Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Sunday Seven

You are given control of a cable network to run a seven-movie Halloween marathon.  Which movies would you choose?

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. 

I have never been much of a horror movie fan but I think I scared up a few choices!

1.  The Exorcist

2.  Rosemary's Baby

3.  Wait Until Dark

4.  Se7en

5.  Silence of the Lambs

6.  Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

7.  Poltergeist

Dishonorable Mention:  The Blair Witch Project


Anonymous said...

That was such a bad one (The Blair Witch Project)

liked the other ones you mentioned.


Anonymous said...

GOOD ONES!  I completely forgot about Seven!  How could I forget that?  I was jus thinking of that movie the other day.  Rosemary's Baby, too - had that on my mind recently.  Do you think my obsession with scary movies has anything to do with Halloween???  Ya think?  Maybe????

Anonymous said...

I agree I didnt ever see the Blair Witch but have heard bad things about it...guess thats why i never watched ; ) lol
<3, emily