were a brand new participant in AOL's J-land?  When the training wheels on your journal were still a little wobbly?  For some of us it was not that long ago.  Last night .... last week .... last month?  There is so much to learn and so many ways to approach it. 

I have created a new journal with the newbie in mind.  Many times I went to links for help and the words used made me more confused.  I felt as though I had been dropped on a strange (but wonderful) planet and Blogese was not my native tongue.

It is my hope that the entries on this new journal will help ease the path.  Its primary focus will be the basics of creating and enhancing a new journal.  Kindergarten level if you will.  There are many links that will provide excellent advice but here you can pose your questions and if I do not know the answer, I will find someone to teach both of us.  And we will keep asking questions until it makes sense!

Please go take a peek.  If you are new, it may answer some questions and raise new ones.  If you are the more experienced blogger, your input is invaluable. 

Everybody is welcome at Still Learning!


Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. I've visited and found it useful, already I leaarned something!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new journal, Donna! I'll stop by probably this weekend and take a look at it :)


Anonymous said...

When I visit some of these "Help" journals, I'm left more confused than when I arrived.  Dozens of virtual roses to you, Donna!  I sooooo need this new journal you're putting together!

Anonymous said...

That was very thoughtful of you to create a journal to help the newbies.  I know I was clueless when I started blogging several years back!  It will help others that's for sure!  :0)  *Hugs*


Anonymous said...

We need all the help we can get and great people like you stepping up to give extra advice. I'll send anyone I know with questions this direction.

Anonymous said...

cute idea...hope it helps the lost souls as i once was...haha
ttyl donna
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Thats a great Idea!
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks so much, I am so trying to learn....but it is hard to concentrate when one is contstantly being interupted with "MOM!!! Where is this?" "MOM!!! Help me!" ......and on and on!!! But I will definently put to use the info you hav shared! Tammy