Sunday, October 30, 2005

Trick or Treat through J-land - with a twist

Thanks to Teresa at OhMyWord for this cute idea.  I have been playing all weekend but finally decided to do my own entry. 


Hey, everyone is looking for journal exposure or maybe would just like some fun. Let's do both!

Starting Friday night through Monday night, visit as many J-land journals as you can, and leave a comment and a link to your journal as a treat. The more "houses" you visit the more trick or treaters you'll get.

Please call your entry "TRICK OR TREAT THU J-LAND".  If you come to a journal that does not have this entry title, consider it a door you knocked on and no one answered! Decorate your journal for Halloween, perhaps a picture of your front door or whatever grabs your holiday spirit. Leave links to your journals where ever you can. Stop at the same journal only once!

Start 7pm Friday and end 9pm Monday ... whatever your time zone. Report back here next week to let us know how many trick or treaters you had.

The twist ... how far did you travel to my door?  Please check out this map for Dust Bunny Protector Friends.  Add your name and picture if you will.  Thanks!!

The Sunday Seven

You are given control of a cable network to run a seven-movie Halloween marathon.  Which movies would you choose?

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. 

I have never been much of a horror movie fan but I think I scared up a few choices!

1.  The Exorcist

2.  Rosemary's Baby

3.  Wait Until Dark

4.  Se7en

5.  Silence of the Lambs

6.  Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

7.  Poltergeist

Dishonorable Mention:  The Blair Witch Project

What are you doing with the extra hour?

Hey there!  You got an extra hour tonight and what did you do with it?

Sleep?  If you are Patrick, you probably counted votes.  And, just judging by my almost neglected alerts, Carly at Ellipsis is fretting over her wardrobe.  Jimmy, aka StupidSheetGuy, is weighing the pros and cons of being single.  Mary, at Alpha Woman's Blog is still traumatized about Wilma joining them on vacation in Cancun. Mrs. L is enjoying her birthday loot and celebrating her 62nd on Sunday.  Emily at Emmy's Purple Pages is planning her next trip based on the locations of her Jland pals tracking on her new map. After a day of campaigning, Krissy, Sometimes I Think, is working on her VIVI acceptance and concession speeches, just to be prepared. Brandy, Something New, is catching us up on the latest since her return from the shelter following Katrina. Dorn, is out in the woods with the pooper scooper, cleaning up after Dickidoo.  Now I know where he got his name!  Paisley Skys is trying to do a little Christmas shopping but not having much success - yet.  Poor Jon, our faux cowboy at One-Way Passage, is still picking impression gunk out of his dental work.

And, for me, I am putting the finishing touches on my very own Frappr Map.  Please stop by and add your name/location!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Saturday Six - Done on a Saturday!! Episode 81

This is from Patrick's Place and the original can be found here.

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.    Enjoy!

1. What is a bigger pet peeve for you:  someone trying to talk on a cell phone during a movie, a baby crying in a restaurant, a dog barking on your street, or music played loud enough to rattle windows.

Talking on a cell phone during a movie makes me want to inflict bodily damage on someone!  Now, if the loud music/rattling windows was a neighbor in an apartment next to me, that would quickly move to the top of the list.

2. What is your favorite cologne or perfume that you wear most often?  Which one is the one you like the scent of, but don't wear often or at all?

I love my Amarige by Givenchy and wear it every day.  I also love but no longer wear Gio by Armani.

3. In your opinion, what is the best way to tell someone you value how much they mean to you?

Telling someone how much they mean to you is invaluable but, perhaps because I enjoy writing so much, I find that taking the time to actually put words to paper expresses my feelings even better.  This goes for loved ones, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. 

4. Earlier this week, I posted a personality quiz:   If you haven't taken it, please do; if you already have, how accurate were the results compared with your true personality.

I scored a 43 and would like to feel it is accurate.

41 TO 50 POINTS: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

5. When was the last time you feel you got as much sleep as you really needed in a single night?

That would be last night.  I know I have enough sleep when I wake up on my own without the assistance of an alarm clock.

6. If a stranger walked up to you and handed you a briefcase with enough money to pay off every debt you had down to the penny, do you think you could start from then on living debt-free? 

It would certainly be my goal. And, by the way, that would be a big briefcase!

Friday, October 28, 2005

I am sooooo excited!!

So much is going on and I can barely keep track of my To Do list!  The VIVI Awards are Sunday and I am just not ready!  I've made arrangements to pick up TillySweetChops when she flies in from the UK.  After dropping her off at the Hotel Blogest, where several hundred AOL out of towners are also staying, it will be a mad dash to the florist to pick up the 732 pounds of rose petals to spread along the red carpet.  I have had to arrange for a refrigeration truck to store them and the ice sculptures which will adorn the Grand Hall the night of the festivities. 

I spent several hours today helping assemble the bleachers lining the red carpet for the paparazzi.  (My strong recommendation is to avoid rows G thru M in section 101.  I needed caffeine at the time I was wielding the power drill.  Need I say more?)

Sunday Betty and I will host a brunch for all the nominees where they will be presented with their complimentary gift bags.  Local vendors have outdone themselves this year in donating quality merchandise that will be envied by the rest of us mere mortals. is doubling the amount of free storage to 50MB and increasing the amount of free bandwidth to 2500MB/month for all its members. Travelocity is giving you $150 off your five day vacation purchase. There is also the BOSE Wave Music System free shipping.  And a free gift registry from Neiman Marcus, Macy's, or JCPenney.  I know that I am certainly impressed with the generosity of J-land supporters!  And the piece de resistance is each of the winners will be mentioned in at least four journals following the announcements!! 

The main decision remaining is what will I wear?  I am sparing no expense to view the proceedings.  Maybe you can help me make a final decision.  Please leave a comment and let me know which one (A, B, C, D, or E) will best suit the Dust Bunny Protector.  I sunburn easily, so please keep that in mind since I will be sitting outside in the spectator's stands.  But then, a girl wants to feel oh so pretty, so I may throw caution to the wind and just add sunblock with a SPF of 300.







I guess you can see why I am struggling so with my decision.  Any of these final couture offerings would help me catch the eye of the nominees as they take their walk of fame.  I even have a little something special planned for Jimmy/Stupid Sheet Guy and Brian/The Love Train.  Muah!

After the awards, Robin will be hosting a major bash at Cici's Pizza.  See you there!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

What's next?

Why is it, that as soon as I read someone else's journal entry, it triggers a topic I could have/should have written?  Then I do not want to write about it because it would seem as though I could not be original.  Actually, it would prove I could not be original!  The way I see it, I have often been more creative when adding my two cents in a comment than one might see here.  Let me say right now, I'd like there to be a category for "Best Use of Comments" next year as part of the VIVI nods.  (And, don't anybody tell me about that award someone has already suggested for comments in another journal.  It is a gross play on words and I am trying to block it from my memory!)

I do not want to get out of the habit of adding entries on a regular basis.  There are enough half completed projects around me and I feel a certain obligation to keep the Dust Bunny alive.  It is something that I love and I can write here much easier than I can do my counted cross stitch these days. I always knew that when I actually had the time to do needlework, my eyes would not cooperate.  I just did not expect it to be so soon.

There are several topics I consider to be off limits for my gentle journal.  I avoid political hot potatoes.  I suspect people can get a pretty good idea of my political leanings just by the things I do not say.  But, do not get me wrong.  I have very strong opinions about George Bush, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, who should be accountable for the mess in New Orleans, gun control, the Texas border and the next nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy.  (If you have been reading my other entries you know I predicted Ms. Miers would not be on the Supreme Court.  How could she be appointed when I was obviously being investigated for the nomination myself?!)

I try to be very careful about what I write concerning my two grown children.  My daughter is enough like her mother that she is warming up to the idea that I get a lot of satisfaction from writing and this is a fun place to stretch my creative wings.  My son, on the other hand, acts as though I have imaginary friends I talk to and if I start to relate a humorous tale, he asks, "Is this real life or from a blog?" Pffft!

No one associated with my job knows about my journal, but I want to tread lightly when it comes to sharing too many things about work.  Never know when that might come back to haunt me!

I do not have a digital camera which is an obvious creative roadblock when it comes to blogging.  I have not done the research, but how may journals nominated for a VIVI do not have any pictures?  I love pictures! They add a lot to an entry. 

So, what does that leave for me to choose as a topic for my next entry?  I am open for your suggestions.  Help me out!  I do not have a three teat neighbor like Tilly.  I do not have little children or grandchildren closeby to provide comic fodder.  My love life is non-existent and I fell off my diet with a resounding flump!  So what's left??

While you think about it, I 'm going to bed!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My certificate better come framed!

Oh, my aching back ... and shoulders ... and head ... and eyes.  I have spent the last three days sitting in a training class, learning a new software program we are going to implement at work.  I normally love to go to training of any kind, expanding my skill set, learning how to make my professional life easier or more fun.  But this class has been different.  It is for members of management and we are a very unruly bunch. 

The top three executives from corporate flew in on Sunday night and joined the handful of us "locals" first thing Monday morning.  I knew the class would be challenging when each executive proceeded to set up their laptops right next to their training computers.  Normally, a trainer will warn everyone to turn off their cell phones, be on time after breaks and limit questions during the presentation. None of those rules have applied this week!  Between the downloaded ringtones, the buzzing of vibrating phones sitting on the desks and the numerous sidebar discussions that continue throughout each day, it is a wonder any of us are learning anything. 

Luckily, I find the software to be very intuitive, easy to learn and loaded with all the bells and whistles we could ever hope to need.  If you have ever had to convert to new software, there are the inevitable grumbles that numerous functions are missing or half-baked.  Not the case here!  They have thought of everything and even the slightest request we have mentioned was immediately called in to the programmers for attention.  It helps that the trainer is also the owner of the company, the original developer and has been working with this software for over 20 years.  He loves to improve his system! 

The trainer/software developer has been more than patient with the constant interruptions and has taken and made a few phone calls himself.  There are no set breaks and we all seem to come and go as we please.  If too many leave, a smoke break is called and it takes 30 minutes to get everyone rounded back up!  The wildest thing was this afternoon, everybody was struggling to stay focused after a big lunch and the president started showing his neighbor Google Earth

The trainer was on the phone with his home office trying to get something downloaded or up loaded or something, and pretty soon several of these grown men were huddled around the president's laptop making various sound effects as they took turns zooming in on views of their homes or favorite golf courses, or potential sites for future business.  The IS Manager and I started laughing and he said, "Don't they look like a bunch of kids on Christmas morning?"  It was too funny and a few minutes later they seemed to come to their senses and announced, "We need to get back to work!"   You think? 

I have not been on my best classroom behavior either!  The minute things seem to go off track, I log into my Journal email and start reading alerts.  That would explain the aching eyes!  It was a dead give away that I was not looking at the new software when my shoulders were hunched over and my nose was pressed to the monitor, in an effort to read the tiny print on the New Entry Alerts!  I finally gave up and Google Earthed the Grand Canyon! 

Kidding aside, this has actually been a great experience, building stronger business relationships with people I previously did not know very well.  I am the only female in the class and have held my own with "the guys."  Now, if I can just survive two more days!!!  

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How much is your blog worth?

Thanks to Joe at MagicSmoke for this fun link.  I'm glad somebody else was willing to do the math for me!!

                           My blog is worth $20,887.98.
                  How much is your blog worth?


Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go post something on e-Bay! 

Monday, October 24, 2005

How do you think HE feels?

I know many of you feel that the VIVI awards have had enough press but I feel compelled to add my own two cents before this years' winners are announced. I have only been around J-land a few weeks but I was thrilled to see all of the great nominations that were announced last week. 

Since I recognized so many of the nominees, I knew that the journals that were unfamiliar to me must be good as well and I have not been disappointed.  There is some tough competition out there, Folks!  If you think it is trite to say, "It is an honor just to be nominated" then you have not talked with the person who did not get a nomination!

All of the nominees I have read have been very gracious with a little good natured ribbing thrown in as well.  But, I cannot help but realize there are others with a journal who did not land on the short list and probably should have.  It is just a matter of numbers and when all is said and done, we look around and say, I thought for sure so-and-so would get nominated! 

I call this the Giamatti factor.

If you are a movie buff, Oscar follower or a subscriber of People magazine then you have heard of Paul Giamatti.  He starred in the movie "Sideways" and was surprisingly overlooked for a Best Actor nomination.  Everybody else and their dog associated with this movie seemed to have been nominated.  If you google the phrase "overlooked for an Oscar" Paul is a top contender.  When describing the travesty of this oversight, many expressed themselves with phrases like staggeringly, criminally, bizarrely, unfairly, unbelievably, unjustly, incredulously, and undeservedly ... overlooked.

So, do not feel too badly about not being nominated.  Everybody thought that somebody had your back and they were as surprised as you to not see your name!  But look at the bright side - you already have a much better chance at a nomination for a 2006 VIVI Award. 

Paul, on the other hand, felt it in the wallet. 


And, he must wait for just the right script for his personality, be cast for the role, have the movie get critical acclaim, have his own performance praised and then hope to get nominated.  How long do you think that will take??

You also need to remember how much we love you here in J-land.  You know who you are!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Sunday Seven - Episode 8

There are five letters of the alphabet not involved in hurricane names.  Apparently, no one wanted to show the love to the letters Q, U, X, Y or Z.  Pick one of those five letters and come up with seven names, male and female, that you'd use for hurricanes.  (Six names would be required for the current set of six lists, and the seventh name would be a back-up in case one of the first six needs to be retired.)

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. 

I'm going with Z:









Saturday Six - Episode 80 + Public Service Announcement

I had a great post-VIVI follow-up entry all prepared and when I went to add a picture I lost the whole thing!!!  Grrrrrrr ... That just takes the wind out of my sails so I am grateful to the Saturday Six and Sunday Seven to kick start me ... AGAIN!   Enjoy.

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here. 

1. How many products throughout your home are labelled "antibacterial."

Only the liquid hand soap by each of the sinks.

2. As a general rule, and assuming any required knocking on wood, how often do you get anything more serious than a sniffle or mild cold?

I have not been sick with a cold or anything more serious, congestion-related, for at least four years.  Here's my Public Service Announcement: When I first feel the scratchy throat or a runny nose coming on, I immediately take 4,000 mg of Vitamin C.  Then two hours later I take another 2,000 mg.  It kicks those bugs' butts.  I had cousins with Cystic Fibrosis so even the slightest cold was critical for them and this was what my aunt always swore by.  It has been very successful for me and my family. 

You really need to get the Vitamin C in your system within the first hour when you feel the first symptom.  If you get too much Vitamin C your body will just flush it out so do not worry.  You will not over-dose.  I now keep a bottle of Vit-C in several places for easy access!! 

3. John Scalzi ran
this story about research that suggests the increased use of "antibacterial" products aren't necessary for people who are generally healthy, and might be causing the creation of "superbugs" that are resistant to antibiotics.  Are you more likely to avoid these products after reading about studies like this?

Yes.  It just makes sense.

4. Take this
quiz:  Will you pass the U.S. Citizenship Test?

I took this test before and barely passed.  How embarrassing.

5. Now that the gas prices have dropped just a little (but nowhere near enough), what's the most you've paid for a gallon of gas so far?

I found it for $2.46 a gallon yesterday but the highest I paid was $3.29. 

Psychfun:   What was your favorite cereal as a kid?  When was the last time you had a bowl of it?

I hated breakfast - always!  But my mother insisted I eat something every morning so I consistently had a bowl of Cocoa Krispies.  I have not had a bowl of it since Junior High and I do not even think it is on the market any more.  Too bad.  It was good stuff!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Do you think there is a file on me?

I am always finding great features while visiting other sites.  One that I added to my own journals a while back is a counter from  I chose the free meter because it has more features than I could possibly use for my personal journals. Luckily, I am not trying to base marketing decisions on the patterns of my readers, but if this was a business site, the nominal fee required would be well worth the investment.

No, I just want to be able to see when and if people are stopping by and I did not know because they did not leave a comment.  I'm needy like that.  In a Sally Field-ish kind of way, I want to know if you like me, really like me! 

One of the most fascinating features of this meter for me, is the world map where it shows the most recent visits to my journal by location on the globe.  I enjoy popping in now and then to check out the activity.  I realize my journal is new and has a limited viewing base at this time (note the optimistic attitude that my numbers will grow in time) so I am always thrilled to see multiple colored dots on the globe showing visits from coast to coast and an expanding number of international hits.  I am read (or have been read at least once) by folks in England, India, UAE, Canada, Japan and recently, Australia.  How cool is that??

When I click on the little colored dot, the details of the browser appear.  Example: United States, Arizona, Mesa is a current dot that is full of details.  Sometimes the dot just shows with no other notes.  But the one that has caught my attention recently is the dot that said "". 

Why is my Dust Bunny journal getting government scrutiny?  I try to remain politically neutral here.  I do not subscribe to any radical left or right wing groups or publications.  I avoid TOS violations and I faithfully cleaned up after my dog back when I actually had a dog.  So what have I done?  Okay, there was that incident with jayveeconcerto's missing counter but the government helped me fund th ..... uh, never mind.  And, I have even chosen patriotic colors for my journal's layout! 

I am baffled.  And, my mind is running wild with possible explanations.  Subversive blogging individuals are leaving coded comments on my entries connecting me to international intrigue. Or perhaps, I'm being considered as a back-up nominee for the Supreme Court and this is part of the back-ground check.  Probably, it is just someone who is cruising the internet while they are at work. 

I just refuse to let this intimidate me into not posting any more!  Dust Bunnies have rights!  They have a voice that needs to be heard!  I will bring this up at the next meeting of the Dust Bunny Club of North America.  And, if this dot gov reader shows up again, I just hope I do not have to put my journal in the Dust Bunny Protection Program.

Friday, October 21, 2005

I knew this would happen!!

It was gently suggested to me, after I wrote my entry on Potions and Lotions, that I might be High Maintenance and should consider cutting back on some of my daily acutrements.  Well, Folks, I tried and I am not pleased with the results.  So, it is back to the Land of the Lotions to try and regain some of what I have lost.  Wish me luck!


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Winners and Whiners

As I have been keeping up with the nomination process for the VIVI Awards, I have been considering all the time that is spent, in general, putting together awards and recognitions.  Some are very self-serving but far more are worthwhile.  We, as a species, find satisfaction in recognizing and honoring top performers.  We want someone to come out at the top of the heap.  A level playing field of mediocrity does not give us any pleasure.

I won't even begin to try and identify all the possible awards which are bestowed each year.  The big ones come to mind easily enough.  The Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, the Tony Awards, Golden Globes, the People's Choice, Nobel Prize, and Clios.  As much as we enjoy building someone up, we take no small joy in tearing them down as well.  We seem to derive pleasure from the negative.  For that we have the Razzies, Mr. Blackwell's Worst Dressed List and the MTV Awards.

When you think about the process for each honor or dishonor, it is a voluminous task.  We take it for granted when the time rolls around each year that the award show just "happens".  There have to be people whose full time job is just focused on these events.  Think of all the entries, the selection process, qualifications that must be met, the ballots, the tallies, the presentations.  And, if it is an international honor, there is a language factor.  

One of my favorites that does not get a lot of recognition outside its industry is advertising.  I love creative marketing and I appreciate a well done commercial or print ad.  I enjoy the website about the international advertising awards.  View the top five winners and be certain to go to the Directory for many more that are outstanding, even if not chosen for the top honors. 

Oh, yes.  You have got to view the Pampers commercial. I think it foreshadows some reactions when the VIVI nominations are posted.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You Tarzan, Me Jane!

I do not mean to run it in the ground but I am fascinated by WildCam.  In the first five minutes I watched this evening, I saw several Elands (largest antelope) including one very hungry baby having breakfast.  A couple of Impalas ran through as well as a lone Warthog.  There were also Common Duikers and I think I recognized the Bush Buck.  There were several different flocks of birds but the only ones I could identify from the Animal Gallery pictures were the Hadeda Ibis.  As the camera panned I saw what I thought to be either a small alligator on land or a large Water Monitor Lizard creeping up on something. 

This was all at 7 AM Botswana time which is midnight for me in the Central Time Zone.  It is pushing 8 AM in Botswana and several Ostriches have just come to Pete's Pond.  How cool is this?? There are camera operators on duty and they will zoom in on specifics (like the nursing Eland) when possible.  This site will be opened until December 8. 

I am sooo ready to go on safari and I won't even care if there is no air-conditioning!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Potions, Lotions and Accountrements

My ex husband use to laugh and tease me about my accountrements.  I looked it up to understand its full meaning.  Webster's Dictionary says: 1. Clothes, 2. Equipment.  I guess that makes sense.  He was always amused by the array of items I thought I needed to get ready each day.  He only had brothers and a very no-nonsense mother who had long since stopped pampering herself.  His first wife became someone who was militantly opposed to anything feminine (hence the divorce) and so my daily routine was a source of endless fascination to him. 

I do not consider myself as necessarily high maintenance but when I look at the wide assortment of "essentials" in my boudoir, I have to wonder.

In the shower, it is not enough to have just plain soap.  There are also the bottles and tubes of shower gel (with and without moisture beads), body wash, shampoo, cream rinse, deep conditioner, and aloe enhanced shaving creme.  There is an entire fortress of products for maintaining my low maintenance hair style:  special hairbrush, spray detangler, styling foam, texture "product", hairdryer, straight iron, curling iron (don't ask!) and mega freeze hairspray. And, don't forget nature's helper to cover any gray that dares show its ugly roots! 

In the Land of Lotions you will find body cream (heavy duty), hand lotion, body lotion (light duty), facial moisturizer (light duty), anti-wrinkle moisturizer (heavy duty), foot moisturizer and aromatherapy lotion.  And, some of these come in more than one fragrance.  (You know the store!!)  Of course, you also have to watch those SPF levels!  I just realized that I did not become a resident in the Land of Lotions until the last few years. Pffft.

Makeup comes in two categories - putting it on and taking it off.  After the moisturizer comes the foundation, light powder, blush, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick. If it is an intense session, add tweezers, light eyebrow pencil, under eye concealer, eyeshadow, lipliner and lip gloss.  When the day is over, I rely on the make-up remover and scrub, not to be confused with the special eye makeup remover.  Add tissues, cotton balls, facial wipes, etc.

Rounding out the lineup:  toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, mouthwash, deoderant and perfume.

WOW!  I am really impressed whenever I can pack in only one suitcase!  What I want to know, dear reader, is what is on your list that I have overlooked?  I know this is not the consummate list but it is a good start.  AND, if you use most or all of the things on this list, do you consider yourself to be high maintenance??

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Admitted Night Owl

After the sad note in that last entry, I feel compelled to end my day on a happier, if not scary, note.  The other night I was back home after a pleasant evening out and I was still wide awake and antsy.  So, what did I do?  Did I submerge myself in any of the six hours of the West Wing Marathon I had TIVO'd?  No.  Did I work on either one of my journals?  No.  Did I try to help Jayveeconcerto obtain the safe release of his kidnapped counter? Hahahaha-No!   At 11:30 PM I jump in the car and head to the 24 hour WalMart Super Center a few miles from my home.


What possesses a seemingly "normal" woman, of sufficient intelligence and a healthy dose of common sense, to go to Wal Mart in the middle of the night?  Beats the heck out of me but that is exactly what I did this weekend. Big mistake.  Even bigger learning experience.

In spite of what I have already confessed, I did take precautions.  I drove around the parking lot, which was still quite full, looking for a well-lit space, near the front door.  Only one door is open at this hour of the night I learned.  There was a large congregation of people hanging out near the automatic doors.  They did not look particularly threatening but not wanting to take any chances, I waited until the official Parking Lot Security golf cart drove down my row before I emerged from the car. I had to laugh to myself when I got closer to the entrance and realized that most of the folks "loitering" out front had WalMart badges hanging from their non-descript clothes.  Some were holding their blue vests in their hands, I suspect, as proof they were off the clock. 

I got a cart (big mistake!) and bravely charged forward.  What a nightmare!  It seemed that every aisle was an obstacle course.  Mountains of stock blocked my path at every turn.  I would see the aisle where I needed tuna fish, but I had to go all the way to the aisle with toilet paper to make a U-turn.  I wentahead and stocked up on the tp, and picked up sale crackers, pumpkin pie filling and almonds on my way back to the tuna fish.  Hmmm ... I think I see why I am being forced to take the long way around! 

And, the helpful staff you cannot find during the daylight hours?  Guess what?  They are all stocking shelves in the middle of the night!!

I need to repot a plant that has become rootbound and so I wandered over to the gardening section.  Naturally, at this time of year the selection of gardening supplies is significantly diminished but I found an adequate substitute. Next to the gardening section I was disconcerted to find Christmas trees lit up in the Halloween section.  I was not a Marketing major and I know that WalMart has been very successful (much to the chagrin of the mom and pop enterprises along the way), but it just does not seem right to find animated snowmen next to skeleton costumes.  Even worse is to find glow in the dark makeup and plastic eyelashes next to snowglobes of the Nativity scene. That is just wrong!!

Turns out there are just as many small children filling the aisles in the middle of the night as there are during the day.  The problem at night?  They dart out from between the tall boxes of stock and you do not see them coming until they bounce into your cart and run off in the other direction like a pinball slammed by a flipper. I had visions of the driver's ed film in the simulator where the ball comes out from between two cars and seconds later a child follows.  You slam on the brakes and are hesitant to move forward.  (Do they still teach driver's education that way?)

I'd had enough!  I thought it would be easier and faster to shop in the middle of the night but I was wrong.  And, to make matters worse, of the 36 checkout stations, only four were open and each had a line that wound around, passed the batteries, the candy, the magazines, the pulp fiction, a carousel of cards, the state souvenirs, racks of maps, cotton candy and small packets of tissues, baby wipes, cleanser, nail clippers and toothpaste. Not a complete waste of time.  I learned that Jennifer Aniston is moving on with her life after Brad and Nick and Jessica are wearing their rings. 

I wonder if they have ever had the thrill of shopping Wally World in the middle of the night?  


A Catch-All Entry

My alerts are just not working most of the time so I apologize to any new readers that I have not acknowledged previously.  I am always so glad when someone takes the time to stop by and leave a message for the first time.  I drop them a little note and go visit their journal as well.  Tough to do when you do not realize someone came by and commented on an early entry.  One of these days, AOL!! 

I have seen the gentleman again that I went out with last week.  The ex is a source of deep bitterness. I do not intend to go out with him again.  Nuff said.

CAUTION:  The next two paragraphs are serious and may be disturbing for some. I mentioned last week that my daughter had an employee injured in a car accident. The whole week was touch and go for this young mother.  She was 24 years old and her 4 year old son was in the car with her at the time of the accident.  The son received very minor injuries but the mother passed away yesterday having never regained consciousness.  This is naturally a devasting blow for the school where this young woman was a teacher.  Monday at school will be extremely difficult for all concerned. If you are so inclined, remember them in your prayers. 

I'm not a big believer in the mystical but I am a believer in divine intervention and there is an interesting sidenote to this story.  The police tried to talk with the child this past week to gather any details on how the accident happened.  (We never have learned what caused the accident or who was at fault, etc.)  The policeman asked the son if Mommy was talking to him or turned around or was reaching for something in the backseat, etc.  He told the officer no, and Mommy flew on her wings.  The officer said, "You mean you saw your mommy go through the window?"  The child responded, "No. Mommy flew out of the car on her wings."  Shauna was ejected through the back window of the car and landed some 50 feet away.  (Still cannot figure out how that was possible given the direction of the two vehicles involved.)  We only hope this is always the memory he has of his mother in this accident since it is evidently a pleasant one. 

The Sunday Seven

Pull a couple of items off your pantry and cupboard shelves.  Pick items that you eat fairly regularly.  (You might be able to get seven answers from one single item, depending on what you choose.)  Now list up to seven things in the Ingredients that you don't recognize.  It's an interesting way to see what you're eating... whether you like it or not!

I have chosen Kraft Classic Ranch with Bacon Salad.

sodium bisulfite

sodium phosphate

sodium erythorbate

sodium nitrite


silicon dioxide

Six is enough!  Maybe I am rationalizing but most of those items are associated with the bacon bits in the spice pack. 


The Saturday Six Episode 79

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.    Enjoy!

1. Who was the last person you sent flowers to?  Who was the last person to send you flowers?

The last person I sent flowers to was my daughter for her birthday.  The last person to send me flowers was an ex-boyfriend. 

2. What is your favorite single piece of furniture in your home and why?

A bookcase I had made years ago by an elderly man at church.  He made it to my exact specifications with several short shelves for my paperback books and two taller shelves at the bottom for yearbooks and photo albums.  It is so well made with old fashioned craftsmanship.  Just wonderful!  But heavy as all get out!!

3. You are given the chance to model clothing in a catalog.  What type of clothing would you most want to model and why?

I'd have to say sandals.  I have the feet for it and would prefer to not see any other part of me in a catalog!

4. Take this quiz:  What is your "power color?"

                 Your Power Color Is Magenta


At Your Highest:
You energize yourself and push others to suceed.
At Your Lowest:
You feel frustrated and totally overwhelmed.
In Love:
You are suprised by who you attract. You're a love magnet.
How You're Attractive:
Open and free spirited, people want to explore the world with you.
Your Eternal Question:
"What is my next source of inspiration?"

What's Your Power Color?

5. What product are you mostly likely to buy in bulk?  Have you figured out whether you actually are saving money by doing so?

I pay toilet paper in bulk strictly for the convenience.  I do not shop that much and so I am rarely at the store at the same time as a sale. 

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #75 from Mortimer:  Now that winter is approaching, what is your ultimate comfort food? What guilty pleasure do you eat that is sinfully not good for you but, you can't get enough?

A winter comfort food?  Guess that would be smores. And, my insatiable guilty pleasure? Fudgesicles

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Great Way to Link J-landers

Check this out!  It is a great site for tracking J-landers on a map.  I'm going to add it right under my Wild Cam (streaming video provided by National Geographic where you can watch the animals at Pete's Pond.)  There is so much cool stuff out there on the Internet!!  The world is smaller than we realize.

Jlander Map

Maybe it is getting too much activity because I have been running into technical difficulties, so try typing this URL to access the site.

Announcing: Something new

Do you remember when you were a brand new participant in AOL's J-land?  When the training wheels on your journal were still a little wobbly?  For some of us it was not that long ago.  Last night .... last week .... last month?  There is so much to learn and so many ways to approach it. 

I have created a new journal with the newbie in mind.  Many times I went to links for help and the words used made me more confused.  I felt as though I had been dropped on a strange (but wonderful) planet and Blogese was not my native tongue.

It is my hope that the entries on this new journal will help ease the path.  Its primary focus will be the basics of creating and enhancing a new journal.  Kindergarten level if you will.  There are many links that will provide excellent advice but here you can pose your questions and if I do not know the answer, I will find someone to teach both of us.  And we will keep asking questions until it makes sense!

Please go take a peek.  If you are new, it may answer some questions and raise new ones.  If you are the more experienced blogger, your input is invaluable. 

Everybody is welcome at Still Learning!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I still miss him.


                                        John Denver

                December 12, 1943 - October 12, 1997

Music evokes such a strong emotion and many of us find there are singers who touch our hearts in a special way.  Look at the millions of devotees of Elvis ... of John Lennon ... and others who left their imprints on our hearts.  Such is my connection to John Denver.  He was in his prime when I was first experiencing the deep emotions a young girl feels as she falls in love.  Each of his songs from the mid-70s brings back a specific memory for me. 

"Poems, Prayers and Promises" reminds me of Benny and the banquet we attended at the Red Apple Inn.

"Lady" is dear to my heart remembering when Beau sang it to me as he played his guitar.  (Is it just me, or did it seem like every guy in the 70s owned a guitar?)

"Annie's Song" was "our" song when I fell in love with the man I would marry.

Never before or since has a singer had such an impact on me.  I did get to meet John, years later, after he and Annie had split and he was dating someone I knew.  I saw the human side of him then and, while I was disappointed, I willingly overlooked his personal frailties.  He still represented the grand ideals of someone who truly cares about the world around us and of taking care of nature and the earth.  I treasure the album cover he personally signed for me. 

John graduated from high school here in Dallas and on Saturday, October 9, 1997 he did a "homecoming" concert of sorts.  He introduced the audience to people in attendance who were part of his childhood.  I remember him presenting his favorite high school teacher to the crowd.  She was so pleased. 

Our seats were excellent and in that small venue, it felt very much like a personal exchange.  John sat simply in the middle of the stage with a half circle of guitars as his backdrop.  Throughout the evening he would change guitars and exchange a few words with the audience.  He encouraged us to join him singing the words of the songs that we all knew so well.  He probably could not have stopped us from singing!  He moved us.  There were a couple of times he jokingly asked us to let him do the verses and join him in the chorus. The second time he said that he laughed and said, "Oh, go ahead and sing.  You know the words as well as I know the words."

John performed in one more concert in Houston, Texas and then, on the next Tuesday, October 12, 1997, he left us. 

To me, John Denver never grew older than he was in the 1970s.  And, because of his untimely death, he will stay forever young.  I still miss him. 


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Birthdays, Quiet Moments and Karaoke

Saturday was Tender Heart's birthday and she had various celebrations throughout the day.  I cannot believe I have a daughter that is 28 years old already!  (You may have seen the National Enquirer edition that announced when I gave birth to her at the tender age of seven.)  She is a delight in my life and I am so grateful to be back in the same community as her again.  We have always been close but the six years we lived miles apart seems to have drawn us even closer now. 

I took Tender Heart and her husband, HummerGuy, to lunch as we had planned, but we were all a little distracted.  Tender Heart is the director of a private school and one of her young teachers and her four year old son were in a serious car accident Friday night.  The police could not find any way to contact the family but they did find my daughter's number in her purse.  TH spent most of Friday night at the hospital and did not get home or to sleep until the wee hours of Saturday morning.

Our lunch conversation focused primarily around the condition of the two patients and the very timely conversation my daughter had with this teacher on Friday.  In the hustle and bustle of work, thoughtful conversations are rare but TH and this teacher had had just such a discussion that day at school.  HummerGuy and I did our best to keep the conversation lively but often we saw her drift away.  Bless her heart.  My daughter has had to experience far more of life's adventures than the average young woman her age. But that is another entry.  [Note:  The four year old only had to have a few stitches but the mother was ejected from the car and, sadly, is still in a coma.]

After lunch HummerGuy took her shopping.  They had dinner with some other couples that night and then everyone got together at The British Rose to indulge our personal "American Idol" fantasies with some karaoke.  When I say "everyone" I am referencing a very eclectic crowd.  My daughter has two close friends from childhood and so those three couples had dinner together.  Then, as they frequently do, they include parents, siblings, former teachers, other friends and their parents for an evening of fun and singing.  I have gone out with them on occasion when there were three generations represented and everyone has a great time.  Saturday night was no exception!

TenderHeart was part of a song and dance troup in high school and that very talented group even cut a CD at one point with dreams of Broadway productions dancing in their heads.  The producer of this venture acted as though they could all get "deals" for their own recordings but ultimately only one of the young men was highlighted.  It was fine.  They had a lot of fun along the way. 

Another member of that high school group, whom I will call Talent here, did go on to New York and appeared in some Broadway and off Broadway shows.  His most notable gig was in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat."  Talent did some other summer stock productions and is now back working in Dallas. Talent is one of the extended group of my daughter's high school friends that still stay in touch. I love it when Talent joins us for karaoke. As you can imagine, he sings very well and when Talent and TH do duets, I get goosebumps!

The problem with karaoke, other than the obvious flinching moments when wanna-be singers strain too hard, is that a good karaoke place can have a long rotation.  It makes for a long evening if you have to sit through 25 songs to get to your turn again.  Saturday night was fun since so many in our party chose to sing.  About every third song was someone we knew.  Lots of cheers and whistles and the occasional song accompanied by an interpretive dance to try and throw off the singer.  It is tough not to laugh when someone we know is belting out Prince's "Purple Rain" and my daughter and one of her girlfriends decide to play ballerina in front of the "stage."

HummerGuy sang a Brad Paisley song "Little Moments". Talent and TH sang"The Time of My Life" from Dirty Dancing. Talent sang Lionel Richie's "Truly" at my request. Others with our group sang some songs I cannot recall and then TH belted out "Red Neck Woman" which always makes me so proud (NOT!).  As for me, I sang Norah Jones' "Lonestar."  Not my usual but still fun.

All in all it was a great evening and we kept my little girl's attention on more pleasant thoughts for a few hours.



Sunday, October 9, 2005

Since you asked and even if you didn't

I have had some inquiries as to how my date went Friday night.  If you recall, we left our heroine (that would be me) in a slight tizzy since she had just revealed her important personal information in a scam online.  Well, it did not stop me from the matters at hand.  I took care of business and still went on my date.

This was the first time for me to actually meet this gentleman face to face.  We had met through an online service (which I find to be far superior to the bar scene) and had been enjoying getting to know one another through email correspondence.  We knew much of what the other liked by discussing our Must Haves and Can't Stands in a relationship.  But this was the litmus test.  We had each seen the other's picture but those can often be deceiving so they do not carry much weight with me. 

In spite of how open you may think I am giving out information online, I will not give out my phone number or address or even last name until I have a very strong comfort level.  This has always worked well for me and I am evidently a pretty good judge of character because I have had good success in meeting some very nice guys through the internet and many whom I still consider friends.  [I do not need any warnings of how dangerous this is. That privilege is reserved for my family. I am old enough to make rational decisions and I do not take any risks.  I actually have a set of "rules" I follow and will be glad to share those details with anyone who cares to inquire.] It is a scary world out there but I am not cocooned and I am careful.

Ironically enough, out of all the people in the pool, without revealing too much to the other (in the event one of us was a stalker), we figured out we lived roughly in the same neighborhood. He suggested we get together at a nearby Starbucks for coffee.  Safe enough.  When he asked me out he offered two choices of dates and times and I picked Friday evening.  I drove myself, of course, and arrived early. I'm not a big coffee drinker and it turns out, neither is he, but this is a very comfortable place to meet and sit around visiting with no pressure to vacate a table for the next patrons.                                        

I waited outside at one of the small tables and as he approached crossing the parking lot, he called out a greeting.  My response?  "Hello.  Are you Bob?"  

"No, I'm Bill."  I was mortified that I had called him by the wrong name but I laughed and apologized.  I knew his name was Bill!  (Just so you know.  His name is not Bill or Bob.  I am protecting the innocent but you get the drift.)

He was a good sport and said, "Well, let's get something to drink before Bob gets here." (Sense of humor.  Check.)

I could not believe I made such a critical social blunder.  It is not like I do this so much I cannot keep things straight on all the guys in my life.  And, I am not one to get particularly nervous about a first date.  I really think I was still rattled about the internet scam.  Either way, I did it and he was gracious.

Side bar:  For those of you who may never ventured into a Starbucks because you do not drink coffee, let me recommend the Chia Tea. I discovered it about three years ago and it is wonderful!!  Hot or iced. Yummy!

We spent the next three hours talking about everything.  Very comfortable.  He then suggested we go get a bite to eat and that turned into another hour and a half of enjoyable conversation.  There was a fair balance of talking and plenty of laughs.  Not a bad evening. And, he was actually better looking than his picture had revealed.

Turns out he lives less than half a mile from my son's house where I currently reside.  Knowing each other's street seems safe enough.  We actually had a lot in common but he stills harbors a lot of resentment toward his ex.  I will overlook/forgive a certain amount of anomosity toward the ex in the getting-to-know-you first conversations.  If we go out again and the ex-Mrs. Starbucks is still a strong point of discussion, I will be much less tolerant. I prefer to date guys who have moved on with their lives. 

The only red flag that was raised for me:  When I mentioned the flurry of activity I had gone through prior to the date (shutting down credit cards, etc.) he offered his assistance.  Turns out he has the three credit reporting agencies loaded on his cell phone.  What's up with that??  For now I will chalk it up to a very organized and cautious person but my radar is up. 

Bottom line:  I have no idea if we will ever go out again in spite of his comments to indicate otherwise. No sparks flew but we did have a good time.  I will keep you posted. 

The Sunday Seven - Episode 6

For all the pertinent details on Patrick's Sunday Seven, check here.

Name seven books (title and author, please) on your bookshelf that you couldn't resist buying...but that you haven't read yet!

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. 

I hit the Half-Price Bookstore recently and went hog wild which I am prone to do.  The rest of my books (probably 15 boxes) are still in storage for another month.   

1.  "10 Secrets I Learned From The Apprentice"  by Anthony Parinello with Beth Gottfried

2.  "The Broker" by John Grisham 

3.  "a lotus grows in the mud" by Goldie Hawn

4.  "Technical Writing for DUMMIES" by Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts

5.  "Accounting for DUMMIES" by John A Tracy, CPA

6.  "What Falls Away" by Mia Farrow   (This is "the poison pen letter accusing Allen of bizarre behavior culminating in his seducing one of her adopted daughters.")

7.  "Body of Evidence" by Patricia Cornwell


The Saturday Six Episode 78

For all of the pertinent details of The Saturday Six, check here. 

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.  Enjoy!

1. What's your favorite brand and flavor of ice cream when you go grocery shopping?  Is there any of it in your freezer right now?

Blue Bell's Double Fudge Brownie.  Unfortunately, there is none of it in my freezer at this time. Stupid diet! 

2. When was the last time you ate a fresh fruit as a snack rather than something not "diet friendly?"

I ate grapefruit today in place of the Little Debbie Swiss Rolls that have been calling my name.  What's with the food questions?  Stupid diet.

3. Take this quiz:  What language should you learn?

                    You Should Learn Swedish


Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.
Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!

What Language Should You Learn?

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #72 from Cdmmw2:  If you could relive one moment of your life and watch it (like a movie) but not interfere, what would it be?

I have to go with two moments.  The first time I held each of my babies.

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #73 from Debbie:  What was something you were afraid of as a child?  Did you overcome the fear?

I did not handle change well when I started school.  New teachers, new schools, new sights and sounds.  My coping mechanism was to cry.  I got over it big time.  But I still will cry under stress.  Hate that!! 

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #74 from Anna:   If someone were to open your refrigerator right now, what item would it embarrass you most for them to find?

Anotherfood question?  It is a conspiracy.  Whose French onion dip is that?! And, where are those chips? 


Just when you think you have seen it all

AOL is currently focusing on luxury campgrounds in the Marketplace section.  As you can see from my All About Me piece, I am a lover of air-conditioned campsites.  I said that with tongue in cheek and here it is.  Actually, close to my backyard!  Gotta love it! 



Camping in style.                      Not exactly roughing it

Saturday, October 8, 2005

The tension is mounting

What a day it has been!  I spent the morning making up for my lapse in judgement last night and closed, changed or alerted anyone potentially impacted by the scam I fell for yesterday.  It was a lesson well learned but I do not think I am going to suffer long term fallout.  (Hope I do not look back on that last sentence in weeks to come and kick myself!)

I took my daughter/Tender Heart and son in law/HummerGuy to lunch to celebrate her birthday.  HummerGuy is taking her out to dinner and then a bunch of her friends and some of us older party people will get together later for fun and karaoke.  Whoopee! I love to hear Tender Heart and her friends sing.  They are good!!  Depending on the crowd, I may make a fool of myself at least once.  I'm usually good for one attempt.  It takes me so long to work up the courage to sing and then the list is so long I never get around to a second try.  That is probably just as well!!

This afternoon I spent a good little amount of time submitting my nominations for the VIVI awards.  I plan to get a front row seat along the red carpet to take pictures of everyone dressed up for the big night.  I might even try to get a couple of autographs as the beautiful people go into the ceremony.  I have found the full page ads in The Variety to be either shamelessly tacky or highly informative.  Everyone has definite opinions of their choices for nomination.  You can feel the tension mounting!  Of course, there are the "let- me- take- myself- out- of- the- running- before- I- don't- even -get- nominated" naysayers.  They would be singing a different tune if they had been better received at the Moonstomp Festival earlier this year.  The independents will no doubt make a strong showing. I can hardly wait until the short list is announced. 

Click here for the official site and nomination/submission form

Good luck to everyone!!!


Friday, October 7, 2005

I Thought I Knew Better

I am posting this as a public service announcement.  I have been kicking myself for hours because I fell for a scam and am now the potential victim of identity theft.  I thought (very much in the past tense now) of myself as very savvy and not one to fall for some stupid online scam but I did. 

It started as a notice from Hallmark notifying me that I had been the recipient of "an e-card from a friend or loved one."  I clicked on this email and looked for my e-card.  I was connected to the main Hallmark site.  No greeting.  Hmmm ... that is odd.  As I moved into the Hallmark site I had clicked on a response and obviously opened a program that gave someone access to my computer.  But I had not noticed.  I was just looking to see who was sending me an e-card.

I click out of the Hallmark site.  Oh, well.

I get a pop-up from AOL about my billing account information.  This is the only place where I will defend myself.  I recently changed my billing account and it made sense that AOL would need updated information.  I thought I had dropped the ball properly notifying AOL on my account change.  I was in a rush and did not want to deal with it at that moment so I tried to click out of the AOL screen but it would not let me.  From the verbiage, I realized that I had put my AOL account at risk and it appeared I might be closed down.  That would be a pain.  I could not get past the AOL screen .... so I proceeded to provide AOL with the info they needed.   

I am now horrified when I realize how I walked into this scam.  When I provided all of the details and still could not get out of the screen, I called AOL only to learn my account was fine.  There was no pop-up sent from AOL. 

I have since learned that the bogus scam was attached to the Hallmark greeting.  They just seemed unrelated at the time. 

So, please.  Be smarter than me. I have had to call everybody and their dog to try and stop this from going further. In some cases I may be too late.  I am going to spend the rest of the weekend doing damage control.  And, Monday is a holiday so who knows how far this can go by Tuesday.  I am just sick.

I'm just a Renaissance woman living in a carb counting world

In the world that was gaga over Twiggy in the 60s, the acceptance of curves has been slow in catching on.  Beyonce is helping.  JLo's bum is accepted.  I've even seen some positive press about putting pounds back on to stay healthy.  Of course, those encouragements were for Laura Thin Boyle at 88 lbs and Mary Kate Olsen coming in a close second.  Does someone have to get skeletal to be encouraged to put meat on their bones? 

Do you sense I am struggling with my diet and looking for encouragement?  Can you tell I have accepted a date for tonight and want to lose 20 lbs by 7 PM?  (I actually want/need to lose more but I am trying to remain realistic in my expectations.)

I've grown up with such mixed signals.  Buxom Jane Russell, Jane Mansfield and sexpot Marilyn Monroe would be targets in the tabloids of the 21st century for tipping the scales. 

I remember seeing Karen Carpenter in concert when I was in college in the early 70s.  Karen was dressed in a 50s Doo Wop poodle skirt and wore a leather bikers' jacket.  She took them off after the opening songs and there was another outfit under it.  Cute.  She and Richard sang a couple more songs.  Again, she shed an outfit onstage and the crowd cheered its approval.  How cool was that?  She had on three outfits and still looked small to "normal" in all three.  There was no way she could have on any more layers.  She was so little.  But we were wrong.  A short time later, Karen disrobed again and this time she was down to a little leather mini-skirt and a tiny shirt.  The crowd was shocked.  Even though she got wild applause for having fooled us, yet again, you could see from the faces of everyone looking at one another, something just wasn't right. 

In circa 1973, no one had talked about anorexia.  My friends and I did not have name for what we were witnessing but we knew Karen had reached a point that made us uncomfortable.  It turned us off.  Obviously, whoever choreographed The Carpenters events at that time felt they were giving the audience what they wanted.  I'm sorry it cost a wonderful singer her life. 

I had seen too thin and I did not want to go there.  But why did I turn and race, run, walk and then waddle my way in the other direction?!  I could point at a myriad of reasons I want to blame for my added girth.  Hormones, getting on the pill, getting off the pill, getting pregnant, another baby, grazing as a SAHM, a divorce, a move, a change in jobs, complacency, lack of control .... Heck, I've even undermined past diets by convincing myself I would lose my well earned cleavage!  I have to stop this madness! 

Here sits a woman who knows what constitutes a healthy diet, a well-balanced meal and the risks of excess poundage.  Eureka!  I think I found the culprit.  In the first two words of this paragraph. 

H-E-R-E  S-I-T-S

I'm getting up and getting out!  It is no longer 104 degrees here like last week.  The weather has a crisp, Fall feel and I'm going to take a walk. 

I wonder how far I can go before 7 o'clock tonight?



(I started to go find graphics to illustrate this entry but realized it was yet another excuse to stay seated.  I'll come back later and edit.  Wow!  I actually have will power?!)