Saturday, October 1, 2005

The Saturday Six - Episode 77

It is that time of week again.  Time for Patrick's Saturday Six.  Join us.  It is fun! 

1. How many AOL J-landers have you actually met in person?


2. How many photos that you have taken yourself are hanging on display in your home in a size of 8x10 or larger?  (The print, not the frame!)

None.  2 for 2 so far. 

3. How far do you live from your job?  What is your commute time like?  Has the distance prompted you to consider alternative transportation because of gas prices?

I currently live 40 miles from my new job.  I am moving next month to an apartment that will be three minutes from the office. It will be like giving myself a raise!

4. Take this
quiz:   What decade does your personality live in?

Kris:  What is the funniest, most original Halloween costume you've ever seen?

Last year one of my co-workers came to work dressed all in white wearing white, frosty makeup.  She carried two sticks and a baggie filled with water.  Also, in the baggie was a carrot, a pair of gloves, and some rocks.  Turns out she was a melted snowman.

Courtenay: What is your favorite paragraph in a literary work?  This might be a thought, or a message, or a descriptive passage which has remained in your consciousness throughout the years.  Be sure to post the name of the book and author.

I've got to go find it.  It is the poem Meryl Streep read at Robert Redford's funeral in the movie "Out of Africa."  The last line says, "He was not ours...... He was not mine."  Then she tries to drop the handful of dirt into the grave but her hand just shakes, she can't let go and she turns and walks away.  Can you tell that scene made an impression on me??


Anonymous said...

OMG -- Melted snowman -- that's hilarious.  Mrs. L

Anonymous said...

I'm a 50's kid...I had a feeling I would be. I have always dreamed of being Mrs. Cleaver.  :)

Anonymous said...

I liked the melted snowman, original if non-seasonal. We don't really have this kind of thing here ... odd, as Brits love dressing up.


Anonymous said...

I loved that costume - what a cute idea! I was from the 1950s - old here, LOL.
That's great you will be so close to work - you can walk and save money :)

Have you started the new job yet?


Anonymous said...

Officially I am on the payroll but the new office is still being built out.  I am helping order the cubicles, furniture, etc. Anything to stay busy!

Anonymous said...

yay for your own raise...i hate the moving process but i am so happy once its all over and i'm settled!!!
<3, emily